Month: March 2011

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    @thezedmiester @Opheli8 Hahahaha… Got my GetUpGo birthday credits this morning. It’s like a shuffling zombie that Will Not Die! 😀

    Birthday burger! (@ Grill’d)

    RT @mindykaling: Jesus and Ramona #HigherStakesChildrensBooks // Heh.

    Just be quiet and count the days…

    Somewhat annoyed that Foursquare doesn’t have a “Sexual Harassment” badge.

    Off to Bentley Bar for my hot birthday date with the Snook…

    G&T. Red lippie. Classy. (@ Bentley Restaurant and Bar) [pic]:

    .@drkknits BRING IT ON. I am all about the agar agar tonight!

    Bless him. He got me a flower. 🙂

    2 courses in, Bentley Bar = EPIC WIN.

    He brought me my favorite flower.

    Thank you to everybody for birthday well-wishes. It was a great day!

    Slowly coming back to life. Slowly. Good food offers too much temptation to drink a lot of good wine, too. 🙂

    @DDsD Whoa. What-what-what? “Pork Belly Baklava”?!?! Where is this place? Spill, please.

    @AusVintageGrrl Ooh, thanks! Will check it out at my next practice session. 🙂

    @drkknits @AusVintageGrrl Unfortunately I have a much more pressing knitting deadline… 🙁

    @drkknits It’s pretty simple actually, just 3 chords. Just need to practice strumming. More about mechanics and lack of finger calluses!

  • Jump Rope for Heart

    Jump Rope for Heart
    For the third year in a row, my little brother Joey is doing “Jump Rope for Heart” to raise money for kids with heart issues. His fundraising page is here. If you’ve got some spare cash you’re able to donate to a good cause, please consider making a donation on his page. And check out the video of him jumping rope… He gets better every year!

  • Photo Post

    He brought me my favorite flower.

    He brought me my favorite flower.

  • Beware the Ides of March!

    Beware the Ides of March! I’m 34 today. I think it’s going to be a good day.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Instagram has added faux tilt-shift. I heart Instagram.

    Okay. @optus says I can only have Personal Hotspot if I upgrade old $39 plan to something more expensive. Time to learn about jailbreaking.

    @Opheli8 I will never be able to read that acronym without hearing it in a particular accent.

    @cdeagle I meant for them to. I’m not happy. They want to charge me more to use data I’m already paying for.

    @Opheli8 The kind that involves bright red lipstick…

    Thinking very seriously of leaving @optus for @telstra. Maybe I’d actually have working 3G data in the CBD!

    @Optus Unfortunately old plan is perfect for me, and I don’t use anywhere near my data. New plan = more $ just to share my included data!

    @thisismywww The Optus network sucks in the CBD so changing to something else would be a bonus.

    Me: “What’ll we have for dinner? We have some pork chops in the freezer, right?” Snook: “We’re supposed to have steak today. :)” CHEEKY!

    Just booked the Snook and I in to see “One Man Lord of the Rings” in a few weeks: Geek anniversary present. 🙂

    @brockleyboyo It is! We didn’t see that one though.

    @redambition Dilemma! I love AFP but I have an allergy to GNW.

    Thanks @stufromoz and @randomknits! 🙂

    @stufromoz Hahaha, no, not today! Birthday girl slept in and is now sucking down a cup of coffee. 🙂

    @justjussi From your lips to the evil bus drivers’ ears… 🙂

    Birthday macarons. @ Sweet Infinity

  • Well met, gunslinger.

    Stephen King officially announces that he’s working on another Dark Tower novel. Awesome. I was actually just thinking that I need to re-read the series…

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @lemon_lime @eileenDCoE I only just finished!!

    Today’s run report is up on Daily Mile: Huge thanks to @lemon_lime, Jamie, and the Snook for running with me!

    Our 8th recipe from Jamie’s 30 Min Meals: Pregnant Jools’s Pasta w/ Chicory Salad & Frangipane Tarts. Easy and tasty!

    Sudden realization: the wizard in Evil Dead 3: Army of Darkness is also Mr. Pitt from Seinfeld! My mind is blown.

    What is up with George St traffic? Been sitting in one place for 10 minutes. And now I’m late. Grrr.