Month: March 2011
Running Music
Running Music
I got an email from Jimmi asking: “Have you ever shared your running playlist? I have just started training and I’m not sure what music to use.” Here’s my reply:Hi Jimmi! Nowadays I mostly listen to running podcasts, actually. My favourites
at the moment are:B-HAG Running Podcast
Running with the Pack
Running the Golden Years
You Don’t Have to Run Alone
Slow Runners ClubWhen I was first starting out and doing Couch to 5K, I loved Robert Ullrey’s podcasts for it. They’re mostly just dance music, but the intervals are built in so you know whether you’re meant to be running or walking. It was really helpful.
If you prefer music to talking when you run, Podrunner is a great show. The DJ
organises each show around a specific “beats-per-minute”, so you can find out exactly which tempo you like to run to.I hope that helps!
Health Month
Health Month – Rules for April
It’s almost time for the April game of Health Month to start, and I think I’ve got my rules nailed down. I’ve been adding more each month as I reinforce the habits that I’ve learned. In February I had 3 rules; in March I had 8 rules; and in April I’m going for 11. Some of the MeFites on our team have been listing their rules and their justifications, so I’m going to do that here as well.1. Bring lunch to work 2 days a week – This one is two-fold. There’s a financial benefit, in that I save money by not going out to lunch. There’s also a health benefit, in that the food I bring is generally healthier than what you can buy in the neighbourhood.
2. Study BABOK (Business Analyst Book of Knowledge) at least 1 day a week – This is a career goal. Last year I felt like I was spinning my wheels at work a little bit, so I’m trying to shake things up. Each week I print out and study about 20 pages more of the BABOK.
3. Limit internet usage to 24 hours a week – This one is more nebulous than it sounds. Basically, I just want to limit my aimless, messing about on the Internet time. I don’t keep track to the minute or anything; it’s more like a rating system. On my best days, I rate myself about a 2. On my worst days, it might be 6 or 8. This one is pretty much key if I want to accomplish anything else on the list.
4. Allow 2 alcoholic drinks a week – I actually cheat and expand this to mean two days with allowed drinking per week. Having the SodaStream at home has helped a lot, as I don’t missing having a glass of wine with dinner if I can have sparkling water. This is giving both a financial and a health benefit!
5. Floss every day – Self-explanatory.
6. Go to bed before 10pm at least 4 days a week – I have trouble with this one. In March I tried 5 days a week and didn’t do so good, so I’m taking a step back. I don’t have to be asleep; I just have to be in the bedroom getting ready for bed.
7. Stretch for 15 minutes at least 3 days a week – This one was my biggest failure in March by far. I just can’t find a good time to do it, and I only ever remember right at bedtime, which means I have a choice between the bedtime rule and the stretching rule. When do you guys stretch?
8. Read a book for at least 30 minutes 1 day a week – I miss reading books. I think the Internet has stolen a lot of that time. I aimed for 2 days a week in March and didn’t do great, so I’m going for just 1 day a week in April. I have a new Roald Dahl biography that I’d like to finish and then a list of other books folks have recommended.
9. Allow white flour 1 day a week – New one! This one is more extensive than it sounds. Basically, it means adhering to my current “slow carb diet” plan. (I plan on posting about that soon.) This wasn’t an official rule in March, but I actually did really great with it and I’m seeing results on the scales. Might as well track it officially!
10. Do meaningful work at least 4 days a week – New one! In the past few weeks I’ve just felt like I’m stretched a little thin, like I’m just running around putting out little fires without tackling any big jobs (both at work and at home). I want to get to the end of the day knowing that I made progress on some larger goal. It’s deliberately vague, in that I figure I’ll know “meaningful work” when I see it.
11. Practice my ukulele at least 2 days a week – New one! I haven’t practiced in a week, and I want to play some songs at knitting camp.
Yes, I am a total self-improvement nerd… but I am in love with Health Month and the benefits that I’m seeing from using it. The support from the MetaFilter team has been amazing. If I’m still this happy with it after April, I’ll probably upgrade to the full paid yearly subscription. It’s that good.
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Made the mistake of putting menthol stuff on my sore hip. Amy Cat is going absolutely ape-shit.
On the Captain Trips Express Bus to work. I swear there are 10 people on here sniffling, sneezing, and coughing. I need a hazmat suit.
@SassieQ No way. I’d totally support him doing that. In fact, I’d go train with him!
@SassieQ Fair enough. It’s difficult. I know a lot of runners/athletes and family balance is the hardest part.
