- One Glass, Seven Layers of Tea – Scene Asia – WSJ – Kunaal – tell Kriti to try this while she’s there!
Month: June 2011
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@thisismywww I don’t get it. Are you seeing lots of iOS users talking about jumping ship? Because the reaction I see is universally positive
@AusVintageGrrl @thisismywww Oh! Well, yeah. Was always going to happen. Just reading speculation that Android will now copy iMessages…
@thisismywww @AusVintageGrrl This is a good one. Death to SMS! I already use an app to do this with my Mom for free: http://tcrn.ch/l7Tf83
@AusVintageGrrl @thisismywww Encrypted? With media built in too?
Doggelganger: upload your pic and they match you to a lookalike doggie for adoption. MINE IS CUTE! http://bit.ly/lhBZl5
Oh FFS. I know I joke about how much of a hipster I am, but this is too much even for me: http://youtu.be/NguyiIuHoXA. VOMIT.
@missamanda It has to be a satire… right? Because that’s just awful.
@beaney Did you get one? Ravelry does that on its forums.
Thanks to @knitness and @kunaal84 for the impromptu dinner party last night!
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- YouTube – Scene & Not Heard – Ep.1 SURRY HILLS, NSW – Courtesy of the Snook. This is the WORST THING EVER.
- Hop usage outside of beer?
- This Caller Is Incredibly Unhappy With Movie Theater’s No-Texting Policy
- How-To: Chocolate, Peanut Butter Cookie Dough, Toasted Marshmallow Cupcakes
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@drkknits @gilmae Whereas I spent the whole lunchtime today retelling the plot of the Twilight books to @kunaal84 and @lemon_lime. I ROCK.
Nothing like getting a @threadless delivery to cheer up a Monday! Yay for new shirts!
RT @bruceyeah: woo! Apple’s putting a store in at Broadway http://www.zdnet.com.au/apple-plans-second-sydney-cbd-store-339316257.htm
Live long and prosper. (Sadly, it’ll be covered in cat hair within 30 minutes.) http://instagr.am/p/FSBkW/
@toastman The Snook was just simultaneously dancing to that and laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes.
@eileenDCoE Eh, I was glad to see him go. There was something… off about him. Plus he couldn’t even follow a recipe without freaking out!
@mc_peters That annoyed me during the show. I put on lipstick to kick some ass!
Quel surprise: scandal at both USC and Ohio State. For this ND grad, schadenfreude is sweet… http://bit.ly/llJW7c http://bit.ly/lBSBlK
Photo Post
Live long and prosper. (Sadly, it’ll be covered in cat hair within 30 minutes.)
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@thisismywww Ha, and dragging down the average age of her team a bit, by the looks of it! 🙂
Jamie’s 30 Min Meals #18: Rib-Eye Stir-Fry, Dan Dan Noodles, & Chilled Hibiscus Tea. http://bit.ly/lT35wr Good concept, and fast to prepare!
@randomknits Haha, I have that feeling all the time. I’ve decided that being grown up is when you decide to stay quiet.
If you spot a hipster-shaped mushroom cloud over Chippo tonight, it’s because I’m playing the Moldy Peaches (Juno soundtrack) on my uke.
Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals #18: Rib-Eye Stir-Fry
This is our 18th cooking/blogging experiment from Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals. For this one we chose “Rib-Eye Stir-Fry, Dan Dan Noodles, and Chilled Hibiscus Tea.” We picked it because we had some bok choi already to use up, and we conveniently had this episode saved on our DVR. We went with the same strategy we’ve used for the past few weeks, where one of us cooks while the other is in charge of reading the recipe and photographing. The Snook was on chef duty for this one, and he managed it in a blistering 30:19! The meal name is a misnomer, as there’s not really any stir-frying involved. It’s basically a noodle soup served with greens, sliced steak, and lots of other accompaniments.
Substitutions: We used snow peas instead of sugar snap peas, and regular broccoli instead of sprouting broccoli. Our teabags were “rosehip and hibiscus” rather than just hibiscus. We also left out the mint in the tea, rather than buy a whole bunch just for a couple sprigs. Everything else was as-written!
Quick verdict: Tasty, but also a little messy! There are lots of components to this meal, and it’s one of the ones where you’re not really sure how to eat it. You just put everything out on the table and let people kinda heap things up in their bowls, I guess. Our greens ended up being overcooked, and the chilli oil in our noodles was overpowering. We probably could’ve used an extra tea bag or two in the tea. The steak was great though, and the flavours all worked really well together. The Snook felt that that overall the concept was a really good one, even if our execution didn’t quite live up to it. We both agreed that our version only merited a 7.5 out of 10, but the recipe itself is probably worth 8.5 out of 10. It’s a relatively quick one to prepare, and I think it would be nice for a casual group meal with friends. (Note: the messiness of slurping up noodles probably precludes this one from Date Night!)
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Hey sewing experts: I’m going to be sewing onto a thick elastic belt. Any advice or suggestions? Assuming zigzag stitch, wide length?
AWESOME. Just hacked my old’n’busted Nike water belt into new super awesome utility water belt. This is what BATMAN wears when he runs…
Congrats to @imdominating on her move, and to @Justacogitating for being an awesome sister to help her. It’s a Hallmark moment, ladies.
@witty_knitter Wait, your birthday *there* or your birthday *here*?
Tonight’s Jamie meal: Rib-Eye Stir-Fry w/ Dan Dan Noodles & Chilled Hibicus Tea in 30:16! Tasty but SPICY. http://twitpic.com/56rxsr
@toastman I think we could’ve made it stronger. Only used 2 bags for a big jug, so hibiscus got overpowered by lime a bit.
@higdonmarathon But it’s Saturday night in Australia, and I’m having a foam roller session before Sunday morning’s run!
Should be sleeping instead of ranting on email…
@knitabulous Ahhh, like shabu-shabu. Interesting…