Month: June 2011

  • Worldwide Knit in Public Day 2011

    WWKIP Day 2011Sydney WWKIP Day 2011 – June 18
    Sydney knitters: In case you hadn’t heard, this year’s WWKIP Day event will be held on June 18th in the Barnet Long Room at Customs House from 1-4 pm. Once again Sally and her helper Margot have done an outstanding job putting this event together. Margot writes:

    We have one of the premier Sydney venues, close to transport with easy access – near train, buses and ferries. In terms of space, we have the Barnet Long Room, which is the main room for the event. We also have the balcony overlooking the harbour, should weather permit, as well as some lounge-style rooms… We have very generous sponsors that are supporting this event, which means we have many and wonderful prizes for attendees.
    All Sydneysiders, please put this date in your calendar and let others who might be interested know. This is a great opportunity for us to get together as a group as well as bring new people into the knitting community.

    I’ll definitely be there. Hm… I probably should try to find my knitting mojo first!

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    I do not understand why I’m paying @Telstra $30/month line rental for a landline I never use, just because they might screw our ADSL over.

    @squozen I have been arguing this for ages with the Snook. Apparently we can’t get naked DSL without the risk of them blocking us completely

    @squozen Has to do with our particular exchange, etc. “It’s not a direct conversion. Have to connect and reconnect, and Telstra can…

    @squozen “…pull a fast one on you while it’s disconnected leaving you unable to reconnect.”

    @Illdrinn I tried to love #WarCraft, really ! Just didn’t get into it. Wanted to so me & Snook could game together. Maybe another game?

    @tragedym Please don’t spam people. My tweet was about NOT playing WoW.

    @toastman @Illdrinn Those are fun, but is banging out a Summer Veg Lasagne the same as taking down the Lich King, in terms of togetherness?

    @witty_knitter I think you meant ‘Allo London. (In a cheeky Cockney voice.) Hope you guys are having fun! We all miss you. 🙂

    @chewxy @richbuggy I’m surprised too! 😛

    @ptinutz Nah, they want passwords. A lot of people use the same password everywhere, so you can get in their email or banking.

    “Oh Margie… You came and you brought me a turkey…” (Damn you, Sean Chadwick.) #earworm

    @venks79 I had to google it. Is it good? Does my favorite actor take his shirt off? 🙂

  • RunningBlog: Week 22

    Taper Madness has given way to Taper Paranoia. This week I wrestled with the constant fear of getting sick or injured in the run-up to the race. The weather’s been really crappy too, which didn’t help. Saturday I went for my scheduled 6-miler with the Snook, taking it easy at 2:1 intervals. Sunday and Monday I rested, then Tuesday I went for a run by myself at lunch (between downpours). It was a “zen” run: no headphones, no intervals, no distractions. I concentrated on visualising my marathon race plan and thinking about all the positive “Magic Words” I’ll use to get me through the race. Wednesday I went to Spudds, intending to “take it easy.” Well, I still managed 103m and 101m on the rower! It’s all mental, I tell you. Thursday was rest, and then today I went for another easy lunchtime run with some of the guys from work.

    May 28: 10.8km
    May 31: 5.86km
    June 3: 5.62km
    Total this week: 22.28km (13.9mi)
    Total in 2011: 562.53km (351.6mi)

    I am so far ahead of pace for my goal to run 1100km in 2011 that I think I’m going to have to revise it. That’s right – AS OF TODAY, my new goal for 2011 is to run 1200km. BOOYAH.

    Meanwhile, nine days til the marathon. Preparations continue. Last night I had a long massage. Today I made checklists of everything I’ll need to remember in the days before the race. This weekend I’m going to hack some sort of an additional pocket onto my water belt. I can’t believe it’s really happening…

  • DailyMile Mitts

    DailyMile MittsDailyMile is a community site for runners and other athletes. I’ve been posting my workouts there for the past eight months, and I’ve been blown away by the camaraderie and support I’ve received. A few months ago, a DMer from NZ named Lisa was visiting Sydney so a bunch of us had a meetup for her. Not long after she went home, the Christchurch earthquake happened. She and her family are fine, thankfully, but as you can imagine her community isn’t in great shape. She’s also had some injuries that have derailed her running. Last week one of the Sydney DMers proposed sending her a care package, and this was my contribution.