@anatyt I just switched 2 weeks ago. Got an unadvertised $29 cap, which was GREAT. Actually less than I paid on Optus!
@Opheli8 Optarse wanted to make me upgrade to more expensive plan to get tethering. Bollocks to that!
Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals #10: Beef Hash
This is our 10th cooking/blogging experiment from Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals. Hey, we’re 20% of the way through! We picked this particular recipe because we had the TV episode recorded and because we had several of the ingredients in the pantry already. The hash itself also seemed fairly low-carb and we knew it would freeze well for lunches. Lucky for us, it turned out to be tasty too!
Substitutions and changes: We decided to make a DOUBLE batch of the hash since we had a kilo of mince in the freezer. We couldn’t find any watercress in the shops, so we left that out of the salad. Other than that, no changes at all!
Quick verdict: Such a filling and warming dish! Simple and hearty and perfect for a chilly night. We were both surprised how great the potatoes turned out given the unorthodox “microwave + grill” method of cooking. Elapsed cooking time was 42:55, but we did do a double batch of the hash so that used some extra time. I rated it 9.5, and the Snook rated it 9 (out of 10). Honestly, the salad and beans are a bit extraneous. If I were going to make this one on a work night, I’d just do the hash and potatoes.
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Bought a tap, breakfast at Bourke St. Bakery, installed the tap, voted, did the grocery shopping, switched Snook to @Telstra. Phew. Tired.
Mocha hot cross buns are now out at Baker’s Delight. Screw your Cadbury eggs and your Peeps; these are the BEST part of Easter.
@drstip I know Peeps. I HATE Peeps. *shudder* Mocha hot cross buns forever!
Sayonara, Sleeve Town! And hello to the Collar Continent.
408 stitches casted on. #fml
@toastman Me too! I got to meet her when I got my citizenship. I was thrilled that she wore a choker.
Tonight’s Jamie recipe: Beef Hash, Jacket Potato, Salad & Butter Beans & Bacon. Much more satisfying than the election.
@goldfishgeorge Hipster cardigan for Rodd with a shawl collar.
Red and White Quilts
MOM! Check this out: Infinite Variety: Three Centuries of Red and White Quilts. Those are amazing. My favorite is “Vortex” (slide 32). HOW DO YOU DO THAT?!
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@sharre @SallyPompom Ooh, does that mean what I think it means?
@SallyPompom @sharre FANTASTIC. Another win for the good guys! 🙂
Just saw Caitlin from last year’s Biggest Loser on William Street. Still a big girl, but she’s definitely lost a fair bit…
Hey, people at the Apple Store. Can one of y’all pick me up a 32GB Wi-Fi model? I’m good for it.
@nolim1t I thought I saw a tweet that it had sold out?
It’s Diet Cheat Day, so I’m having cookies for breakfast. This makes me very happy.
Went to Bunnings to get a new kitchen faucet. Old and busted: New hotness:
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- Cheshirefield – Huh. I’m surprised by the number of folks recommending leather. I wonder if that’s an option for us.
RunningBlog: Week 12
Another cutback week, and a very short one at that. I took last weekend off to try to treat my pulled hamstring. I massaged in anti-inflammatory gel a couple of times a day and iced it every few hours. Saturday I went out to the Sydney Running Centre in Edgecliff to get some new shoes. My podiatrist advised me to get a “neutral” shoe to work with my new orthotics. The staff at SRC were great, and I ended up going with Mizuno Wave Rider 14‘s. (They only had my size in the men’s, so I got those tomorrow grey and green ones!) On Monday I was determined to try out my shoes, so I went out for an 8K in the morning before work. Halfway through the heavens opened and it bucketed. I was drenched; I was sore; I was miserable. Seriously, what a crap run. Wednesday was a Spudds class at lunch, where I kicked some ass with 102m and 100m on the rower. Thursday I did another run in the morning before work. I would have liked to have gotten another in, but I just ran out of time. And as Hal Higdon tweeted yesterday, you really shouldn’t try and make up lost mileage. It’s gone! My legs need the rest anyway.
Mar. 21: 8.33km
Mar. 24: 6.35km
Total this week: 14.68km (9.2mi)
Total in 2011: 280.44km (175.2mi)In order to meet my goal of running 1100km in 2011, I should be at 253.8km right now. So I’ve still got nearly 30km of cushion! I’ve got one more cutback week before my next long run: 32km. I’m getting excited for it…