Month: May 2011

  • Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals #17: Pork Chops & Crispy Crackling

    This is our 17th cooking/blogging experiment from Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals. For this one we chose “Pork Chops & Crispy Crackling, Crushed Potatoes, Minty Cabbage, and Peaches ‘N’ Custard.” We picked it mostly because we had a lot of cabbage already, and it seemed like a good wintry dish. It was also pretty simple, which was good because I was cooking this one BY MYSELF. As we did last week, we adopted a “rally car” method where this time I cooked while the Snook read out the recipe, timed things, and took photos. Once again, it worked really well!

    Pork Chops & Crispy Crackling

    Substitutions: Our pork chops were a fair bit bigger than the ones he used. We couldn’t get “Maris Piper” potatoes, but we googled them and settled on Desiree as an acceptable substitute. We had plain cabbage instead of Savoy. Everything else was as-written!

    Quick verdict: This was a simple, hearty winter meal without anything too fancy. The method for cooking the chops worked well, but the crackling was a disappointment. He doesn’t have you salt it at all(!), so it wasn’t as tasty as it should’ve been. The potatoes and cabbage were both good without being too much work. The dessert was another of his “quick assembly” recipes, and while custard and fruit are always good, it’s not exactly something you’d make to impress. Overall we both rated it 8 out of 10. You probably wouldn’t do this one for a dinner party, but it’s good enough for a cold Tuesday night. My final time was 33:17, so it’s another fast one too!


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    Knitters – anybody going to SSK today? Thinking of heading over to Newtown this arvo…

    @lemon_lime @kunaal84 Sure, will email you guys…

    Just got phone call from a friend who is now a Thermomix rep! Anybody interested in going to a demo? Can put you in touch…

    @stufromoz Google it. Like a blender that also gets hot? They use em on Masterchef sometimes, Heston Blumenthal, etc. Fancy foody gadget.

    @stufromoz They don’t sell them in shops, only via parties. I think they’re expensive too. @mrs_sockvictim went to one…

    Whoa! Power just went out for a second in Chippo. Anybody else??

    Tonight’s Jamie meal: Pork Chops w/ Crackling, Smashed Potato, Minty Cabbage, Peaches cooked in 33min BY ME!

    @venks79 Huh. This was our first ever. Just darkness for 1-2 sec, then back. Doesn’t seem to have affected anybody else. Maybe just us??

    @knitabulous Yay! Good luck!! You’ll be AWESOME.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    I wore the dyed orange cardy. I like it! May still paint to even out few spots, but it’s much better than cream.

    @SMinney Yeah, everybody at work seems to like it. They all thought the blotchiness was intentional!

    @squozen Hahahaha, I was gonna say…

    @SMinney Addictive. I had to leave it at home today lest I get distracted at work. πŸ™‚

    @SMinney I was already using my iPhone for a lot of crafty things; this just gives me more screen room!

    @mrs_sockvictim Hahahaha, that was quick! How’d you get it??

    RT @venks79: Seen a dark blue sedan involved in an accident at corner of Centennial Ave & Elizabeth Pde, Lane Cove at 3pm, 26th May? Msg …

    @knitdra @mrs_sockvictim She sold it to me! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    @drkknits I know. Rodd sent me a link about it ages ago. I think I shared it on Reader…

    @drkknits Hahaha. It helps that I am apparently the person that everyone in the world sends their wacky ukulele links to.

    Our end-of-month beers tonight featured a blatant Sam Adams rip-off. Seriously? “John Boston”? So bad it’s funny.

    @brodrigu 4X is a fairly well known Australian beer from Queensland. It’s piss, but I don’t think its a knockoff.

    @supercres After I shared it, I found a MeFi thread with a link to an essay from the author. I read the book myself and was repulsed.

  • RunningBlog: Week 21

    Taper Madness has ensued. My low-carb diet has totally gone off the rails this week, I’m sorry to say. Training was good though. Sunday I went for a night run after our cheese class, and I managed 8.5K before the CHEESE BABY in my belly demanded that I stop. Monday I went to Spudds and had a particularly hard workout. Tuesday I went for a lunchtime run with some work buddies. Wednesday was Spudds again, but thankfully easier this time. Today I went for a solo run at lunchtime, pushing the pace a bit. Not bad for taper week 2 of 4!

    May 22: 8.56km
    May 24: 6.11km
    May 27: 6.31km
    Total this week: 20.98km (13mi)
    Total in 2011: 540.25km (337.65mi)

    To meet my goal of running 1100km in 2011, I should be at 444km. Holy crap, I’ve got nearly 100km of cushion!

    The rest of the winter running season is falling into place. On August 7 I’ll be running the Bay Run (7K) with the Snook and three buddies from work. The following weekend the Snook and I will be running the City 2 Surf (14K) as part of the DailyMile Sydney team. My big goal race for the 2nd half of the year will be the Blackmores Half Marathon on September 18.

