Month: February 2011

  • Star Wars: Starring YOU

    My step-brother Colfax has won the Internet. That is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. It probably helps to know that Luke is Colfax, Leia is my step-mom Cindy, Han is my Dad, and Obi-Wan is their dog Sprocket. COLFAX, YOU ARE A GENIUS.

  • Valentine’s Heart Layer Cake

    Valentine’s Heart Layer Cake. I am an absolute sucker for hidden designs inside cakes. That is so clever!

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    Market Researcher just called offering to send DVD of new sitcom to get my feedback. YES. More people need to heed my opinions on things.

    @Camee Awesome! Have fun at the ride/gig. 🙂

    @SMinney Don’t be silly. The US is getting snow! Snow is cold! How can that be global warming?! Jesus wants us to drive SUVs!!!

    @drkknits Everyone mostly focuses on their own specific tragedy. Not many Egyptians tweeting about snow or cyclones!

    @drkknits Ah, I see your point. It’s weird to read about realities so different from ours! And both having freak rare natural disasters…

    @drkknits Such useful contributions! 😛

    Days like this make me seriously contemplate cutting off all my hair. Wonder whether I’d read as “pixie” or “butch.” Probably the latter.

    What I said to the bus driver: “Thank you!” What I actually meant: “You should really deal with your rage issues.”

    @miss_reecie HOORAY! Was hoping to see that update today. CONGRATULATIONS!

    @AusVintageGrrl Awww, best of luck to Roh. He’s gonna do great at school! 🙂

    @chrisgander Yup. Monkeys are nearly assembled. Hoping to go live Sunday night, or early next week. Will let you know!

    @chrisgander Heh. You guessed it. Shhhhh! I have to run to Lincraft at lunch to get more feathers. 🙂

    @SassieQ We use Sydney FoodConnect. $35 for box of organic local fruit & veg every week; pick up from neighbour down the street.

    @SassieQ Ah. With only 2 of us at home, we barely make it through 1 small box a week! Big one would just rot in our house.

  • Lessons in Manliness from Atticus Finch

    Lessons in Manliness from Atticus Finch. I love To Kill a Mockingbird SO MUCH. You can keep your Great Gatsby and your Catcher in the Rye; as far as I’m concerned, Mockingbird is The Great American Novel.

  • Right on, Ross Gittins

    “Floods expose national loss of loyalty and respect for leaders.” Right on, Ross Gittins. Fully agree. Also, I think “deathbed bastardry of Kristina Keaneally” needs to be an album title NOW.

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    My opera write-up and photos got published by @innerwestlive!

    I should NOT have checked nutrition information on that Guzman burrito. 90g of carbs! No wonder they always put me in a coma.

    RT @toastman: Jaipur Indian Sweets have opened a branch in York St between Market St and King St (Sydney). // cc @venks79 @kunaal84

    @mikeh2bi Yes, I think that’s definitely the go next time I’m there…

    Found an old pic of me & Mom this morning. Isn’t she gorgeous? And what a fatty-boombalatty bub I am. 🙂

    @thepurple8 @lahondaknitter @kristinrohan Awww, thanks!

    Snook managed 5 days of commuting on his bike before stacking it. He’s okay; just skinned a knee. Inevitable, he says. #worry

    @that_alison I think UK English has just as many superfluous bits. One that drives me up the wall is “orientate.” Needless extra syllable!

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  • City Farming

    I just made a post on Life in Chippendale about a proposal to convert part of Sydney Park and the Powerhouse Museum carpark into educational and farming facilities. Great idea! I love the idea of little urban farms. (It was The Goode Life that did it.)