Month: February 2011

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    @tmellc To be honest, I’m put off by the sickly pink colour scheme. I bet @randomknits will say the same. (Also, I tend to block spammers!)

    Wow. Sounds like the Verizon iPhone is tempting my Mom to switch. I figured she’d be a die-hard Android hold-out. #tippingpoint

    @CelenaStagman91 Blocking you, spammer.

    Today is my day for twitter spam, it seems. I’ve blocked and reported two users already!

    @redambition So far it’s you, me, Snook, and @kunaal84! Go team geekgirlrunner! 🙂

    I am COVERED in freakin’ feathers. COVERED.

    @randomknits You have no idea.

    @thezedmiester All will be revealed on the blog in a couple days…

    @drkknits Do you know they DYE turkey feathers black? My fingers looked like they’re singed. And my couch looks like a bird died.

    @drkknits I definitely am! And hey, I had a rash on Friday. And now I’m covered in features. BRING ON MILA KUNIS, WOOO.

    @drkknits Features? FEATHERS. #birdbrain

    @randomknits Yep. I even got it on my face somehow!

    Google Australia are cancelling their hiring initiative. This is more disappointing than you think. 🙁

    Last minute monkey supplies… (@ Lincraft)

    A new low in public behavior. Woman next to me on bench on York St is picking off her toe calluses. PUKE.

    Heartbreaker have just launched their Spring 2011 line: SO CUTE. NEED MOAR PRETTY DRESSES NOW!

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    Gearing up for tonight’s Jamie Oliver 30 Min. Meal experiment: Cheat’s Pizza, 3 Delish Salads, Squashed Cherries & Vanilla Marscapone Cream!

    @Bells_G To me it was slightly weird. As if there are only 2 groups: those with kids and the infertile. What about those who choose not to?

    @Bells_G She just makes it sound so binary. Am I supposed to feel less of a woman for choosing not to have kids? Not arguing; just musing…

    Just blogged: Jamie’s 30 Min Meals #3 – Cheat’s Pizza, 3 Salads, & Cherry Marscapone Dessert. Perfect for a summer eve!

    @randomknits Did you get some comfy shoes? Best of luck – you can do it!

  • Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals #3: Cheat’s Pizza

    This was our third official cooking/blogging attempt from Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals. It’s been so hot in Sydney this week that we wanted to choose a “cooler” meal, something with lots of salad. We settled on Cheat’s Pizza with 3 Delish Salads, Squashed Cherries & Vanilla Marscapone Cream. It actually worked out pretty perfectly, as we had a surfeit of tomatoes and basil from our weekly veggie box, and cherries were on special at the grocery store.

    Cheat's Pizza with 3 Salads and Cherry Marscapone Cream

    Quick verdict: This was the first recipe where we didn’t substitute anything; we had it all. This was also our FASTEST attempt yet! Elapsed time: 38:26. That’s pretty damn good! I think you could easily get this one down to 30 minutes once you had the recipe memorised. (There’s also a step we’d eliminate if we did it again; more on that in a minute.) Overall I rated it 9/10, while the Snook judged it 8/10.


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    @randomknits noooooooo. I bought 4 of those! 🙁

    Me and Snook at Strathfield Park. It is literally over 100F.

    @carbolicious Awesome, so glad you liked it! WE ARE SEX BOB-OMB. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4!

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    Don’t think I’ll go to the RAS Arts Preview Night. $27 is too expensive for what it is. For that, I can go to the Show (w/ free transport).

    Upon further investigation, Show tickets are $34 (or $31 on preorder). THIS WHOLE THING IS A RORT.

    @jannism Well, I *could*, but it would involve a time machine to 1993. And lots of weed.

    @drkknits Well, now I’m tempted to suck it up and go to the Preview night. Unless you want to hit the Show together?

    @drkknits Aww, thanks. You should give to somebody who can’t afford it. I’m just being a tight-arse. 🙂

    @squozen Rodd uses Exetel. I think they do that? It’s pretty much “a la carte”. He spents < $20/month on his plan.

    @squozen It’s resold Voda, I think.

    @squozen Ahhh, sorry. 🙂

    @witty_knitter @knitabulous So we all boycott the Preview night this year? There’s a thought.

    Company is looking for a few more web devs: Let me know if you’re interested!

    @mpesce Congratulations! Did you get a tree? Clover didn’t give me a tree; instead I got a lousy inkpen.

    @knitdra I am on my second iPhone4. I adore it. I am surgically attached to it. It is my favorite gadget of all time.

    @carbolicious Hmmm. Can you mail me a piece??

    Medical mystery solved: heat rash! My whinging about the weather is now justified, as it’s actually attacking me physically.

    @AusVintageGrrl Do they sell Noxema in Australia? Man, I loved Noxema.

    @henrytapia Snook will be excited.

    @henrytapia I was not being ironic in the slightest. He is the only straight, male Roxette fan in the entire world.

    Oh @gruber. Tell me that wasn’t a snark on knitting & crafting in your blog pitch for the Talk Show episode. Why is that meant to be funny?

    @gruber I had to double-take. Knitting is HUGE online. @ravelry is building an iPhone app. It’s not as far from your interests as you think.

  • Becoming Australian

    Today a fellow Yank also became a fellow Aussie and wrote an excellent essay on “Mateship and becoming Aussie.” Good on ya, Mark.

  • RunningBlog: Week 5

    Ups and downs. It’s been such a hot week, but I started the week with a big UP! On Sunday I did my longest run in many months, a 17.2km run-walk to Centennial Park and back. I did 1:1 run/walk the whole way and it worked great! The walk breaks really helped with my recovery the next day. On Monday I did an easy run/walk home from work in the evening and then a short core workout. On Tuesday I went to Spudds after work and then did an easy run/walk home. Wednesday was Spudds again, and that’s when I crashed. He had me trying to do chin-ups, and it was just total frustration. I spent the next two days in a total funk. Today I woke up determined to finish the week with a decent run. It started well but towards the end my right foot was aching. I definitely think I’ve strained it a little. So I walked the last ten minutes back to the house, and that’s when I noticed my chest was burning. I mean, on the outside. My skin. It was on fire, all around the collar of my shirt. I got home and pulled it off to see a huge red splotchy rash from my collarbone to my sports bra. No idea what caused it, and it’s still itching several hours later. GAHHHH.

    Jan. 30: 17.22km
    Jan. 31: 2.98km
    Feb. 1: 2.94km
    Feb. 4: 6.00km
    Total this week: 29.14km (18.2mi)
    Total this year: 111.95km (70mi)

    To meet my goal of running 1100km in 2011, I should be at 105.7km. As expected, that long run made up quite a bit of distance. I’m now about 6km ahead of pace. Hmm. Maybe that’s why my poor foot is feeling tired? These cutback weeks are a Good Thing.

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    @witty_knitter @drkknits I had a lovely FB message today from a high school friend asking about Yasi (and she knew it wasn’t near us)!

    @witty_knitter @drkknits Blizzards may seem like just snow, but I’d wager deaths will be sadly way higher than Yasi.

    @drkknits @witty_knitter My back is really sore today from the gym. Sadly, this is the tragedy most occupying MY mind.


    @chrisgander Seriously? I didn’t know that. Ugh. I’ll have to stop playing it.

    Crazy red itchy burny chest rash/allergic reaction. Snook is threatening to buy me a robot surrogate to go to work while I live in a bubble.