Month: March 2011

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    Anybody looking for a Technical Architect role? We’re on the lookout for someone with mad technical skillz… DM me if you like!

    Trying out new hair salon. This place is a little more punk than my usual!

    @richapplefool Be sure to look for my knitting while you’re there. ๐Ÿ™‚

    New hair: blonder plus layers.

    @imdominating DAMN YOU. I meant to leave for work like half an hour ago, and yet I KEEP PUSHING THE MAGIC PACEY BUTTON.

    @imdominating I also have a sudden urge to buy Rodd a peacoat for winter.

    @venks79 Heh. Please tell @rajsingh2505 to log an issue for changing logo on holding page. ๐Ÿ™‚ Be there soon…

  • Smug. Smart. Has to pee.

    “People with full bladders make better decisions, scientists discover.” Very interesting! I have a long-held personal theory that the male ability to pee standing up results in grown men who have no ability to “hold it” for any length of time. This research therefore indicates that women – who are much better at waiting for a toilet rather than peeing up against the nearest tree or wall, like YUCK DUDES PLEASE STOP – are actually SMARTER because of it! #smug #smart #hastopee

  • Wonder Woman

    Last Sunday I went for my longest run ever: just over 14 miles (22.6km). I was well-prepared. I taped my injured foot myself. I put Voltaren on all my niggling sore places. I had my water belt and four packets of Endura gel for nutrition. I’d also lined up The Other Kris to meet me half-way and run a bit together. It was great! The whole run went perfectly. I first ran through Newtown to Sydney Park, where I did a little tour of the wetlands and cricket ground. Then I headed through the industrial wasteland of Alexandria on my way to Centennial Park. I met Kris in the park and we ran about 6km together. My planning was spot-on, as I finished the two loops in the park with exactly 3.5km left to run home. The Snook met me on Cleveland Street and ran the rest of the way back to the house with me. Then I drank two chocolate milks and had an ice bath. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Such an amazing run merited a reward, I decided. Issy mentioned on Twitter that the MAC Wonder Woman line was finally available. I’m not a huge make-up wearer, but who can resist bright red lippie in a Wonder Woman case? I stopped by DJ’s last night to try it on and ended up buying it.

    Wonder Woman lippie

    I love it! When I finish my next – even longer! – long run, I might have to reward myself with another item from the collection…

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    New hair: blonder plus layers.

    New hair: blonder plus layers.

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    Dude. Bieber’s “First Dance” is a surprisingly dirty song, right? Or is that just me?

    Most expensive lipstick I’ve ever bought in my life, but I love it. @ David Jones

    @redambition I couldn’t wait. Went to DJ’s after work. Red was intimidating at first, but it actually looks GOOD on me!

    MAC Wonder Woman lippie in Matte Russian Red. It’s all @redambition’s fault.

    @redambition Haha… Sure thing. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @kunaal84 That actually made me hesitate! ๐Ÿ™‚

    @Glompbot @redambition Yep! Google “MAC wonder woman.” Also gloss, mascara, liner, compacts, etc all in awesome WW packaging!!

    Haters gonna hate, but Snook and I are definitely getting the new iPad.

    RT @gilmae: Today, we are all Irish. // Heh. I’ll jump on that bandwagon.

    @gilmae Yep. Snook’s laptop died & we decided 1 laptop (mine) and 1 iPad2 were cheaper given our usage. Plus: SHINY and TOMORROW.

    @richbuggy Why would you ever pity someone who can afford to buy something that makes them happy? Odd attitude.

    @richbuggy Ah, well then you’re just being willfully ignorant. I didn’t buy the 1st iPad as didn’t need it. Also didn’t buy new MacBook Pro.

    @richbuggy But – you successfully trolled, so I guess you get +10 anti-apple points? I hear you can buy a “Xoom” with them.

    @miftik I wanted the first one, but couldn’t justify it. Now that Snook’s laptop is dead, we finally have a need for one!

    Just freaked out @seanchadwick when he realised I was wearing lipstick. “YOU CAN’T JUST DO THAT!” #bizarroworld

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    Most expensive lipstick I’ve ever bought in my life, but I love it.

    Most expensive lipstick I've ever bought in my life, but I love it.

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    RT @GGDSydney: Sign up to attend GGDsydney event 10th March: cyber security, National broadband network, javascrip …

    @randomknits I don’t know about hexagons, but I made a quilt by hand without much experience. You can do it!

    I just ordered a ukelele off Amazon. I blame @amandapalmer. Now I have to figure out how to play it!

    @thisismywww That one! It was free since I had some gift certs. ๐Ÿ™‚

    The Snook is mocking me as a ukelele-playing, retro-dress-wearing hipster. Sadly, it’s true. Next on the list: FIXIE! (Just kidding.)

    @gilmae Ha! Found you on there. Followed.

    @Roceal Ooh, thanks for that! Will bookmark for when it gets here. ๐Ÿ™‚

    The Snook has just pointed out that I’ve been spelling ukulele wrong “on the twitters.” DAMN HIPSTER PEDANT.

    @redambition So how much is the perfect red lippie going to cost me, and where do I get it?

    @redambition Ah, but I can’t judge these things on my own. I have terrible colour sense! When are you in the city next? ๐Ÿ™‚

    @redambition Crap. Getting my hair cut Thurs at 6. Before/after AGM, maybe?

    @venks79 Good luck!!!

    Do other people get calls from head hunters to their work number? That seems super inappropriate to me.

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  • Compression Garments

    Here’s an excellent round-up of scientific research on compression garments. The consensus seems to be that there’s little evidence they help athletic performance, but they may aid in recovery. Huh. Maybe I’ll save my SKINS for after my next long run…