Month: July 2011

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    @knitabulous @dianemulholland Don’t bother! Unless you’re a sprinter, will make no difference. Def nothing new on race day!

    @knitabulous Just wear it once ahead of time! Just don’t want to find it itches or bunches or rubs in the race!

    @knitabulous Bodyglide! Get it at running or hiking store. My fave. πŸ™‚

    @knitabulous Definitely!

    New role: getting invited to Big Important Meetings is fun, but my average time in the office is going up too…

    @gilmae Watch the spoilers! But also WORD. And then somebody awesome kill Theon. Twerp deserves it. (I’m 30% into Bk 3.)

    @gilmae @drkknits How about the creepy sister propositioning? ICK FACTOR 11.

    @gilmae @drkknits When you’re a total Creepy Sleazebag who tries to pick up Everybody with Tits, you’re bound to hit a relative eventually!

    @drkknits @gilmae I do like the name Damphair. There’s a possible Halloween costume in that…

    @drkknits @gilmae Up to you! Rodd is resisting my idea that he go as John Snow and I’d be a dead wilding White Walker.

    @drkknits @witty_knitter @gilmae That was going to be the fun of Damphair: trying to offer you all to the Drowned God via a water pistol.

    @randomknits @gilmae @drkknits My take is an Evil, Sexy, Red-Robed pseudo-Christian. Like Sarah Palin.

    @randomknits @gilmae @drkknits You’d need a fake pregnancy belly though so you could re-enact the scene that had me SHRIEKING at Kylie.

    @drkknits Did we just come up with Sarah Palin independently of each other? PSYCHIC.

    @witty_knitter We’ll stop. You don’t need to be tempted into reading them now or you’ll never finish your phd. πŸ™‚

    I am going to forgo this fun discussion in favour of some knitting, which I rarely do anymore, mostly because I hate Theon Greyjoy so much.

    One last thing @drkknits: Tonight I learned that @gilmae likes all the WORST characters. Now we know which side he’s on! *shudder*

    @witty_knitter Once I finish it, I’ll tell you if it deserves to be on your list. It’ll be a few years. πŸ™‚

    @witty_knitter @drkknits It was on HBO recently, and now it’s on some Foxtel here. Or we could, uh, hook you up. Ahem. It’s very good.

    @witty_knitter Have you seen Sean Bean posing heroically with a sword on half of Sydney’s buses? That’s the one.

    That’s right – 2 POUNDS of bulgogi marinating away in the fridge. Who wants to be at my house tomorrow night, huh? (@carbolicious)

    @devindawson Hey Devin – sorting out the MeFi Health Month team. I can’t see your MeFi profile to verify you. Can you send me a link?

    My mystery tiredness has been solved: I’m sick! I’m gonna go back to bed.

  • Girl Geek Dinner

    Another video! A few weeks ago the Snook and I went to Google for the latest Girl Geek Dinner. The talks were excellent and we had a lot of fun. (I even won a Computer Engineer Barbie!) While we were there, the organiser Kellie asked if I’d mind being interviewed for a little video they were putting together. Here it is…


  • The Ship Song Project

    Wow. To celebrate the Sydney Opera House, a number of Australia’s most famous musicians got together at the House to record a cover of Nick Cave’s “The Ship Song.” It seriously gave me shivers.

    I also really, really like Amanda Palmer’s version

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    @witty_knitter I actually put on lippie for a big partner meeting this arvo. I’d be disgusted with myself except I look SO DAMN CUTE! *sigh*

    RT @witty_knitter: @web_goddess Pics or it didn’t happen. // Who, li’l ol’ me? *giggle*

    Aaaand now I’m gonna put on some trackies and comfortable shoes, wash my face, and make a meatloaf. #stillme

    @witty_knitter Eh, I don’t know nothin’ about glamour. That’s the domain of our @redambition. I just pretend every now and then…

    @witty_knitter I love the pose! As Tyra would say: FIERCE!

    @drkknits @kunaal84 Hey, I think booty calls are awesome! Especially when they’re with awesome people (like his GF). πŸ™‚

    Made a beautiful dinner tonight… then nearly barfed when I ate it. No idea. Can’t be food poisoning, Snook is fine. Maybe getting sick?

    @knitness You can’t scare me with the virtually impossible. πŸ™‚

    @witty_knitter @Diepdin Had to go back through tweets to see why I was being mentioned! All the lesbians love me. It’s my super power. πŸ™‚

    @redambition Alas, J.Lo and he have announced they’re splitting. Is nothing sacred?

    Toodledo has redesigned, and the shock of it made me gasp. This is going to take some getting used to.

    Just watched the Ship Song Project video: So beautiful. I love living here. (But I still like @amandapalmer’s best.)

    @steven_noble I can mostly avoid those. πŸ™‚

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    RT @GGDSydney: New #ggdsydney video! Watch it here: @Illdrinn @sundress @AlienCroons @kesabeth @alphageekgirl @we …

    In case that tweet was cryptic, there is a Geek Girl Sydney video and I am in it: (Thanks @GGDSydney!)

    @kunaal84 @drkknits Riiiiiiiight. Tell the fine people why you haven’t tweeted in the past 4 days. HMMMM? A BIT BUSY, WERE YOU? πŸ™‚

    @laimelde Whoa! I was tempted too… but that’s way more than I thought I’d pay for a ticket! Too much. I’ll stick to QI on telly. πŸ™‚

    Well, THAT’s a nicer domain name!

    @Kat13v Email addresses aren’t working yet; hopefully tomorrow…

    Knitting Leyburn heels for the THIRD time. Curse my perfectionism!

    RT @MXYZ_: Major lulz! RT @madebyfifty: Here you go Apple-haters… RT @Digeratii This pretty much sums it all up.

    Professor Death – such a handsome kitty.

    Stupid cats kept me up from 2:30-3:30am. I feel like a rage-filled zombie. This is another reason why we don’t have children.

    Decided to dress all grown-up today so @venks79 has some professional-looking backup during his big presentation!

    @jasony I don’t think you’re allowed to drag kids out from under the dining room table and then throw them in the bathroom though, right? πŸ™

  • Photo Post

    Professor Death – such a handsome kitty.

    Professor Death - such a handsome kitty.

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    @drkknits Book 3, and I am LOVING Grandma Tyrrell. I hope she’s not screwing Sansa over…

    @drkknits Whoops. Meant to DM that. Luckily @kunaal84 is still on his booty call and hopefully not reading spoilerish tweets…

    @AusVintageGrrl Sorry! Meant to DM but slipped. Will be good, I promise. πŸ™‚

    @snarkyboojum Hey, there you are! Welcome again to Chippo. Did you end up running yesterday? (What happened to your DM page?)

    Jamie’s 30Min Meal #24: Sea Bass & Pancetta w/ Sweet Potato Mash, Asian Greens, Lemon Ginger Drink, & Berry Ice Cream.