Month: April 2011

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    Just ran 5K down the mountain. Woo! Now have to run 5K back up. Crap.

    Luckily managed to get hot shower before power went out. Hmm. Good excuse to drink beer before it gets warm!

    The power is out at knitting camp so we’re all out on the porch to catch the light.

    “She’s like a ninja… If ninjas wore grey garter stitch.” #quotesfromknitcamp

    Breaking News: We have no hope of power being restored tonight. We are now drinking all the chilled alcohol before it warms.

    Portrait of a Mad Knitter: @randomknits refuses to let a little TOTAL DARKNESS keep her from her intarsia.

    RT @knitterjp: Singing before dinner #knitcampgong in the dark yes the ukelele come out

    Bollywood dinner cancelled due to pouring rain and power outage. Makeup and bling was all I could do!

    Surprisingly great day! The only thing missing – other than the electricity – was @mrs_sockvictim! Didn’t feel the same without you, Fee!

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    @cdeagle Click.

    Now I’ve got like 1hr to shower and pack for camp before @knitterjp and the others pick me up! Eeek…

    @knitterjp I’m in the truck and we are heading through King Street! Be there soon.

    Drama! We drove through National Pk and there was a tree down! And we drove under it! And we got to call and report it! (Telstra FTW.)

    Lunch by the sea on a grey, blustery day! (@ Scarborough Hotel)

    On our way to @drkknits! Hey, where do you live, anyway? 🙂

    @drkknits We found it. There was some confusion with a similarly named street in Gordon, but we’re on the right track now.

    Made it to @drkknits’s house! Yarn-fondling is happening. Coffee and cake are imminent.

    @drkknits @randomknits My beer was being delivered by @knitabulous! But more is always good. 🙂

    Realization! We ALL forgot flashlights!! Whoops.

    Knitting Camp WOOOOOO! (@ Mount Keira Scout Camp)

    Me and @knitterjp and a whole lotta wool!

    Excellent. A TV has been located in the camp kitchen. (Most of us want to see The Dress.) #winning

    It’s all gone quiet. Everybody at Knitting Camp likes The Dress. Think we’re done with this now. Bring on the beer!

    @Alacaeriel Hahaha… I said the same thing. Everything I know about Anglican wedding ceremonies comes from Jane Austen!

    See? Totally rapt.

    I have strummed my ukelele in front of 20 people. Does that count as a performance? Unfortunately @drkknits is sick and can’t sing. 🙁

    My hipster credentials have suffered a blow. One of the older ladies has a ukelele. Apparently they have a Seniors’ Uke Group in Kiama.

    My sleeping bag must be rated for the North Pole. It’s freezing at camp but I still had to stick my legs out last night to avoid suffocation

    A little bit of city sophistication halfway up a mountain, thanks to @randomknits and @knitabulous. Yum!

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    Jeanette Berman raises the “changing your married name” issue and kicks some ass, IMHO.

    @imdominating @carbolicious HELL YEAH, NEVILLE.

    @imdominating @carbolicious Yup. I am clicking thorugh 80 high-res screencaps RIGHT NOW.

    @imdominating @carbolicious I love how batshit insane HBC looks in every single shot, even when she’s just in the background!

    @chrisgander @thezedmiester I can’t go; I’ll be in the ‘Gong. 🙁

    @randomknits @knitterjp @drkknits @knitabulous I am baking cookies INSIDE other cookies. Wheeee!


    Like Icarus, I flew too high and close to the sun. My Oreo-Stuffed Peanut Butter Cookies are not a success. They are a (tasty) failure.

    @drkknits No time for Krispies, I’m afraid. You’re getting plain peanut butter cookies!

    @gusseting My regular PB cookie dough recipe is much softer, and they spread far too much. Need to adjust it to make it stiffer, I think.

    @knitness @ozquokka @knitabulous I didn’t get an email this year. I just emailed them and asked! Turns out they forgot me. 🙂

    @missamanda That’s awesome! Well done.

    Cookies are baked, and sleeping bag is laundered. That’s enough for tonight.

    Heading to Olympic Park to pick up the Snook’s Hipster Cardigan. Interested to see if that staple I saw in it caused any harm…

    It’s 9:20am, and there are like 20 people in the queue to pick up items. #fml

    Cardy procured. No holes that I can see. Now get me the hell out of here…

    @drkknits Nope. Quite a queue forming though, and lots of cars waiting to get in.

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    @sharre Oddly, I don’t think I got mine removed. They just fell out after a couple weeks…?

    In the past month, 59 people have found my blog while searching for “pornographic woodwork.” Thank you Gary Gentle.

    RT @dancingman: Anyone want 2 tix to Bob Dylan TONIGHT? Great seats. HH15 & HH16. Please RT.

    Officially booked the hotel we’re staying in for the marathon in June. Less than 7 weeks to go!

    Can’t tell if I really feel sick, or it’s just because of the co-workers hocking up their lungs nearby. I need a face mask.

    Have recalled that Snook and I actually had to dress Bollywood once before for a wedding. Ready to laugh?

    @Anthony_Mills I believe the look is called “this is what the costume shop gave us.” 🙂

    I was annoyed I was going to miss the Chaser’s royal wedding commentary… but it sucks they cancelled it for EVERYBODY.

    @randomknits Very nice!

    I like the Chaser too, but man, I wouldn’t want somebody snarking and crapping all over my wedding. Snark culture is starting to depress me.

    @devvyleys Ooh, thanks. Haven’t tried that song yet.

    Bollywood earrings, courtesy of Janhavi (@venks79’s missus). She also sent saris with SEQUINS. I feel glamourous!

    @drkknits Janhavi sent earrings, necklaces, brooches, bangles… I got extras. 🙂

  • Smoky Cape Retreat

    We are officially booked into the Smoky Cape Retreat for my marathon in June!

  • The Ten Best Bookstores in Sydney

    The Ten Best Bookstores in Sydney. Five of those are within walking distance of my house, and a couple more on on the way to work. I like that.

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    @DomesticJules Tweetbot does that. I’m still getting used to the UI, but I like the @ autofill.

    @bezthomas I should’ve taken a photo of their whiteboard with total scones made. I recall it was up over 20,000 at that point…

    I decided to go with the steek. @witty_knitter @randomknits

    A little worried about how much dark brown the ribbing ate up. Hoping @mrs_sockvictim has a backup ball of Tango 204 just in case!

    @thisismywww I know about it. AFP has been blogging about it for a while. Not watching the feed though. Too busy knitting!

    CBD traffic sucks today. That is all.