Month: June 2011

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    @brockleyboyo Nah, this was a local group doing a one-off. If you google though, similar events have been done around the world.

    @imdominating You would have LOVED it. Just wish there had been some hot Han Solo and/or Lando action. Ladies are lovely, but so are dudes!

    @witty_knitter WHOA!

    @witty_knitter On her Pinterest, she used to list her name as Nora Zakardis. (Goog cache: Now she hides her surname!

    @witty_knitter And that’s definitely her; the account uses same avatar as her Flickr:

    @witty_knitter So if it’s not her, she just happens to have the exact same name as the person in the news story. COINCIDENCE, I’M SURE.

    @witty_knitter If you search her blog, she talks about her “internship” at the hospital. Wisely doesn’t include specifics.

    @Kat13v Even speedier than you know! Susan and I actually put it up right after the meeting ended, down in the CH lobby. πŸ™‚

    RT @FlavourCrusader: Snook & @web_goddess prepping for their 30min JO meal

    Thanks to @FlavourCrusader for coming over to dinner tonight! She got to witness our Jamie’s 30 Minute Meal MAYHEM in action. πŸ™‚

    Tonight’s Jamie meal: Chicken Pie w/ Carrot Smash, French Peas, Berries w/ Chantilly Cream. Time fail tho: 39:56!

    @Diepdin I started to read that post but couldnt finish. How awful. This is why it must be legal.

    @sthcrft Degree in Film & Theater; have worked in IT pretty much ever since.

    @toastman I thought Pomodoro was 25 minutes? That’s the way I do it, anyway. (goes to check PDF…)

    @sthcrft Well, a lot of the skills I learned doing theater stage management are actually applicable to being a BA, oddly enough. It helped.

    RT @jwongjk: Why SEO Companies Are A Waste Of Time RT @Adam_Pedley

    @sharre I did a beading class once. I think they told us to put clear nail polish on it?

  • Photo Post

    Under the Harbour Bridge

    Under the Harbour Bridge

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    ZOMG. I finished my Nutkins. And yes, that is *exactly* the face I made.

    @lemon_lime Socks. Socks that I hate. Socks that I only finished out of perverse spite because I hate them so.

    Thrilled to report that I no longer receive webmaster@ emails for the Guild! @SallyPompom @redambition @Kat13v

    @Opheli8 We’ll be there too!!

    Star Wars Burlesque time! (Yes, seriously.) (@ The Vanguard)

    The people you meet in queues outside Star Wars events… @DDsD @Opheli8 @chewxy

    @chewxy @DDsD Should’ve introduced you. Upstairs, corner. Look for the hat.

    Fantastic dinner at Vanguard. Now just waiting for pole-dancing Boba Fett. (Sadly, probably not. I don’t see a pole.)

    Paging @Opheli8! Heading to the ladies’…

    Cantina Band. This is already the Best Thing Ever.

    @Opheli8 A bit, eh?

    Holy crap. Sexy Slave Leia swung on a chain over our table. Also gave Snook a lap dance in audience. NOT KIDDING.

    I think the Sexy Tusken Raider (again, not kidding) was my favourite though.

    @chewxy Snook called it early. I thought the chain was just decorative, but he had a suspicion it was practical.

    @chewxy We referred to her as Lee Lin Chin throughout the night. Her date was David Tennant. They were pretty quiet.

    Sexy Jedi vs Sexy Dark Lord of the Sith.

    @brockleyboyo I wouldn’t have believed it either. Under all the robes, sort of a burlap bikini. Writhing around in pile of sand.

    @brockleyboyo Now that I think about it, she gets extra credit for having the most uncomfortable act of them all!

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    Hm. @instagram isn’t working. No photos showing from past 6 days; no news; can’t search for friends I know exist. Even after restarting. πŸ™

    @instagram What the-? You’re right; 3G works fine. Appears to be Wifi issue. Is it a known issue, or likely something specific to my router?

    Hey SMH! Since when is “cruel” a verb? I bet a good sub-editor would have caught that.

    @makarakarn But I can’t find that actual quote in the article anywhere. Did the president use that word?

    @gilmae OH! It’s Aussie slang?? No way. I’ve never heard anyone use it here that way in ten years. How delightfully obscure!

    @toastman Yes. How will I know how many coffees my hipster friends are drinking otherwise? *sigh* #firstworldproblems

    @makarakarn My friend @gilmae is suggesting it’s actually Aussie slang: I’ve never heard it in 10 years though.

    @instagram I tracked it down. For some reason DNS settings on my network weren’t being picked up correctly. All fixed now! Sorry to bother.

    @bezthomas Somebody else sent me that. But I maintain that in ten years of living here, I’ve NEVER heard it used that way.

