My step-brother Colfax has won the Internet. That is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. It probably helps to know that Luke is Colfax, Leia is my step-mom Cindy, Han is my Dad, and Obi-Wan is their dog Sprocket. COLFAX, YOU ARE A GENIUS.
Month: February 2011
Valentine’s Heart Layer Cake
Valentine’s Heart Layer Cake. I am an absolute sucker for hidden designs inside cakes. That is so clever!
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Market Researcher just called offering to send DVD of new sitcom to get my feedback. YES. More people need to heed my opinions on things.
@Camee Awesome! Have fun at the ride/gig. 🙂
@SMinney Don’t be silly. The US is getting snow! Snow is cold! How can that be global warming?! Jesus wants us to drive SUVs!!!
@drkknits Everyone mostly focuses on their own specific tragedy. Not many Egyptians tweeting about snow or cyclones!
@drkknits Ah, I see your point. It’s weird to read about realities so different from ours! And both having freak rare natural disasters…
@drkknits Such useful contributions! 😛
Days like this make me seriously contemplate cutting off all my hair. Wonder whether I’d read as “pixie” or “butch.” Probably the latter.
What I said to the bus driver: “Thank you!” What I actually meant: “You should really deal with your rage issues.”
@miss_reecie HOORAY! Was hoping to see that update today. CONGRATULATIONS!
@AusVintageGrrl Awww, best of luck to Roh. He’s gonna do great at school! 🙂
@chrisgander Yup. Monkeys are nearly assembled. Hoping to go live Sunday night, or early next week. Will let you know!
@chrisgander Heh. You guessed it. Shhhhh! I have to run to Lincraft at lunch to get more feathers. 🙂
@SassieQ We use Sydney FoodConnect. $35 for box of organic local fruit & veg every week; pick up from neighbour down the street.
@SassieQ Ah. With only 2 of us at home, we barely make it through 1 small box a week! Big one would just rot in our house.
Lessons in Manliness from Atticus Finch
Lessons in Manliness from Atticus Finch. I love To Kill a Mockingbird SO MUCH. You can keep your Great Gatsby and your Catcher in the Rye; as far as I’m concerned, Mockingbird is The Great American Novel.
Right on, Ross Gittins
“Floods expose national loss of loyalty and respect for leaders.” Right on, Ross Gittins. Fully agree. Also, I think “deathbed bastardry of Kristina Keaneally” needs to be an album title NOW.
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My opera write-up and photos got published by @innerwestlive!
I should NOT have checked nutrition information on that Guzman burrito. 90g of carbs! No wonder they always put me in a coma.
RT @toastman: Jaipur Indian Sweets have opened a branch in York St between Market St and King St (Sydney). // cc @venks79 @kunaal84
@mikeh2bi Yes, I think that’s definitely the go next time I’m there…
Found an old pic of me & Mom this morning. Isn’t she gorgeous? And what a fatty-boombalatty bub I am. 🙂
@thepurple8 @lahondaknitter @kristinrohan Awww, thanks!
Snook managed 5 days of commuting on his bike before stacking it. He’s okay; just skinned a knee. Inevitable, he says. #worry
@that_alison I think UK English has just as many superfluous bits. One that drives me up the wall is “orientate.” Needless extra syllable!
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- Arrested Development Clue Board Game – I love this and want it to be real SO MUCH. (I actually snorted out loud when I saw Tobias’s character.)
City Farming
I just made a post on Life in Chippendale about a proposal to convert part of Sydney Park and the Powerhouse Museum carpark into educational and farming facilities. Great idea! I love the idea of little urban farms. (It was The Goode Life that did it.)