Month: April 2011

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    RT @FlavourCrusader: hullo kris. i am using your sardine post as an example for my @openideo challenge – facing real food. // AWESOME!

    @Alacaeriel Ahhh, but we need you to gripe, because otherwise it’s just us being bitter losers! You can objectively complain. 🙂

    @Alacaeriel Complete lack of any published criteria for judging? Bad display? Inconsistent judging in other categories? THE HORROR CLOWNS?!

    @gingerthomas @witty_knitter Wow. I really like that effect! It’ll make my doggies look GREAT! 🙂

    Amused that Guild keeps asking me to teach at Camp instead of all the prize-winning knitters. Am I that good a teacher? Or just a sucker?

    @ozgamer Awww! Nah, it’s because I’m a sucker. I turned them down. I’ve done enough for them over the years.

    @drkknits Except for me, right? Because I love you (in spite of your crap knitting in non-traditional colours). 😛

    @witty_knitter @gingerthomas I love than a random joke has turned into an actual learning experience. 🙂

    @drkknits There’s a song in that.

    @witty_knitter @drkknits I remember when M-H was as virulently anti-socks as I am anti-shawl. Crap. I better not be knitting shawls in 8yrs!

    @knitterjp I turned them down. I think it’s more the “sucker” thing, and I’m through being the tall poppy that gets whacked!

    @knitterjp @drkknits The hipster part will come when it gets used as the soundtrack in an Apple advert.

    RT @FlavourCrusader: @web_goddess hai u r faaaaaaamous love that photo btw // HAHAHA… Thanks! Love it too. 🙂

    @Kat13v Maybe doing a new class? Just seems pointless to ask me to repeat. Lack of imagination. Same folks always go so what’s the point?

    @Alacaeriel So in order to defeat the clowns… we must all become one with the clowns? NO. NO! THE HORROR!

    @AusVintageGrrl So if I swing by, I can pay you for the Folca??!

    Figured out why I feel awful. Mysterious cheek infection has returned. Back to antibiotics. 🙁

    Sinus headache entering 3rd day. Paracetamol not making a dent. Yes, I’ll be going to the doctor today.

    @knitterjp @drkknits I’m not stuffed up at all. I think this is infection in actual sinus cavity. Cheek is sore, nausea, headache, pressure.

    @SMinney This is the 3rd time in 1.5yr in exactly the same place. Antibiotics must not be killing it. Need something STRONG this time!

    Doctor booked in at midday (earliest I could get). Now to sit without moving my head for three hours.

    Okay, this is weird. Skyping with my sister, who had a salivary gland infection recently… in same spot I have pain. Another possibility?

    @redambition I don’t have any of those hippie things in my house! 🙂

    @HypnosisTips4u Banned and reporting you for spamming.

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    It’s gotten to the point where Snarky Bitching about the Easter Show is as much a seasonal tradition as hot cross buns and chocolate.

    Paracetamol, Zyrtec, and Diet Coke are my bestest friends today. #feelingbetter

    @HealthyLife_101 Banning you and reporting for spam.

    @redambition Rav has the highlights, I guess. Otherwise scroll through @knitterjp’s tweets from last night; she had most of them!

    Good lord. The Easter Show actually charges $2.49 for the iPhone app! You pay $34 to get in & they won’t give you a free promo planning app.

    @MiguelinaLubman Banning you and reporting for spam.

    @toastman Yep, according to the website. They also call it “one of the best bargains around.” *snort*

    The actual Easter Show app: Maps, timetables, planner, and “great offers.” And a comp to win a wristband. #fail

    We officially booked in for the cheesemaking class. It’s going to be fun.

    @imdominating Whereas for me, if there is ever something that I *can* hit my head on, I will. Dryer doors, airplane ceilings, cabinets, etc.

    In bed by 9pm. Couple glasses of box red wine plus a Zyrtec. Let’s just all agree that today didn’t happen, right? Zzzzz….

    Also, I DEFIED the Snook and plugged in the electric heater. Before ANZAC Day. I’m a rebel, I am. (A warm one.)

    Aw, thanks @misswired. Just killer combo of allergy attack, post-bloodletting lethargy and lack of sleep (due to yowling cat).

    Once again ten hours of sleep makes everything better.

    I’ve decided on my entry for next year’s Easter Show.

    @drkknits @witty_knitter I’m pretty sure it needs an intarsia kitten and/or puppy on it somewhere. I need to work that in. In faux fur.

    @witty_knitter I don’t want it to be too ostentatious!

    @witty_knitter I know we’re only joking, but you are FREAKING ME OUT. 😛

    @witty_knitter Don’t challenge me. I’m a sucker for reverse psychology. 🙂

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  • Jane Austen Drinking Game

    Oh man. If the Jane Austen Drinking Game had existed when Liz and I were in college, we would now be alcoholics.

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    @tinkabel I’ve donated in the US and UK before, but not in the last 10 years. My Hb level was 139, IIRC. Right in the middle.

    @tinkabel I’ve never been paid for it anywhere. Just always donate at the Red Cross.

    @knitterjp No fishing line? I’ll call that a win. 🙂 Thanks!

    RT @knitterjp: A third for @mrs_sockvictim // Yay, congrats Fee!!

    My Hipster Cardy didn’t win the Show. Once again I am too AVANTE GARDE for the judges! 🙂 (Thanks @knitterjp for pic)

    RT @knitterjp: Reccie’s shawl!! @miss_reecie

    @knitterjp Intarsia waratahs? INTARSIA WARATAHS? Tell me that Asa’s actually pretty design won a ribbon.