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  • Adventures in Dyeing

    After I got home from cheese-making, it was time for more fun with giant pots. It was finally time to dye my February Lady Sweater. I always meant to dye it, but I was just too lazy. The cream did nothing for me though, and I never wore it. So I picked up some Jacquard Acid Dye in Burnt Orange and got to work (with some much-needed email guidance from knitabulous). The cardigan – which had been previously washed and soaked overnight – went into the pot along with some citric acid, dye, and lots of water. It was very vivid and murky. I kept it on a gentle simmer for about 40 minutes, checking on it often. I was pleased to see the water clearing just like Ailsa said it would! I turned off the heat and left it overnight. In the morning I dumped out the water and gave the cardigan a rinse and another soak (with hair conditioner). That night I finally squeezed out the water and had a look at the final product. To be honest, I was a little surprised at how blotchy it was. The dye didn’t take up evenly, and the effect is almost like tye-dye. (I’ve since read on Twitter that this is a common problem, and that dying whole garments rarely works perfectly.) Anyway, I let it dry thinking I’d make a final assessment later. Today, I actually wore it to work. And you know what? I think I like it!

    Dyed cardy

    I’ve had some compliments on it at work, and everybody seems to think the dye effect is intentional. It’s definitely more wearable than the cream version was! I may still have a go at touching it up; I’ve got more dye that I can “paint on” the lighter areas. But for now, I’m pretty happy with my first go at dyeing. Thanks to Ailsa and everybody who gave advice on Twitter!

  • Blessed are the cheese-makers…

    Making cheeseBlessed are the cheese-makers…
    A few weeks ago I booked us in for a cheese-making workshop with one of the local community colleges. You know we like our food, and we’ve been toying with the idea of making cheese for a couple years now. (As my friend Ailsa said, “Ah, the last Amish skill you don’t yet possess.” It’s part of our long-term strategy to accumulate skills we can put to use when the revolution comes and society collapses.) So last Saturday the Snook and I headed off to Alexandria with a selection of aprons, tea towels, and sharp knives. There were 11 of us there on the day, and our teacher was Zigi Ozeri. He gave each of us a big handout full of recipes for various cheeses. (Do you know how easy it is to make mascarpone? I’m never paying $6 for a tiny tub of it again!) Zigi talked us through some of the strange equipment and ingredients we’d be using, and then we got stuck in! It was like being back in high school Home Ec (which was fitting, because we were using a school kitchen). We split into three groups, each of whom made a fresh mozzarella and ricotta from 4 liters of milk. Zigi also made a labne from some yogurt. A lot of cheese-making is standing around waiting for stuff to get to temperature or curdle or whatever, so we had plenty of time to socialise. We finished the day with a meal of homemade pizza, salads, and lots of cheese! I took some photos…Here’s the Snook measuring out 4 liters of milk from a giant bucket. No, we didn’t get raw milk. Zigi made it very clear that it’s illegal to sell. (I was sad.)

    Measuring milk

    The milk went on the stove over a low heat along with citric acid and lipase. (This recipe is very close to the one we used.) It took a while to get up to the necessary temperature to start curdling.

    Heating milk

    At the right temperature, we added the rennet. Not long after, we had proper cheese curds and whey!

    Curds and whey

    After cooking, draining, salting, and stretching, we formed it into a big ball of mozzarella and put it in a salt brine. Yay, cheese!


    We put the whey back on to boil to try to make some ricotta. We didn’t have much protein left in there though, so we only got about 2 tablespoons. Here’s the Snook draining the world’s tiniest batch of ricotta in a cheesecloth.

    Draining ricotta

    Each group also made a pizza and some salads to accompany our cheese. We sliced up our mozzarella and put it on top of ours. It was great!

    Finished pizza

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @Linda_Moore Ha, @devvyleys sent me that link this morning. πŸ™‚

    Hahaha… that’s THREE people who have now sent me the link to the knitted ukulele cover. My interests are just that obvious. πŸ™‚

    RT @mpesce: They’ve finally figured out why Americans are so fat: RECOMMENDED

    @toastman This is for you:

    RT @redditflipboard: Why Bing Lost and Google Won: #reddit #flipboard

    @knitabulous @AusVintageGrrl GAHHHH. That’s 4 people today. πŸ™‚

    Reading the morning news on an iPad while drinking coffee feels civilized and tomorrow, like reading a newspaper from the future. #douchebag

    I have been out-hipstered. There are TWO dudes sitting together on this bus, both with iPads. (Not @stufromoz either; I checked.)

    Just discovered the “Send to Twitter” option in Google Reader. Annoyingly, it doesn’t work.