Month: March 2011

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    Just finally came up for air. Crazy busy day so far.

    I just ousted @hackjack as the mayor of Guzman Y Gomez on @foursquare!

    @blakkat Jealous. How’s the Three Sheets today?

    Finding inspiration to finish the Snook’s hipster cardy from this photo of Daniel Craig wearing one: Hummina.

    @imdominating Oh dear god. Take lots of photos for me, will you?

    @imdominating Damn you and your transcontinental booty calls!

    @squozen What about those seriously considering getting up at 1am to preorder? #sheepish

    Slight detour on the way to #webblastsyd to hit the one-day GAP 30% off sale. Yay for affordable chinos!

    @lemon_lime @kunaal84 If you’re making a bar run, we’d like a beer and a red wine. There in 5. 🙂

    Too. Much. Wine. #webblastsyd

    My 20yo self knew enough not to drink 4 glasses of wine on an empty stomach. Conclusion: I am officially getting dumber as I get older.

    @lemon_lime Hungover Morning Kris HATES Fun Drunky Night Kris.

    Stuck in traffic on George St for 10 minutes now. What’s going on?

    @randomknits It can’t be. I’ve heard there’s a queue, but they can’t actually be blocking traffic, can they?!

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    @lemon_lime I know, but I mostly use touch pad and I have no idea how to simulate a mouse wheel click on that! 😀

    Felt strong going into Spudds workout today, and consequently kicked some ass. 102m and 100m on the rower. 🙂

    RT @VenessaHunt: Our Mobile Advertising campaign for McDonalds went live today! Woohoo! (not our site) just our banners and placement! 🙂

    Tony: I don’t believe in god or marriage but I go to weddings. You know why? Because I’m a polite person. THAT’S WHAT WE DO.

    RT @witty_knitter: And anyway, she’s there to REPRESENT THE COUNTRY. Her personal beliefs DON’T MATTER any more than his do. // Hell yeah!

    @rajsingh2505 Haha, I think you were the only other one to get one! #kunaaliscookiemonster

    “I am the EARTH MOTHER, and you are all flops.” Goodnight Martha. Sad, sad, sad. (R.I.P. Liz Taylor. You were a legend.)

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  • Never Say No to Panda!

    Never Say No to Panda! Series of commercials for a type of cheese. Pretty funny! (Link courtesy of my friend Stu.)

  • Crochet Hat

    Note to self: crochet this hat for my nieces…

  • Wizards!

    Harry Potter wizards in other movies. Neat! Infographic charting which wizards have appeared in other films together. I would’ve guessed something like Sense and Sensibility to have the most, but there’s actually one with NINE. Wouldn’t have guessed that one.

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    @DDsD I assume it’s because you don’t want to open the door when the frontloader is going, but it’s fine on a toploader.

    I love having my ability to do my job passive-aggressively challenged.

    The light at the end of the tunnel keeps moving. STOP MOVING.

    @drkknits Patience is wearing extremely thin… (Oh, the stories I’ll tell at Knitting Camp!)

    @ptinutz Ooh, I thought that pattern was unavailable! It’s so cute; well done. 🙂

    You guys. I’m kind of a genius. #morethanmeetstheeye (cc @kunaal84 since they’re for his birthday!)

    There are Tim Tams INSIDE the choc chip cookies. Like I said: GENIUS. They are SO GOOD. (@imdominating @carbolicious)

    Tim Tam (and Oreo!) Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies: @kunaal84 is gonna be one happy boy tomorrow!

    @drkknits Lucky YOU! I think I need to make these for Camp… 🙂

    Just sent what is hopefully my LAST EVER Knitters Guild sub-committee report. #retirement

    @LivingSocial Sent! Would be good if you could get it fixed. Very frustrating.

    Just updated to Firefox 4. Is it just me, or does this look a LOT like Google Chrome? At least Chrome doesn’t do variable width tabs.

    Firefox 4 has reordered the right-click menu options. Keep opening links in new windows instead of tabs. Curse my muscle memory!

  • Tim Tam (and Oreo!) Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies

    Tim Tam (and Oreo!) Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies
    Sometimes I amaze even myself. I knew I wanted to make some sort of sweet treat this week as a belated birthday gift for my friend Kunaal. (He was overseas on his actual birthday a couple weeks ago.) Kunaal has a serious sweet tooth, and he is partial to chocolate. I suddenly remembered seeing Oreo Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies being linked on a bunch of food blogs recently. “But self,” I thought, “Oreos are kind of a novelty here and they’re really more American than Australian. WHAT ABOUT TIM TAMS?” Tim Tams, for the uninitiated, are just about the best chocolate cookie in the world. They’re an Australian icon, and everybody who visits and tries them gets addicted. What better way for an immigrant like myself to symbolize the two cultures than by baking one national icon inside another?

    Tim Tam Cookies

    Oh man, they turned out AMAZING. I was half worried that the chocolate coating would melt and, like, leak out of the cookies or something, but they worked perfectly. I followed Picky Palate’s recipe pretty much exactly. I have to give a big thank you to the Snook, who helped with the assembly. We did half of them with Oreos, and half of them with Tim Tams. (We cut the Tim Tams in half so they were square rather than oblong.) These are some pretty hefty cookies! I let each batch bake for about 14 minutes or so, just until they were golden and lovely. Then they cooled on the tray for 5 minutes before going on to a rack. I was worried they’d be squishy, but they feel pretty robust and I don’t reckon transportation will be a problem.

    Such a great idea, and such a great result! Now I want to bake more things inside of things. Hmmmm…

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