- Ubiquitous nostalgia
- Fermentors: Hard cider problem!
- Apologies to the sensitive neckbeards out there. | MetaTalk – This is why I love MetaFilter: an entire thread overthinking the insult “neckbeard.”
- Filmmaker Plans for Yarn Graffiti Documentary – No. NOOOOOOOOOO!
- The princess bride phenomenon – The Drum Opinion – While I love a good princess wedding in a fairy tale, I’m very proud of the fact that I didn’t have one.
- Apologies
Month: May 2011
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@laimelde Awww, that sucks! Sorry to hear it.
DAMMIT. Just saw on Facebook that some girl has successfully eaten Mad Mex’s 1kg burrito. Sad that it wasn’t me.
@AusVintageGrrl Because I wanted the glory all for myself!
Realised as I was getting dressed after lunchtime run that I’ve been wearing my own handknit jumper BACKWARDS all day.
@Lauren_lolly_ Road to Golden. Only noticed because I suddenly realised the start-of-round jog was visible on my right shoulder raglan seam!
@carbolicious Yep. I need to get some of those little tags made up. MADE WITH LOVE BY CRAZY CRAFT SISTERS, amirite?
Damn. Lost the Food Connect recipe contest to an okra dish. OKRA. How did they get 29 people to like a friggin’ OKRA recipe??
@DDsD I tried. Just felt dirty doing too much spamming to get folks to vote. AND THAT’S HOW YOU LOSE TO OKRA, I GUESS.
@carbolicious @imdominating You can pitch it as “Harry and the Hendersons” meets “Twilight.” HIGH CONCEPT MOVIE GOLD.
@carbocommander The 30 Rock parody of HatH was one of the best things ever.
My point was not that okra is the Worst Thing Ever, but rather that it was in no way comparable to my awesome Pumpkin Chili con Carne.
@imdominating Trying to remember what age I got mine at. I have a feeling it was 5th grade. But I desperately wanted them… 🙂
RT @Ezzles: May the fourth be with you! // AWESOME!
@SallyPompom Welcome back! We all missed you.
How it Turned Out
“How it Turned Out.” A lovely, sad little piece imagining the future for some beloved comic strip characters. No, not the one you’re thinking of, but that’s okay, somebody on MetaFilter wrote that one.
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@AusVintageGrrl That right there is pretty much why I’m sticking with my iPhone. 🙁
@imdominating Dude! @carbolicious is makin’ the damn CAKE!
@codepo8 The Snook agrees with you. 🙂
@Ezzles Discovered at knit camp on the weekend it happens to many of us. Perhaps UK English language setting?
How much of the 1st book of Game of Thrones does the 1st episode cover? Snook wants to watch but I want to read it first. Anybody know?
@stufromoz Yeah, I’ve got it and am currently reading it. Just want to know when to schedule the first episode…
@wheelyweb I never visit the Twitter website. So, no.
@wheelyweb Oh, I read lots of Tweets! Just never on the website. I’m not zen; I’m just wedded to TweetDeck. 🙂
@supercres Awesome, thanks for that. Sounds like we’ll be firing up the first ep tonight then!
@supercres Bonus points for exactitude! 🙂
Health Month Rules for May
I’ve just started my fourth month of playing Health Month. I’ve been steadily increasing my rules each time! Here are the habits I’m trying to reinforce for May.
1. Study BABOK (Business Analyst Book of Knowledge) at least 1 day a week
This is my relevant to my long-term career plans as well as my current job.2. Stretch for 15 minutes at least 3 days a week
Still trying to fix a few niggling running injuries.3. Bring lunch to work 3 days a week
This worked great last month; I saved lots of money and ate healthier. Have increased it from 2 to 3 days.4. Go to bed before 10pm at least 4 days a week
Actually reduced from 5 to 4 days per week, as I had trouble meeting this one.5. Floss every day
ARGH. I had a two month streak going til I forgot my floss at knitting camp on the weekend! However, I CANNOT do the whole “floss before brushing” thing. I do it after.6. Read a book for at least 30 minutes 2 days a week
I spent too much time on the Internet and not enough time reading books.7. Allow 2 alcoholic drinks a week
I interpret this as two days with allowed alcohol per week. It’s healthier and saves me money!8. Allow white flour 1 day per week
This is my “eat low carb” rule, and I allow myself one cheat day per week.9. Limit internet usage to 24 hours a week
I interpret this as “messing about when you should be doing something else” time. Slowly cutting it back each month.10. Do meaningful work at least 4 days a week
I give myself leeway here. If I do something that is challenging or that I don’t want to do (whether at work or at home), that counts as meaningful.11. Practice my ukulele at least 2 days a week
This is fun. I gave my first performance at camp last weekend!12. Exercise for 45 minutes at least 5 days a week
I’m pretty good about running 3x a week, but I want to commit to cross-training as well.13. Take a multivitamin at least 4 days a week
New one! I only made it 4 days to give myself time to develop the habit.14. Track your spending every day
I do this most days, but having it in HM will help cement it as a daily habit.15. Do household chores for 20 minutes at least 3 days a week
Rather than trying to do 15 loads of laundry all at once on Sunday -
No Jamie recipe this week!
Just a quick note that there will not be a Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals post this week. I was away for most of the weekend so you’ll have to wait for the next one!
Team Billy
All the food and photo bloggers I know in Sydney are freaking out because Billy Law made the Masterchef Top 50. Go Billy!
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The sun is out, and we are knitting on the wall. Finally it feels like camp! http://twitpic.com/4rnup8 http://twitpic.com/4rnuvv
I just unlocked the “Healthy Fox” badge on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/iJaqzL
Home from knit camp. Showered, fed, unpacked. Raging headache from beer-related dehydration tho. My bed is nice. #sleepnow