Month: May 2011

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @thisismywww @redambition Cycling is up 60%. Victoria Road is always gonna suck though. Bad design.

    Scurrying out for a run between downpours. And what is that yellow light in the sky? Vitamin D, here I come!

    A yahoo-who-shall-not-be-named said you should register to win an iPad, and that the app “will be great.”

    @mumbrella Interesting. I’ve been to Grand Rapids (dated a guy from there). Dying? It’s full of all the rich folks who left Detroit.

  • American food

    Food in the fast lane – Ambitious young chefs are turning their love of American snack food into high-end cuisine…” AWESOME. Bring on the sliders and hot dogs!

  • Grand Rapids lip dub

    Yes, yes, the Grand Rapids Lip Dub is pretty awesome. But how did they not include the Calder?? I mean, they put it on their garbage trucks but they don’t include their most famous landmark in the video?

  • Paranoia

    It’s 12 days from the marathon, and it’s been pouring rain. I worry with every step that I’m going to slip on rain-slickened leaves and fall down. I stare at my feet as I walk, dreading an ankle roll or a knee twist. On the bus, I shrink back as the girl in front of me hacks and coughs. Can’t I just work from home for the next week and a half?

  • Shared today on Twitter

    WHOA, big lightning outside our building. Storm is getting closer.

    I’m with Cate. Sooner or later, we’re going to have to pay a price for climate change. #imwithCate

    @thisismywww What issue? You mean the one where people attacked Cate Blanchett for being rich? Because that’s what I’m talking about.

    @redambition @thisismywww Besides, it was a stupid promise that shouldn’t have been made. I’d rather they break it.

    @blakkat The question is, is your desk under water? πŸ™‚

    @thisismywww It won’t be coming back to me. I’m happy to pay. Electricity is too cheap here anyway; there’s no impetus to conserve.

    @thisismywww What, just ask corporations nicely to stop polluting? I don’t think that’s gonna work. Economic sanctions are going to happen.

    @thisismywww If we don’t impose them ourselves, the EU will do it for us. Qantas flights are already being penalised. (Check the SMH story)

  • Shared today on Twitter

    RT @wpostmagazine: A wrinkle in time: Twenty years after β€˜The Beauty Myth,’ Naomi Wolf addresses The Aging Myth

    @knitabulous Great job!!

    Jamie’s 30Min Meal #17: Pork Chops & Crispy Crackling, Smashed Potatoes, Minty Cabbage, Peaches N Cream: Eh, okay.

    Another power “blackout” – except this time it was us overloading power with too many heaters! Good thing @dancingman put in that switch…

    @dancingman You put in a breaker on our main switch. Good thing too; I’d have had to run out to the main box in the rain!

    I bought some awesome new sunglasses yesterday. Just in case you’re wondering why it’s pouring rain.

    As requested, my new sunnies. And Sydney’s crappy weather.

  • Thermomix

    I got a mysterious phone call from my friend Kathleen yesterday, saying she had something that would help me out with all my “foodie projects.” Hmmm. After some amusing miscommunication (I thought maybe she had a source for raw milk), she confessed that she’s now a Thermomix rep! I’d heard of these things before. They used them on Masterchef last year, and they’ve been getting pretty rave reviews. It’s hard to categorise them – they’re like a blender crossed with a food processor crossed with a heating element. You can’t buy them in shops; they’re only sold via personal demonstrations (which is what Kathleen is doing). Everyone who’s used one seems to rave about it. Unfortunately they’re pretty pricey, and our kitchen funds are earmarked for new countertops and a fridge. But I promised her I’d blog about it, so if you think you might be interested (and you’re in Sydney), leave me a comment and I’ll put you in touch!

  • Slow Runners Club

    Podcast news
    No, not mine. (Sorry Ted!) Yesterday I was fortunate enough to be invited as a guest on the latest episode of the Slow Runners Club. Adam and Eddie have been coaching me online for the past month, so it was great to get to talk to them about my final weeks of marathon preparation. As I said on the show, I’m one of those people who loves to learn things from books, but in this sort of situation it’s nice to get advice from people who’ve actually done what I’m trying to do. Of course, it’s the Slow Runners Club so we rarely stayed on one topic for very long! It felt like just a fun chat with friends. You should give it a listen, and don’t forget to donate to the SRC fund for the Diabetes Action Team at the Chicago marathon.