@brockleyboyo Nah, this was a local group doing a one-off. If you google though, similar events have been done around the world.
@imdominating You would have LOVED it. Just wish there had been some hot Han Solo and/or Lando action. Ladies are lovely, but so are dudes!
@witty_knitter WHOA!
@witty_knitter On her Pinterest, she used to list her name as Nora Zakardis. (Goog cache: http://bit.ly/m1PehG). Now she hides her surname!
@witty_knitter And that’s definitely her; the account uses same avatar as her Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/people/black_dog/
@witty_knitter So if it’s not her, she just happens to have the exact same name as the person in the news story. COINCIDENCE, I’M SURE.
@witty_knitter If you search her blog, she talks about her “internship” at the hospital. Wisely doesn’t include specifics.
@Kat13v Even speedier than you know! Susan and I actually put it up right after the meeting ended, down in the CH lobby. π
RT @FlavourCrusader: Snook & @web_goddess prepping for their 30min JO meal http://instagr.am/p/Gawkd/
Thanks to @FlavourCrusader for coming over to dinner tonight! She got to witness our Jamie’s 30 Minute Meal MAYHEM in action. π
Tonight’s Jamie meal: Chicken Pie w/ Carrot Smash, French Peas, Berries w/ Chantilly Cream. Time fail tho: 39:56! http://twitpic.com/5h5roz
@Diepdin I started to read that post but couldnt finish. How awful. This is why it must be legal.
@sthcrft Degree in Film & Theater; have worked in IT pretty much ever since.
@toastman I thought Pomodoro was 25 minutes? That’s the way I do it, anyway. (goes to check PDF…)
@sthcrft Well, a lot of the skills I learned doing theater stage management are actually applicable to being a BA, oddly enough. It helped.
RT @jwongjk: Why SEO Companies Are A Waste Of Time http://t.co/2RAt5U3 RT @Adam_Pedley
@sharre I did a beading class once. I think they told us to put clear nail polish on it?