Dear Sister. The next time I visit you, I will require Homemade Hostess Cupcake Cake Balls. Thank you.
Month: March 2011
Taking in Jeans
Tutorial: How to take in jeans at the side seams. Brilliant! I have a pair of “boyfriend-style” jeans that gape horribly at the waist. I’m definitely going to do this.
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Fighting urge to just say: “You know, this is why nobody likes you.” (Hat tip to @lotsofco, who pointed out it’s the meanest thing EVER.)
Equinox. Aren’t I meant to be able to stand an egg on end or something? I seem to remember doing that in elementary school.
RT @lotsofco: @supercres Belated but sincere congrats on the nuptials!!! // SAME FROM ME TOO! Congrats!!!
I think I just found a typo in the BABOK! What do I do? I feel like a siren should be going off. Is there someone to email?
@imdominating YES. I recently witnessed someone piling them up on a table to “throw away after.” I was totally grossed out.
@wheelyweb Heh. Was hoping for something a little more specific. I *did* look on the website!
@wheelyweb Heh. You weren’t the only one. 😛
@innerwestlive In general I think they are way less energy efficient. We researched last year and ended up getting 2 stacking separates.
@bakevin Thanks. It’s just a tiny typo, and I only noticed it because I happened to highlight that passage. Will email you. 🙂
Hang on, Barry. You’re only cutting monthly fares? Where’s MY bribe? I guess he only wants votes from suburbanite train commuters.
@henrytapia No. As @gilmae points out, I’m an Inner West commie greens supporter. Sometimes I even WALK to work. So un-Australian, I guess.
There’s a first! Bus driver turned away idiots without prepay tickets who were blocking the queue and making us all wait in the rain.
@lemon_lime Zshuzsh your hair forward and tell then you’re Bieber’s older brother!!
@brown_note Yep, he already emailed me. @bakevin is on the ball! I knew if I put up the BABOK signal, he’d see it. 🙂
@redambition Whoops! They did? They didn’t tell me!
Hmm. @livingsocial just sent me an email with no way to unsub. Unsub link actually goes to sign up on their site. SPAM ACT?!
Someone must have used my email address on @livingsocial. No way to remove it that I can see. Why would I care about deals in Portland?!
Tried password reset on @livingsocial. Told me I didn’t have an account yet, would have to sign up. How is this not spam? Reporting it.
FeltedArctic tapestry
Aww, Martha made an adorable Arctic needle-felted tapestry for her new granddaughter, Jude. So cute!
I randomly followed a Twitter link today to a blog by a fellow Sydney I.T. person and started reading this post about “humanising a product.” I was amused to see this bit in an email from a book he’d ordered:
“I can’t believe I’m leaving Mishawaka, Indiana already – the friendly people, the Hummer plant, the Linebacker Lounge – so many memories.”
HA! I had to know more. You don’t see Mishawaka references every day over here! The email was from BetterWorldBooks, a company that sells new and used books to fund literacy projects around the world. It turns out it was founded by three Notre Dame grads in 2002! What a great idea. I don’t remember any of their names… I wonder if I knew them.
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Heading to Circ Quay for an impromptu meetup with @crumpet!
@redambition @stufromoz But iPad 2 isn’t out here for a few more days, right? I thought the 25th. Or you going for – *shudder* – old model?
When will these sleeves ever end? I AM LOSING IT. SO SICK OF SLEEVELAND. SLEEVELAND SUCKS.
@knitterjp @that_alison Oh, I’m trying to avoid thinking about my trip to the Kingdom of the Shawl Collar when I depart Sleeveland…
Our 9th meal from Jamie’s 30 Min Meals: Green Curry, Crispy Chicken, Kimchee Slaw, & Rice Noodles. Really tasty chook!
@venks79 Yeah, to get my size the only ones they had in stock were for dudes! But I kinda like them. They’re very Incredible Hulk.
@Alex_Manchester Nice one! Good luck. I was tempted but doesn’t fit in with my training sched for June marathon. New course looks good tho!
@kcarruthers With Android, whether or not you even get OS updates is in the hands of the carriers. I don’t like or trust carriers.
@Alex_Manchester It’s the Macleay River Marathon on June 11. It’s in Southwest Rocks. My first full one!
@kunaal84 If it weren’t your first day back I’d have chucked a sickie! I HATE this weather.
@kunaal84 @lemon_lime And me threatening to kick a 461 driver’s ass… Same old, same old!
Portrait of a Miserable, Soaking Wet Runner Who Nevertheless Just Finished Five Miles.
@drkknits AMR file, huh? I’ll let my tech support have a crack at it tonight. 🙂
Just received Mophie Juice Pack Air from eBay! That solves iPhone power problem on my long runs. (4 hrs seemed to be about the limit…)
@Anthony_Mills Sorry I missed you today! Snuck over to say hi just after you left, I think. 🙂
Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals #9: Green Curry
Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals #9: Green Curry
This is our 9th cooking/blogging experiment from Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals. We picked this recipe for a few reasons: We had the episode saved on our DVR. (It’s always nice to watch him prepare it rather than rely on the book solely.) This one doesn’t have a dessert, and it also looked like one that could be fairly low-carb, as long as you didn’t eat the noodles. (I indulged a fair bit at my birthday last week, so I’m trying to make up for it.) And also, we LOVE green curry. 🙂Substitutions: Not a single one. However, we didn’t bother with the “garnishes” of prawn crackers, chili sauce, and a cos lettuce. That just seemed like overkill for two people!
