Month: May 2011

  • RunningBlog: Week 20

    I am very, very happy to be recording my highest distance week EVER, and the first over THIRTY MILES! I had my marathon run on Sunday, then I took Monday off to recover. I went for a very gentle run/walk at lunch on Tuesday, and I could tell my legs felt better. Wednesday I had a session at Spudds where I recorded DOUBLE HUNDREDS on the rower! Surprised the heck out of me. Thursday was another rest day. Today I went for a 3:1 run/walk at lunch with some guys from the office. I think overall recovery is going extremely well, and so far there’s been no sign of taper madness. Only 3 weeks to go! CAN YOU TELL I’M EXCITED?

    May 15: 42.25km
    May 17: 4.32km
    May: 20: 5.68km
    Total this week: 52.25km (32.6 miles)
    Total in 2011: 519.27km (324.5mi)

    Goodness! My goal is to run 1100km in 2011, and I’m nearly at the halfway point way ahead of schedule. Maybe I should revise my goal to 1200km?

  • Unsung Heroes: Wilma Rudolph

    Unsung Heroes: Wilma Rudolph. Awesome blog post about a female runner I’d never heard of.

  • Yarn-bombing in the NYT

    Oh good grief. The goddamn New York Times has an article about “yarn-bombing,” aka “graffiti knitting,” aka that annoying “movement” I ranted about two years ago. I thought it had jumped the shark back then, but here we are still taking about it in the most famous newspaper in the world. VOMIT. I also like how a “movement” that is supposedly so DIY and subversive and anti-consumerist is now being officially sponsored by Toyota and Smart Car. The founder of the movement has quit her job to make a full-time career out of this. She doesn’t even knit the stuff by hand anymore; she has five assistants and uses looms. I guess this gives me yet another reason for not taking part in any “yarn-bombing” projects: they get sold as some sort of community-minded art project, when in reality you’re just helping promote somebody’s made-up trend that’s now used to sell cars and surfboards.

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    @knitabulous If it’s not on Runkeeper, I DON’T BELIEVE IT HAPPENED. 🙂

    Massive spec that’s been in the works in one form or another for, oh, A YEAR just got signed off. HUZZAH, good to get monkey off my back.

    @Opheli8 Hahahahaha, no, that sucker is dead and buried.

    Working on a gift for a friend. Not bad for a night’s work!

    is personally bringing the oversized 80s jumper back into fashion. You can all thank me later.

    @randomknits I think Jesus is like Santa Claus, in that he follows the time zones.

    @witty_knitter This is like an episode of The Amazing Race!

    @bellsknits You didn’t see R.Pattz in the Harry Potter films? At any rate, he uses a Yank accent in Twilight.

    @NylaSwander9882 Blocking you and reporting for spam.

    @bellsknits Goodness. I thought the only folks who didn’t like HP were homeschooling fundamentalists! You should see/read them; they’re good

    @drkknits @bellsknits Actually I’m not a big R.Pattz fan, and I could leave the movies. The books made me feel icky.

    @knitterjp @drkknits Totes my new imaginary boyfriend!

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    @steven_noble His post is all I know about it. Will try to find out more details tonight when I pick up our veggie box from him.

    @lemon_lime Damn. Can’t see it from my CBD bus stop. Curse your beautiful commute! 🙂

    @gilmae As long as they don’t ask you to kill cockroaches in the basement, you’re okay. (You don’t have a red stapler, do you?)

    The day I forget my headphones is the day the guy behind me on the bus decides to loudly relate the plot of “Human Centipede” to his friend.

    @jannism Come now. You’ve met *some* of us. 🙂

    RT @ljc: Hey … there is a Zooey Deschanel show coming to FOX! // @toastman will be very excited!

    @Lackadazy On a night home from the pub, sure. On the morning ride to work when I just had breakfast – NO.

    @sharre Nah. I grew up in Amish country. They’re actually big users of technology; they just can’t own it.

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  • Duck and Swan closing

    Well, this sucks. Just saw on Michael’s blog that the Duck & Swan is closing. That’s our favourite local pub. That’s where we went to celebrate moving into our house. The new owners are English and – reading between the lines – they sound like jerks.

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    @randomknits @HoneyBeeMine I *do* have a set, and I like them! I’ve never had a problem with them popping off or the joins breaking.

    @randomknits @HoneyBeeMine My only complaint with them is the GIANT BOX they came in. I think the new sets are in more portable kits?

    @imdominating I just wish @teefury would have an RSS feed so I could put it in Google Reader and see it every day automagically.

    @randomknits Can you get just the case on its own?

    @HoneyBeeMine I got mine from CR&K, so I think these are the exact ones: Nickel, I think? No issues with catching.

    Sitting here like Elaine Benes on the subway, quiet on the outside but SCREAMING in my head: “STOP COUGHING! JUST STOP IT! STOP ITTTTTTTTT!”

    @Lauren_lolly_ Unfortunately I’m not on a bus or the street. I’m sitting at my desk at work. No escape.

    @HoneyBeeMine I’ve got a couple; not a full set. I prefer the pointiness of the Addis as I, too, am a Very Tight Knitter.

    Supercilious cardy-wearing bearded Inner West hipster appraises your graffiti and snorts, “Derivative.”

    @gusseting Been reading a little about that one. I like Stephen King, but not so much the straight horror ones.

    RT @c41: Only person not staring at a mobile on this bus is reading a book.
    About iphone dev.

    What? The Duck & Swan in Chippo is closing? THAT SUCKS. (cc @steven_noble @innerwestlive @InnerWestNews)

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    Trying to find a house/catsitter for a week next month. @Ezzles? Anybody else willing/able to stay with two very silly cats in Chippo?

    Feeling sidelined and a little annoyed.

    @Ezzles I facebooked you the dates. But I know @knitness is a good cat mama too, so either of you would be fantastic! 🙂

    @knitabulous I think I have post-marathon emotional turmoil. Also, STILL STARVING.

    @knitabulous Maybe that would perk me up? 😛

    @venks79 WOOHOO, AWESOME! That’s a new personal record, yeah? Well done!

    @yankinoz What, twitter? Heh. It says your app is called “Peep.”

    @Alacaeriel Thanks for the offer! I think we’ve got it covered. Will remember you for possible next time. 🙂

    @DavidServille Aww, thanks for the offer! I think we’ve got it sorted.

    @venks79 According to FB buddies, sick feeling will last a few days. Leg soreness is rapidly disappearing though! 🙂

    What’s with the traffic today, Sydney? Only just made it down George Street