    RT @knitterjp: Send in the clowns // So much FAIL in one photo. It’s a wonder anybody takes up knitting these days.


    @drkknits I think we need to write a uke song about scourge of insipid clowns and the valiant-but-misunderstood knitters who oppose them.

    @knitterjp There are no words.

    @knitterjp GASP! He didn’t win? I do like the meerkat.

    @knitdra @knitterjp He’s there every year. As god is my witness, one day I will own some naked marquetry.

    @Kat13v Awww, thanks. 🙂

    Playing Patsy Cline on the ukelele. @imdominating would be pissing herself.

    @Kat13v Wait, WHAT? No 1st in my class? Okay, that’s friggin’ annoying.

    @AusVintageGrrl Awww, thanks. I suppose the garment would’ve lost all Hipster Cred if it had a ribbon. Losing is more “authentic.” 🙂

    @stufromoz I think you’ve done all the ones I know!

    @steven_noble Isn’t there a parliament of owls? I always liked that one.

    RT @eileenDCoE: Cures not cuts! #protectresearch

    @knitabulous Nah, Walkin’ After Midnight. I’m not up to crooning yet. 🙂

    100 Awesome Husband Points: secretly getting your wife a Jane Austen comic book as a surprise gift.

    @knitabulous I didn’t keep it as secret as I should. It was listed on Rav for ages. Oh well, winning would have tarnished my indie cred. 😛

    The wicked bruise on my arm is the perfect counterpart to my wicked allergy attack, wicked sinus headache, and wicked bad mood.

    @gingerthomas Yeah, I bruise pretty easily. It’s gnarly; looks like I got attacked by a vampire. Not Red Cross lady’s fault, she was good!

  • Charity

    One of my New Year’s resolutions was to be more charitable. The Snook and I are incredibly lucky: we both have good jobs; we’re paying off our mortgage; we save more than we spend. We should do more to help out those less fortunate. Here’s a list of causes that I’ve supported in the past few months in case you’d like to join me:

    Jump Rope for Heart – This is a yearly event that my little brother Joey participates in to raise money for the American Heart Association. I’m really proud of him. Last year he was the 2nd highest fundraiser in his whole school!

    Disco Red Cross Appeal – This page was set up by my friend Lara, who felt powerless in the wake of the Queensland floods, Christchurch earthquake, and Japanese tsunamis. She’s asking folks to make a small sacrifice and donate the money to the Red Cross. Me, I gave up some of the cash I would’ve spent on a box of red wine. (Me = classy.)

    Slow Runners Club Run Chicago – Diabetes Action Team
    – I’ve been enjoying the Slow Runners Club podcast for a while now. Eddie recently lost his Mom to diabetes and the two guys are running the Chicago Marathon in her memory. They’re also raising funds for diabetes research. As an added thank-you for donations, the guys are offering entry into their private online coaching program. I’m looking forward to it!

    Australian Red Cross Blood Service – I’ve been meaning to start donating blood again. I haven’t actually donated in ten years (mostly because that time was so traumatic). I saw a poster recently advertising the big new fancy Donor Centre at Town Hall though, so I decided to go for it. I rang them up yesterday and made an appointment. And this morning, I went in and did it!

    Donating blood

    As recommended, I was well-hydrated and fed. The new Centre is great, all gleaming and high-tech. Since it was my first donation in Australia, I had to go through all the paperwork and interviews and such. They also checked my blood pressure and haemoglobin levels. (139 g/L – perfect! I am the Hermione of Haemoglobin.) Then I got led off to a big comfy robotic chair in front of a large TV, where a nice lady prepped me. I was worried they wouldn’t hit a vein easily – I’ve given other nurses trouble – but she got it on the first go. I was hooked up for about 7 minutes, and according to the little machine they got 480mL from me. Afterwards I got to rest in the chair to make sure I wouldn’t faint, and then it was off to the refreshments area for some food and drink. Overall it was my best donation experience yet, and I will definitely be repeating it. (I’m tempted to donate plasma, since they said that was better for those who train a lot since it doesn’t deplete your red blood cells.) Big thumbs up!

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    @PhilKeoghan ACK. How about those of us in Australia? Going to have to hide your tweets!

    This office is an ice box. My fingertips are actually going numb.

    Was inspired to book in for blood donation tomorrow. I know too many folks who can’t donate; figure I’d better step up in their place!

    @Yarna_ The cutoff on that seems to be ’96 for Australian donations. Luckily I didn’t live in England til ’98, so I’m okay!

    @carbolicious Just thinking about that makes me wince.

    Received hilariously mismatched job opp from Gemteq HR spammer. I’m not a team lead or dev, & I know zero .NET. Do they even read linkedin?

    @Justacogitating Aussie rules ban those who spent 6 months in UK prior to ’96. So we’re clear by two years, thankfully!

    Just finished breakfast (leftover meatloaf and zucchini) and now I’m pounding water. All preparation for giving blood in an hour!

    Hemoglobin checked, iron levels all good. Ready to get stuck!

    Needle is in and I am being drained. New Town Hall Red Cross centre is brilliant. Comfy high-tech recliners and big TVs!

    Who wants to see me and my blood? (Not gross; I swear.)

    All done! Now just chillin’ til I get my cookie. That was best blood donation experience ever. Practically painless, very professional.

    @knitterjp It’s those folks, but the whole center has moved to Town Hall. New place is great!