Month: April 2011

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    What the hell. Facebook has started emailing me about comments. It looks like my notification permissions have all changed. *sigh*

    @fictillius It’s the principle of the thing!

    @squozen But then I never get to see photos of my nieces or nephews. All my relatives without websites just use FB now. It’s a trap.

    @squozen Then I’ll never see pics. My dictating which sites other people can use is not a very good solution.

    @squozen I don’t mind it. And I don’t wanna be this guy:

    @innerwestlive I don’t get it. Is there any more to the story than that? It’s shorter than a tweet!

    Me and Spudds after today’s workout. 101m and 99m on the rower!

    @knitness NO WAY. I love that jumper. Wasn’t it all in Cashmerino? That’s what put me off the pattern…

    @knitness That’s awesome. Can’t wait to see it!

    Anybody around/willing/able to run with me on Easter Sunday as part of my super long run? (@laimelde @mrs_sockvictim @redambition)

    I don’t know if you know this, but Stacy’s Mom has it going on.

    @randomknits @drkknits I have hit up actual Indians for advice/supplies on my outfit. I’M GONNA LOOK AWESOME. (cc @kunaal84 @rajsingh2505)

    For the curious, this is some of what the Snook has been doing at Yahoo7 for the past six months:

    I knitted a little Easter cardy for my friend Fei’s newborn daughter. Finished just in time! I hope they like it.

    @randomknits Thanks! Will look better in natural light. My first go at deliberately mismatched buttons. 🙂

    @redambition I gave up on Myer CBD years ago. Worst service ever. DJs was lovely to me, so they get my business.

    Uh oh. Trying to edit today’s @healthmonth turn and the application keeps crashing. Any ideas, @busterbenson?

    RT @innerwestlive: Ultimo Data Centre expansion put on hold: // Much better article!

    @busterbenson Yep. webgoddess. Just saw again trying to edit next month rules. Earlier was trying to edit today’s turn (eventually worked).

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  • And the winner is…

    Random numberPtinutz (aka Amanda) has won my drawing* for Marshall Ulrich’s book Running on Empty: An Ultramarathoner’s Story of Love, Loss, and a Record-Setting Run Across America. Thanks to those who left comments!

    *I disregarded the comments from me, Steve, and Heather. That left six comments, and the generator came up with 3!

  • The Tao of Poo

    “The Tao of Poo”. All about athletes and their very common stories of intestinal distress. Thank god it’s never happened to me…

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    The Snook on a tiny planet.

    Since I started playing @healthmonth, I’ve taken lunch to work 19 times. That’s roughly $200 saved!

    @venks79 I just wish ppl knew to configure their servers properly so sites worked without it. Aussie sysadmins are frequent offenders!

    @emmainsydney Great! It’s a brilliant site. Add me as a friend on there. 🙂

    Dear world: Please stop talking about the Game of Thrones show until I finish the book. Because if I get spoiled, I’M GONNA LOSE IT.

    @drkknits I reckon. Everybody told me I need to. If I can finish it by Camp, I’ll lend it to you!

    “Do you have a paperclip? I need to swap iPhone SIM cards.” “No but I have an iPhone SIM opening tool in my wallet.” Total geek validation!

    @VanHaskett2071 Blocking and reporting you for spam.

    @TerraGutierrex3 Blocking you and reporting for spam.

    @DomesticJules Did you get an answer? Definitely soft brown.

    @gilmae SHHHHH. Btw – any chance you could burn me a DVD? 🙂

    @DomesticJules *thumbs up*

    @gilmae I am just indulging Snook’s laziness. We could download. Only one has aired, yeah?

    @gilmae If it’s not a PITA, that would be awesome. We are meeting at the Show Monday? I shall buy you your preferred cheese on a stick!

    @gilmae Ah, thought @randomknits hinted there were 3 of youse coming. And you have mistaken me for a Discworld fan. Only 1 in this house!

    @gilmae Oh! You meant @randomknits goes in for the unironic deep fried food on a stick. I’m with her. 🙂

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  • From Russia with Love

    Note to self: The next time Threadless has a sale, buy this T-shirt. I love that it looks like a sweater!

  • Peeps Topiary

    Peeps Topiary. Kind of cute. (Only one more week til Peeps posts stop appearing in my feed reader. HANG ON.)

  • Photo Post

    The Snook on a tiny planet.

    The Snook on a tiny planet.

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    @chrisgander I go nice and slow, 1:1 run/walk. You should try it sometime. You could probably go a lot farther!

    RT @gilmae: My mum decided to buy a Flip a day before Cisco shut it down. I’m making a Kickstarter campaign to raise money for her to bu …

    @chrisgander I’m reading the book first. 🙂

    @knitterjp @mrs_sockvictim Mine’s going to be the reward for finishing the marathon in June. 🙂