Month: March 2011

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    GOOD GRIEF. How in the world is one meant to eat a salad while wearing bright red lipstick? I feel like my napkin is smearing it everywhere.

    @AusVintageGrrl Ooh, I want one please!

    @GGDSydney I might be up for it. I’ll likely be tweeting anyway… 🙂 #girlgeeksyd #AuTechHeads

    @redambition I’m wondering too. Let me know if you get an answer!

    @TitusAtticus Didn’t you see that when it went around… a year ago?

    Anybody free to join me on a looooong run on Sunday? Thinking of staying in Inner West… @laimelde @mrs_sockvictim @redambition

    Just heading out to #girlgeeksyd! Can’t wait…

    Ahhh, “How to Break a Glass Ceiling.” The topic @venks79 was afraid of me hearing! #girlgeeksyd

    Snookums and Petey are enjoying tonight’s new episode of Mythbusters.×5 (cc @voicework)

    Trying to imagine being sole female exec at Ernst & Young. Yikes. Lynn Kraus is awesome. #girlgeeksyd

    “Only the untalented can afford to be humble.” Or, my new mantra: BE AWESOME. #girlgeeksyd

    While I appreciate HTML5, you can pry my <table>s from my cold dead hands! #technoluddite #girlgeeksyd

    While I appreciate HTML5, you can pry my table tags from my cold, dead hands. #twitterhtmlfail #technoluddite #girlgeeksyd

    Salary negotiations! Now @venks79 is quakin’ in his boots. #girlgeeksyd

    @makarakarn I heart the spacer gif! Our love affair has been long and devoted. 🙂 #girlgeeksyd

    What do you do when there are no higher-ranked women to serve as role models in your company? #girlgeeksyd

    @brown_note Well… It’s in Sydney. Are you in Melbs?

    @ng_tina That’s what I wonder. Is input type=calendar going to be the new blink tag?

    @stamf That’s not sharing your geekness; it’s just being a nerd. 🙂 #girlgeeksyd

    @emmainsydney Not trolling… but I’m not a professional dev anymore either. Probably related. 🙂 #girlgeeksyd

    @nerdgerl The professor was a “he” too.

    I miss Feynman-style hacking: memorize default combinations for different makes of filing cabinets. #girlgeeksyd

    Not only do I know SQL, I named my cat Robert”); DROP TABLE USERS; #girlgeeksyd

    @brown_note Ooh, sweet. Send me an email: kris.howard AT gmail. I’ll forward you the JD.

    Huh. @piawaugh is talking about Australia’s abysmal broadband speed. Is this why I can’t FaceTime with my Mom in the US? #girlgeeksyd

    Any girl geeks looking for a Technical Architect job? I would LOVE to recommend you at my company! #girlgeeksyd

    @glittertrash Nope! I’m at the geek girl dinner event. But I started that group and know most of those folks. 🙂

    RT @nerdgerl: Round of applause for @katsbud and all those who organized!! #girlgeeksyd

    Finally met @makarakarn at #girlgeeksyd tonight, and she admitted she recognized me by the Snook’s nametag! He’s not even on Twitter! Gahhh

    Snook’s fancy new shoes!

    @CerealBoy Hahahaha… Now I am imagining all the devs over there judging each other’s shoes like it’s Sex and the City.

    I should also clarify that the Snook was sitting in a chair in that photo. He does not, in fact, wear Mom Jeans or anything.

    @blakkat @CerealBoy Oh god, you guys are gonna get me in trouble for making the whole Internet talk about his new shoes.

    @chrisgander Hahaha… Yeah, cookies baked inside other cookies is hot on the cooking blogs lately. Haven’t tried it yet. #lowcarbdiet

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    @ozgamer The other 20% are from the Knitters Guild. Not kidding. I had to explain to some old woman there what phone banking was.

    BA seminar! (@ Dimension Data Learning Solutions)

    I have been here 10 minutes and I’m already bored out of my skull. Upside: neat free green ink pen.

    @AusVintageGrrl No worries! On the bus home now. Will catch you on chat.

    I’m tempted to start filming 461 drivers as they approach Broadway. One just FAKED that he was going to stop before blowing past. @131500

    Happy birthday @ozgamer! Can’t believe you’re at #atsyd3 instead of celebrating… 🙂

    @gilmae I’ll let you know if it actually works on my iPhone4. I have a suspicion Optus will probably disable it.

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    FYI: orthotics are just shoe inserts. I am not wearing special orthopedic shoes. These are just normal shoes. No need to point and laugh.

    In an attempt to avoid snacking, I made myself a cup of Moccona. It worked. This shit is VILE. I’ll never eat or drink again.

    Injection procured. Also got a metaphorical pat on the head from my doctor for losing weight. Yay Wednesday?

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  • Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals #7: Asian-Style Salmon

    This is our seventh official cooking/blogging experiment from Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals. We picked this recipe because we hadn’t tried a fish recipe yet, and because we happened to have the corresponding TV episode saved on our DVR. (As before, we noticed that on the show Jamie does some things differently than the book. I’ll try to mention those as we go.) Historically I haven’t been a very big eater of fish, so these dishes are definitely going to be more challenging for me. This wasn’t my favorite of the Jamie meals we’ve made, but it did get me to eat a big piece of salmon… which is fairly momentous in our house.

    Asian-Style Salmon, Noodle Broth, Beanspout Salad, and Lychee Dessert

    Substitutions: Our salmon fillets were slightly bigger than the ones called for (250g instead of 180g), and the Snook had to remove the pin bones himself. (We didn’t count that as part of the cooking time.) He also had to spend a few minutes removing a few scales the fishmonger had missed. We had to settle for canned mango instead of fresh, and we used snow peas for the broth instead of sugar snap. We used some of the Snook’s duck stock instead of a stock cube.

    Quick verdict: We both weren’t that impressed, to be honest. Personally, I thought this was my least favorite so far. We both rated it 8/10. It was somehow less than the sum of its parts for me. The Snook thought the dessert was “kinda meh.” Our elapsed time was 39:59, but a lot of that was extra fish prep time. (Twenty minutes had elapsed before we got it into the oven.)


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    @gilmae There is, a bit.

    Exciting client meeting with @VenessaHunt! Tried hard to follow Snook’s advice: “Be awesome.”

    Snookums and Petey are enjoying tonight’s new episode of Mythbusters.×5 (cc @voicework)

    Today’s xkcd is actually relevant to what I’ve been doing at work! (@VenessaHunt @venks79)

  • Weekend Update

    • Saturday morning was the Knitters Guild AGM. I was dreading it, but it ended up being okay. The new Constitution was unanimously approved (thank goodness). I also announced my resignation as Website Convenor.
    • Sunday morning we went to see The King’s Speech, and we both really enjoyed it. How did I not know Jennifer Ehle was in that movie? And Mr. Collins! It was like a total Pride & Prejudice reunion.
    • After the movie, the Snook and I went shopping and he bought a pair of sneakers. This is much more momentous than it sounds.
    • Sunday afternoon the Snook shredded up the confit duck he made last week and we ate it on toasted garlic ciabatta. It was wonderful. Later when I was running a five-miler around the neighbourhood it felt not-so-wonderful.

    Onwards and upwards…