“Secret to breaking glass ceiling? Go home for dinner.” I thought that title was weird at first, but upon reading the editorial I am in total agreement. I have worked in several places where there is a culture of working late into the night. You know who benefits in that environment? Single guys who are happy getting takeout for dinner and who don’t have a life outside work. We need to support everyone having a balanced life and getting out of the office at a reasonable hour.
Month: May 2011
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- MasterChef Australia | A day in the pressure cooker – After reading this, you all can stop recommending the Snook to go on the show. THIS WOULD BE HIS HELL.
- The lost Indiana Jones-Star Wars crossover was really depressing [Comics]
Making the Sassy Pillowcase Dress: 20 Years Later
Making the Sassy Pillowcase Dress: 20 Years Later. Oh wow. I remember seeing that dress when I was in high school (I had a Sassy subscription) and thinking even then that there’s no way I’d ever wear that. But Mena’s updated version looks great!
Felted Ukulele Gig Bag
Felted Ukulele Gig Bag. AWESOME!
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I am probably the only person in Sydney who loves paying her mortgage. I just love seeing that number go down every time.
@crumpet @squozen I use a Mac app called MoneyWell that has an iPhone app that syncs. I am in love with it.
@squozen It costs a bit, but they have a big fancy new version about to drop. Took me a little while to get my head around. I get it now!
@squozen It’d be nice. But as a fellow crackmonkey, I like logging into my bank every other day anyway. 🙂
RT @drkknits: international yarn bombing day? oh FFS. // Word.
@squozen We’re mostly just tracking; don’t stick to concrete budget yet. But the “envelope” idea is powerful once you get your head round it
@drkknits You’re such an artistic snob. Don’t you realise your shawl would be so much more PUNK RAWK and AUTHENTIC wrapped around a pole?
@squozen We also have a shared Google spreadsheet where we track overall monthly spending in accordance with Balanced Money Formula. 🙂
@drkknits I suppose it’s better to be a shit-stirrer than a shit-knitter? 🙂
@drkknits Obviously, so they can say the “This isn’t your Grandma’s knitting!” stupidity for millionth time. Tatting, say, isn’t as funny.
@thisismywww Every damn day is Geek Pride Day in my house. 🙂
@Ezzles The house is good because I can compare to how much it’s worth and feel like I’m not in the hole. Little by little!
Whole office is placing their bets on State of Origin tournaments on topbetta.com. I have never understood Rugby League.
@thisismywww Oh, I like football plenty. Rugby Union all the way. I even enjoy gridiron and AFL. Sports-haters bore me.
@gilmae @thisismywww When I first asked the Snook to explain the difference, he told me simply: “This is a Rugby Union house.” 🙂
Castlereagh is like a parking lot. Damn it! @mrs_sockvictim is delivering my iPad and I’M GONNA BE LATE! 🙁
@NL_AFFILIATES Thanks, spammer. Blocked and reported.
I made it home and I have the iPad in my possession! Thanks @mrs_sockvictim. WOOO! NOW SYNC, YOU BASTARD. SYNC!
This is me and the iPad2, which I named Marmoset. (We have a monkey naming scheme.) http://twitpic.com/52arh0
@jasony It wasn’t really planned as a business/study aid – just a shiny toy! 🙂
Pressure Cooker Moroccan Lamb Tagine = very good. Eating prunes out of the bag while cooking it = very bad. BAD. *moan*
@jasony Not yet! Took a long rime to sync. Will get more apps tomorrow. 🙂
@_brigita_ I have different columns for all my groups. And it can post to Facebook. And it syncs across different machines.
@jayamyler We went there a fortnight ago. Food was good, but service was way too slow. Maybe just Friday night?
@jasony Sweet! Awesome tip. Grateful for any more you think of! 🙂
@_brigita_ You can use them for a search term, or mentions, new followers, whatev. Even FB updates. Lists are the best though.
@rajsingh2505 Hahaha… Our media box is called “Monkey” and our server is “Bonobo,” so I needed something smaller than those. 🙂
The only negative to the iPad2 so far is that I can tell how good the retina display on iPhone4 is, and I miss it.
Oh yes. I am that douchebag tweeting from an iPad on the bus. (Tethered via Wi-Fi to iPhone = extra nerd points!)
