Month: May 2011

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    @drkknits How about those of us who make our living off the industry? 🙁 (I don’t like it much either, tbh.)

    It appears to be Putting-Your-Foot-In-It Friday.

    @drkknits Hahaha… You damn communist academics in your ivory towers! The rabble need their circuses!

    @drkknits I’ve had lots from that bot over the past year. I was waiting to see if it’d pick up on that tweet. 🙂

    This damn podiatrist is *always* running late. Why do I bother getting here on time?

    Had the *worst* allergy attack last night right before bedtime, and have consequently felt like a zombie all day long. Can I sleep yet?

    I used to respect Natalie Portman for defying dumb actress stereotype. Now she’s posing as topless sex kitten on bus stop ads. Depressing.

    @henrytapia Dude, they’re on like half the bus stops in the CBD! You probably just didn’t recognize her because she looks like a vapid bint.

    @likeomg You too? Last couple days have been terrible for me. Eating Zyrtec like candy. 🙁

    Homemade Korean Feast for dinner! Bulgogi, zucchini & pickled cukes. So good! Will blog recipes tomorrow.

    @jenwburn Great job! I just friended you on RK. 🙂

    Any knitters going to SSK today? I’m up for it.

  • What is half of a deviled egg?

    What is half of a deviled egg? On good grief, that’s dumber than that whole “Is cereal a soup?” thing. One egg gets you two deviled eggs. That is the only right answer, and anyone who thinks different is a LUNATIC.

  • Ackbar as Obama

    Let’s be clear on this: Admiral Ackbar did NOT destroy the Death Star. A Rebel pilot did. Ackbar just happened to be the one who recognized a trap. This is not an Ackbar victory, but a Rebel victory. Don’t let him distract you from the fact that he has never produced an official Mon Calamari birth certificate.”

    HA! Reddit uses Star Wars to mock all those birthers and tea bagger idiots. (Link courtesy of the Snook.)

  • Knitted Hello Kitty Pants

    Knitted Hello Kitty pants. Upon first glance I thought these were cute… then I realised they’re disturbing. Hello Kitty famously doesn’t have a mouth, but if she did – it’s the kid’s butt. Ew.

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    @emmainsydney Me! But we’re already connected there. 🙂

    Red Cross has confirmed my blood type is B+. According to website, that’s quite rare in Australia. Only 8% of us! Wow.

    Hm. The city will be crazy with Twihards tonight. @imdominating’s boyfriend is in town for some movie premiere, it seems…

    My iPhone smells like bulgogi marinade. This is not necessarily a bad thing. #koreancooking

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    @indefensible I assumed it was because of that new “Tap and Go” scheme for some cards, may even extend to phones and such. They’re scared.

    Early mark tonight. I’m gettin’ mah hair did!

    @Alacaeriel @redambition Professional only applies to those of us who’ve been paid to knit! 🙂 #smug

    Hair done! Nothing too drastic. A little more “rock chick” layers though.

    @chrisgander Dude. “Monster”? I mean, good job and all, but you need to do that shit 6x to qualify as “monster”. 🙂

    @drkknits Hahaha, yeah, we discussed that it was a little bit Suzi Quatro. Or maybe Joan Jett’s respectable older sister.

    @traceyh Just read post about Jovie. Do you know @matthewbaldwin? He went through similar things with his son; might be worth contacting.

    Up on Level 20 for fire marshal training. Amazing view. @ Westfield Towers

  • Photo Post

    Up on Level 20 for fire marshal training. Amazing view.

    Up on Level 20 for fire marshal training. Amazing view.