Quick verdict: Pretty good! The chicken was very good and the skin crisped up nicely. Snook thought overall the flavours of the meal were very tasty. We both liked the curry a lot, but we felt the kimchee slaw probably had a bit too much chili. We both felt it rated between 8.5-9/10. Not a homerun, but pretty darn good. Elapsed time was 39:09, but I can’t think of many ways to speed it up (beyond having the recipe memorised). There are just a LOT of ingredients to handle with this one!Pre-start prep: We got out all the necessary ingredients, tools, and cooking vessels, including the food processor. The kitchen was clean (well, as clean as it gets) and everything wiped down and ready to go. The kettle was boiled. We had a two frying pans and a pot ready to go.
First up are the ingredients for the chicken: chicken thighs (with bone and skin), sesame seeds, and honey.
Next, the ingredients for the “kimchee slaw”: radishes, red onion, Chinese cabbage, coriander, red and green chillies, ginger, limes, and sesame oil.
Ingredients for the curry sauce: ginger, chillies, kaffir lime leaves, coriander, garlic, lemongrass, spring onions, sesame oil, chicken stock, green beans, coconut milk, limes, and soy sauce.
Lastly, the ingredients for the noodles: noodles and a lime. And our sole garnish, a bag of beansprouts.
Pans, ready to go! The two frying pans are for the chicken, and the pot is for the curry.
Food processor – with slicing disk! This was our first try with the slicer. (You’ll recall the slicer on our old one gave us no end of grief.)
And we’re off! First step is to get the chicken thighs frying in the larger pan, skin side down. The Snook has also sprinkled them with salt, pepper, and olive oil.
Meanwhile, I got to work prepping the MANY vegetables for the kimchee slaw.
Here we go with the food processor! It’s worked GREAT. I didn’t even have to push down, really; it just sucked them down in and sliced them neatly.
The Snook has moved on to the next step of chicken prep: covering them with a piece of greaseproof paper.
On top of that goes the smaller frying pan, which had been heating this whole time. The mortar went on to provide extra smooshing weight. The chook was definitely sizzling!
Here’s the kimchee slaw once I got all the ingredients whizzed up. Pretty!
The Snook has moved on to the curry sauce. He found it hard to whack the lemongrass the way Jamie did on the show, so he’s just chopping it up here.
The lemongrass goes into the food processor – this time with the regular chopping attachment – along with ginger, chillies, lime leaves, coriander, garlic, sesame oil, and olive oil.
Whizz! And there’s our green curry paste.
Time to remove the weights and the greaseproof paper. The chicken is looking good!
The smaller saucepan goes back on the heat and gets used to toast up the sesame seeds.
Here the Snook has flipped over the thighs so you can see that golden crispy skin!
There was quite a lot of fat in the pan, so here he’s draining most of it away.
I got to work dressing the kimchee slaw. Here’s my pathetic attempt to squeeze limes with my weak, tiny hands.
Other than lime juice, the dressing is just salt and sesame oil. The key is to SCRUNCH everything together with your hands. Seriously, I scrunched for a good couple of minutes. I also squeezed out quite a bit of water into the sink, which he did on the show but doesn’t mention in the book.
The Snook has now put some of the curry paste into the pan with the chicken and tossed it around.
The rest of the curry paste gets poured into the pot along with the stock, green beans, and coconut milk.
Finally done scrunching! Here’s the finished kimchee slaw with extra coriander on top.
Sesame seeds are toasted!
The small frying pan now gets used for a third time to cook the rice noodles. Here I’m pouring boiling water from the kettle over them.
The chicken thighs get a good drizzle of honey for caramelization…
At this point we were monitoring three things at once! Curry sauce at the back, noodles in the front, and chicken thighs on the side.
The noodles cooked quickly, and the Snook drained them before rinsing with cold water.
I started to plate up. Rather than put the garnish separately, I just put it straight in our bowls. Here we’ve got beansprouts, coriander, and a wedge of lime.
The noodles get tossed with sesame oil, lime juice, and salt, and that’s them pretty much done!
The curry sauce is also finished cooking.
Here’s the finished chicken. The honey made the skin fantastic… but it also completely cemented onto the bottom of the pan. (I found it difficult to get some of the chicken out without tearing off the skin, which had stuck in the carbonized honey.)
And the final meal! We each had two chicken thighs, noodles, curry sauce, kimchee slaw, and garnish, and the whole thing was sprinkled with toasted sesame seeds.
Tasting notes: The curry sauce was very good, and it paired well with the chicken. The skin was fantastic, even though I did worry I wasn’t going to be able to get it out of the pan. (Tip: soak your frying pan overnight if you ever want it to come clean after.) I felt like the kimchee slaw should have been better, but somehow the balance was off. I think I had more Chinese cabbage than he did, and I wish I’d only used one chili instead of two. It was good but not great. This made for a very generous meal and we didn’t miss the extra “garnishes” at all. Lots of fresh flavours and some truly outstanding chicken!
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- They Should Have Worse Than Headaches – I actually spent like 20 minutes last week trying to explain this to some salespeople at work.
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Went to in Edgecliff and came out with new Mizuno Wave Rider 14s! #hightech
I could’ve told you it was going to pour rain: there are FIVE mattresses standing out on Grafton St. Downpour every time.
@drkknits Have successfully managed to play along with the real song twice now! WE’RE GONNA BE AWESOME.
@drkknits How do you feel about Paul Kelly’s “To Her Door”? I got some nice chords happening here.
Yum! Tonight’s Jamie dinner: Green Curry, Crispy Chicken, Kimchee Slaw & Rice Noodles. Sneak preview:
@crumpet Wait, just realized you’re in Sydney. Dork! Why didn’t you tell me? We’ve got a guest room with your name on it…
@crumpet You heading back over this side of the Harbour at all? We’re not doing anything today.
@crumpet We’re not far from Central, if you want to stop off for a quick meetup! We can come meet you. (Did you get my SMS?)
@crumpet Yep. Ends in 757. Obviously the one I had for you is either old or wrong! Whooops. 🙂