@devvyleys That. Is. AWESOME. Mine came with a canvas gig bag, but that one is so much cooler!
Chippendale Creative Precinct
Chippendale Creative Precinct – “aims to promote the area as a creative, sustainable community and a diverse and unique cultural meeting place.” Nice! According to this story, they’re even planning a festival.
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- HARTTER: THE DARK TOWER part III: THE WASTELANDS – I can’t figure out who Jack Nicholson is meant to be. The voice of Blaine the Mono?
- Watch Chewbacca grind his furry pelvis to Guns N’ Roses, while an Ewok Slash plays him off – io9 – Dear Internet: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.
- ‘The Zune Strategy’
Macho Man
Dead Wrestler Of The Week: “Macho Man” Randy Savage. An excellent overview of the Macho Man’s long career, with lots of YouTube clips. We were big WWF fans as kids. I remember watching that match where Macho Man was getting beat up by the Honky Tonk Man and the Hart Foundation, and Miss Elizabeth getting knocked down, and her then running back to the dressing room. And I got chills all over again when Hulk Hogan came running out to Macho Man’s rescue and Hulked out all over the place. Yeah, it was all a bit 80’s and silly, but that was some serious myth-making in action too.
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Just realised I’ve been tweeting my runs with the WRONG @rajsingh! Sorry, other Raj! I run with @rajsingh2505. 🙂
@mrs_sockvictim From previous tweet: http://twitpic.com/51frvv. No idea how the hell I did that.
@makarakarn Hot. Water. Bottle.
RT @Y7News: Strauss-Kahn DNA found on maid’s clothes: reports http://yhoo.it/m4Wb8b // GROSSSSSSSS.
@gusseting @knitabulous Well, I have another pot of the dye. Would it do any good to try again in a bigger pot?
@drkknits If people reckon it would improve it, I guess.
@knitabulous You’re gonna have to send me another email with all the instructions for that. I like to follow directions.
@mrs_sockvictim What? Is that yours??
RT @mrs_sockvictim: ipad for sale http://alturl.com/jug5r // MINE MINE MINE! ALL MINE!
@gusseting We didn’t bother with phones or sim cards when we were there last time; just used free WiFi when we could get it.
@gusseting But we were only visiting fam, not doing business or anything…
@knitabulous There appear to be some videos of people playing it on YouTube. I shall do my best.
Finally, an AWESOME True Blood series 4 preview: http://on.io9.com/lzSjRP. VERY EXCITED.
@kunaal84 I thought of you as soon as I got on the bus and it started pouring. I’M SORRY!
Dear Gary Mehigan: This is how you make Shepherd’s Pie, you twit. Love, me and Saint Delia. http://twitpic.com/51vajr
@wen1965 Exactly! Cottage Pie is a fine thing, but no need to go muddling the waters…
I wonder if Mr Snook is having fun at #brewshare at @localtaphouseDL. IF ONLY HE USED TWITTER HE COULD TELL US ALL RIGHT NOW.
Baked some special treats for tomorrow. It’s Tanvir’s last day and @rajsingh2505’s birthday! http://twitpic.com/51vjgm
@chewxy Ack! What’d he have you to do a poor duck?
Note to self: when you bake cookies and Snook isn’t around to police you, you will eat the cookies. The trick is to not eat ALL the cookies.
@codepo8 He is the guardian of my nobler self… the one that doesn’t scarf down still-warm cookies in the kitchen in her sweatpants.
@bowenvale321 But I tweeted them! Thwarted by my own social networking!
@AusVintageGrrl These are practically compost cookies. I threw in everything: 4 packs of M&Ms (inc. coconut!), half a pack of Freckles…
@gusseting Nope. I’m not nearly that cool.
@altonbrown Well, I am *now*. Too bad I can’t get Vidalias in Australia, I think. 🙁
RT @NereadersDigest: Welcome to 2005 RT @arionian: OMIGOD http://bom.gov.au/ FINALLY WORKS WITHOUT THE WWW!
@devvyleys Awesome! Congrats to your big little girl! 🙂
Good grief. Broadway was okay, but the William Street wind tunnel nearly knocked me over. Glad I wore my big coat.
Scalloped Waist Skirt Tutorial
Scalloped Waist Skirt Tutorial. Self: make this.