    The pattern is a free one called 75-Yard Mmmalabrigo Fingerless Mitts. I used a very chunky black Japanese wool (“Nireana”) I received in a swap a few years ago. (It’s slightly thicker than what the pattern called for, so I upped the needle sizes to 5mm and 5.5mm.) The mitts were incredibly quick to knit in this thick wool. I lengthened the cuff a bit as suggested. They’re a little big for me, but then again I have tiny hands. I duplicate-stitched the DailyMile logo on the back with some doubled 8-ply in orange and white. (Ravelry details)

    Lisa received the care package yesterday and she was just blown away. She posted a photo today of her wearing everything, including my mitts and a red Snuggie. (Not sure who sent her the Snuggie, but that’s BRILLIANT.) I’m so glad she liked everything! It was fun being part of the surprise.

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    @steven_noble I just mean that coughing “bullshit!” while someone is speaking is rude too, but it goes for anybody. Meow is gendered.

    @knitness I’d seen that. Original and interesting! I reserve the right to change my mind if it’s a brainless “trend” 5 years from now tho 🙂

    Wondering if Appliances Online has an EOFY sale… @DDsD?

    Just listened to co-worker call person who won a smartphone. Gave them a choice of like 6. Person picked iPhone4. We were not surprised.

    @brodrigu Hahahaha, no. This was a drawing, an actual contest. 🙂

    @drkknits What do you mean? It’s still there.

    @drkknits You might have to “show all” rather than “show updated”. Maybe reader has hidden it because you’ve already viewed it.

    @drkknits Your Viking vampire porn wish is my command.

    Me: “Would you still call a single bar of Twix a Twix? Are Twix fractal?” Snook: “I think a single bar is actually a unix.” HA.

    @toastman He disagrees. “But the packet just says Twix. Not “Twix double pack” or any such.”

    @henrytapia Is it the Twix thing? Sorry. Yeah, that was my choc-o-late.

    @toastman He’s going off on a tangent now about the whole deviled egg paradox, and sandwiches, and now I’m all kinds of hungry.

    No knitting for me tonight. Instead I’m going to Broadway so a little old Asian masseuse man can beat my legs to a pulp. *bliss*

    Wow. Ravelry got hacked. Time to change passwords!

    My hair is just long enough to go into plaits again. Happy day!

    I posted about the Ravelry hack in the Australian Knitters forum, just in case folks didn’t see the news.

  • RunningBlog: Vintage Running Clothes

    Mena over at the Sew Weekly talks about Vintage Running Clothes:

    Thinking about my options, I decided to see if there were any photographs of Dita Von Teese (someone who famously maintains a vintage look at all times) doing the exericse thing. It turns out that even when Dita Von Teese is exercising, she keeps her look. But that’s at the gym. And, she’s barefoot. I want to know what she would wear going for a jog!

    I guess the answer to that is: DITA VON TEESE DOES NOT JOG!

    Heh. I bet not.

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    Anyone done a training course with IRM or SoftEd? Trying to decide which’d be better. Advice from fellow BA’s most welcome… (@brown_note)

    @brown_note Thanks. Both look equivalent to me: Just trying to come up with a differentiator…

    @brown_note Just to formalise what I’ve been learning on the job for 2.5 years, identify any gaps, and do my job better, really!

    @brown_note Excellent. Thanks a lot for your advice! I appreciate it. 🙂

    @imdominating Good god, it looks like a broken ankle waiting to happen. (For this clumsy giraffe, anyway.)

    @imdominating Meet @kunaal84. I told him to follow you (since he’s watching your GoT rips). He likes all the same shit we like.

    @imdominating @kunaal84 Except for R.Pattz.

    RT @mumbrella: Breaking: Billboard company reinstates safe gay sex campaign after homophobia backlash

    RT @betsybookworm: Well said, Penny Wong. Just another reminder that she is fantastic.

    Hey @SenatorBushby. Being “sorry that you were offended” is a classic NON-apology. I’m sorry you’re a jerk.

    @steven_noble General rudeness is at least egalitarian. #meow is sexist, and even worse, it’s dumb & unimaginative.

    RedmineApp for iPhone via @redmineapp. // $8 for the privilege of working on the bus?! @venks79, can I expense it?

    @randomknits Get @gilmae to install mythtv for you! Time shifting is the shit. 🙂

    @venks79 Seems to work great! I’m in. But I thought I’d need to be on the VPN to access?

    @randomknits Ah, I thought it was unusual that you didn’t have something!

    @prestoprontoapp Please don’t spam people about your app.

    I declare today as “Movie Star Thursday.” No autographs, please.

  • Photo Post

    I declare today as “Movie Star Thursday.” No autographs, please.

    I declare today as

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