@drkknits How about those of us who make our living off the industry? 🙁 (I don’t like it much either, tbh.)
It appears to be Putting-Your-Foot-In-It Friday.
@drkknits Hahaha… You damn communist academics in your ivory towers! The rabble need their circuses!
@drkknits I’ve had lots from that bot over the past year. I was waiting to see if it’d pick up on that tweet. 🙂
This damn podiatrist is *always* running late. Why do I bother getting here on time?
Had the *worst* allergy attack last night right before bedtime, and have consequently felt like a zombie all day long. Can I sleep yet?
I used to respect Natalie Portman for defying dumb actress stereotype. Now she’s posing as topless sex kitten on bus stop ads. Depressing.
@henrytapia Dude, they’re on like half the bus stops in the CBD! You probably just didn’t recognize her because she looks like a vapid bint.
@likeomg You too? Last couple days have been terrible for me. Eating Zyrtec like candy. 🙁
Homemade Korean Feast for dinner! Bulgogi, zucchini & pickled cukes. So good! Will blog recipes tomorrow. http://twitpic.com/4u3f6a
@jenwburn Great job! I just friended you on RK. 🙂
Any knitters going to SSK today? I’m up for it.