    Perhaps there’s a light at the end of the Guild tunnel after all! It’s like trying to coax a very skittish squirrel…

    Heh. @kunaal84 is perplexed by his iced green tea cappuccino. As are we. #ichibanboshi

  • RunningBlog: Week 25

    Easing back into everything this week. Work, exercise, all of it. Some things are easier than others. My diet and sleep are still messed up, and I’m having trouble finding the willpower to get back to my low-carb diet and proper bedtimes. My running buddies think I need to cut myself some slack, given that – HELLO – I ran a marathon less than a fortnight ago. I just think I could do a little better. My workouts have been really good though. The Snook and I went for a short run Sunday, then I had a (hard) Spudds class Monday night. Tuesday was another run at lunchtime. Wednesday was Spudds again. For my last run of the week today, I did some hill repeats on Cathedral Street with a friend. YOWCH. I got that painful (but also good) burn down way down in my chest that you only get from wheezing up a hill in cold weather…

    June 19: 4.08km
    June 21: 5.63km
    June 24: 5.43km
    Total this week: 15.14km (9.4mi)
    Total in 2011: 644.88km (403mi)

    To meet my goal of running 1200km in 2011, I should be at 576.9km. Yep, still got a nice cushion.

    I have to give a shout-out to the Snook too, who is gamely joining me in training for the Blackmore’s Half-Marathon. He even did some mid-week workouts by himself! Kickass.

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    @SallyPompom @redambition Which reminds me: Do I need to send a report for Saturday, even though I’m not supposed to be Webmaster anymore?

    @SallyPompom @redambition Considering Susan has dropped off the earth, and she hasn’t said she’s going to the meeting either. πŸ™

    @redambition @sallypompom Will try and write up something at lunch…

    “That looks like Kings Cross!” – office manager referring to coworker’s spilled soup all over the carpet near my desk.

    @knitabulous Yikes! But congrats on joining the rest of us faceplanters. It’s an elite group. πŸ™‚

    @imdominating Which one? Mine is: “I’m wondering – what is in the bag?” We say that one all. the. time.

    Well, if I’m crying over breakfast, @imdominating and @carbolicious should be too.

    RT @DeathStarPR: A Jedi walks into a bar and cuts off a few people’s arms for no reason. #JediHumour #StarWars

    @indefensible @squozen Fairey falsified evidence though, didn’t he? Surely didn’t help his case.

    @henrytapia Is it an American thing? I just thought it was a web thing, not specific to a given country.

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    @Warlach I asked MeFi about cats and Sydney landlords 4yr ago: We ended up buying a place of our own. πŸ™

    @riozwhlva4 I block spammers.

    Holy crap. Sword & Sworcery is on sale just for today. iPhone/iPad owners: get this! Engrossing, beautiful, weird…

    @squozen There are sites that help you if you get stuck.

    How “agile” is important to Business Analysts: Yes. I have more to offer than being a waiter between business & IT!

    @ScottRhodie Actually it’s not the app you need; that just shows you a map. You need to set up a Find my iPhone ACCOUNT for it to work.

    Damn! Got excited thinking I won @FoodConnectSyd’s weekly contest, but my carrot isn’t kinky enough. Yes, really.

    @bezthomas In the papers here, Pauline was claiming she was Palin’s actual inspiration for it.

    HA! Finally some actual creative, funny “yarn bombing”: Strap that to a tree, “guerrilla” knitters. I dare you.

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    Nice essay on being childless by choice: Resonates with me. I like kids and parents, but right now it’s not for me!

    @witty_knitter @mrs_sockvictim Hahaha… there’s a comment from a “Kris” in there about knitting a jumper. NOT FROM ME, I SWEAR! πŸ™‚

    GOOD GRIEF, Pascall swirl marshmallows are an ABOMINATION. I am going to have to bring @kunaal84 some good ones from…

    Just got a hug from @chrisgander! That was unexpected. He smelled nice.

    This bus stop is bad enough without me having to stare at the Castlereagh Club’s spelling mistakes.

    Current musical obsession: The Whitlams’ “Buy Now Pay Later.” Five more repeats and I’ll qualify as clinically depressed, YET I CAN’T STOP.

    @twelveeyes I will remember that the next time I moan about a bad day at my job. Hope you’re okay…

    @mrs_sockvictim LOVE!!!

    @mrs_sockvictim They remind me of my favorite ad ever as a kid:

    Attn @knitness – one of the (many) reasons I told you to watch True Blood: (cc @imdominating, who will appreciate)

    Finally changed iPhone to use British spellings. My brain now uses “-ise”, and I’m tired of autocorrect changing to “-ize.” #assimilated

    I hate Windows. I have to restart my work PC every 2 days or my Bamboo tablet forgets how to scroll.

    @gilmae Keyboards -> International -> Add English U.K. Then delete the plain English. Better than nothing!

    @squozen Hahaha… Windows XP, dude.

    @squozen Am I missing something? The Download Here text on that page isn’t an actual link.

    @squozen It’s all so confusing. I have a CTT-460, but serial number ends in /K (not /K(A)). THIS IS WHY I LIKE MY MACBOOK BETTER.

    @squozen I’m getting the 2nd most recent. Most recent is only for /K(A)’s, it says.

    @squozen I’ve never had to install a driver for a Mac peripheral. They all just work, at least the ones I’ve plugged in. πŸ™

    @squozen Fair enough. Problem is this is much the same as my prev 15yrs Windows experience. New one might be good, but I’m already burned.

    @squozen And now I have to restart. *sigh*