Month: March 2011

  • Jamie’s Recipe: Coming soon…

    In case you’re wondering, this week’s Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals recipe is going to be a day late. The Snook went to three different shops yesterday but couldn’t find any bean shoots, so we had to postpone…

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    All 3 grocery stores were missing a crucial ingredient, so tonight’s Jamie recipe is being postponed til tomorrow! Be patient…

    And I just gave @SallyPompom a new boat too! 🙂 @redambition @AusVintageGrrl

    @Bells_G ?? I’m not waiting for inspiration. I’m waiting for bean shoots! 🙂

    @Opheli8 How did your dresses go? We need pics!!

    Sudden realisation: I have less than 4 weeks to finish my (top secret) Easter Show projects. FRACK.

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  • In-N-Out

    I’ve only ever eaten at an In-N-Out once in my life, when my sister took us there when we visited Los Angeles in 2004. Now that the Carbos are back in L.A., I’ll definitely be looking to hit it again on our next trip. And when I do, I’ll be ordering off the secret menu. Check out this survival guide/review from someone who ordered every single item off the secret – and extra-secret – menu…

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    I want a t-shirt with Mayvis on it, dammit. #kgnswagm

    @mrs_sockvictim @SallyPompom @witty_knitter @knitterjp @Kat13v Cautiously optimistic. Nearing end of Constitutional discussion….

    Crisis averted! Constitution has passed unanimously. Brilliant work @SallyPompom!! #kgnswagm

    Me and @witty_knitter towards the end of today’s #kgnswagm.

    @lttlrdhn @witty_knitter @knitabulous The 1st rule of Knitters Guild is YOU DO NOT TWEET ABOUT KNITTERS GUILD.

    Anybody need a food processor? Grater is crap but it mushes and chops fine. $20 and it’s yours!

    Dear @toastman. This is for you: (Though I suspect @kunaal84 will like it too.)

    Internet nerds heading to the Sunday 10:30am old people’s showing of King’s Speech. (We dislike crowds.)

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    RT @venks79: Major release completed successfully! If you like to take a punt, have a look: and don’t forget to fo …

    @steven_noble I don’t mind gamification too much, but transmedia I’m not familiar with. What the heck does it mean? Sounds LGBT-related. 🙂

    Got my orthotics. They feel very weird. Also, unexpectedly expensive. (Damn HCF waiting periods!!)

    @sharre I thought you were going to nominate from the floor?!

    @mpesce Actually if you’ve got a new passport, you’ll get to go through the high-tech photo scanner thing! Very futuristic.

    Heading to #kgnswagm now. Museum is still closed, IIRC. Anybody know how I get in early to set up? @redambition @Kat13v

    My t-shirt has a car crash on it. I thought it was thematically appropriate. #kgnswagm

  • RunningBlog: Week 9

    This week saw me do my longest distance ever! On Sunday (as mentioned previously) I ran over 14 miles. It took me just over three hours doing a 1:1 run/walk. I felt surprisingly great during the run, but ever since I’ve felt run-down and a bit flu-ey. I’m not sure if I’m actually fighting off some sort of virus or if it’s just because of the stress of the run. At any rate, I took Monday and Tuesday off to recover. (I didn’t actually have much muscle soreness, which is good!) Wednesday I did my Spudds class and felt pretty great. Thursday morning I went for an easy run just to shake out the soreness from Spudds. And today… today I got my orthotics! They feel weird. He wants me to walk around in them for a few days before I attempt a run. Luckily this is a cutback week so I’ve only got 8K scheduled for Sunday.

    Feb. 27: 22.61km
    Mar. 3: 6.00km
    Total this week: 28.61km (17.88mi)
    Total in 2011: 207.64km (129.77mi)

    To meet my goal of running 1100km in 2011, I should be at 190km right now. So I’ve built up a considerable cushion. The goal for March is to continue to follow my training plan and to avoid getting sick or injured!

  • In My Mind

    Amanda Palmer has released a video for “In My Mind”, which is probably my favorite song off her new album. It’s lovely. The video isn’t what I expected, but I think it still works.