Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals #24: Sea Bass & Crispy Pancetta

Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals #24: Sea Bass & Crispy Pancetta
This is our 24th cooking/blogging experiment from Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals. We didn’t think our oven would be repaired in time for this one, so I flipped through all the remaining recipes in the book looking for the ones that didn’t need an oven. There aren’t many! We chose “Sea Bass & Crispy Pancetta, Sweet Potato Mash, Asian Greens, 1-Minute Berry Ice Cream, and Sparkling Lemon Ginger Drink.” (As it turns out, the repair guy fixed the oven a few hours before dinner, but we were already committed to this recipe.) We’d previously watched this episode, and we re-watched a bit of it online to refresh our memories. The Snook was on chef duty for this one, and he managed it in a very fast 30:56!

Sea Bass & Crispy Pancetta

Substitutions: Well, it ain’t sea bass. European sea bass just isn’t available here. We turned to the fish markets for advice on a suitable substitute. They recommend Murray cod, which upon further googling appears to be critically endangered. NOPE! We instead went with some beautiful John Dory fillets. Instead of asparagus, we used some pak choy we got in last week’s veggie box. Other than that, everything else was as written in the recipe.

Quick verdict: In many ways, this is the prototypical “30 Minute Meal” recipe. We actually had to check to make sure we hadn’t made it already! It feels very, very familiar. It’s got all Jamie’s favourite ingredients (lemon, fennel seeds, chilli, sesame oil, etc); the technique of microwaving the veg for the mash; piling up everything on a tray; the random extra bits he has you make to use up time, like the drink; and the thrown-together dessert at the end. However, even though this one didn’t feel very exciting, it was certainly a pretty good meal. I found the mash a little sweet at first (some extra salt helped with that), but the Asian greens were perfect. The fish was okay, maybe a little boring. (Our skin didn’t get crispy enough and stuck to the pan a bit.) The lemon drink was very good, but seriously, who bothers with things like that? And the dessert was nice, if a bit expected. Overall I gave this one an 8; the Snook gave it an 8.5. Nothing really wrong with it, but nothing really amazing either. And he managed it in 30:56! Can’t argue with that.

Read on for a photo essay of the preparation.Pre-start prep: We got out all the necessary ingredients, tools, and cooking vessels. The kitchen was clean (well, as clean as it gets) and everything wiped down and ready to go. The kettle was boiled and the food processor equipped with the standard attachment. We had a frying pan for the fish and a big pot for the greens.

First up are the ingredients for the mash: sweet potatoes, limes, coriander, mango chutney, and soy sauce.

Sweet potato mash ingredients

For the greens, we had: red chilli, garlic, soy sauce, lime, sesame oil, pak choi, and broccoli.

Asian greens ingredients

For the fish, we had: pancetta, John Dory fillets, fennel seeds, and a lemon. For the lemon drink, we had: ice cubes, fizzy lemonade, mint, fresh ginger, and sparkling water.

Lemon drink

And lastly, the dessert ingredients: frozen berries, honey, yoghurt, and mint.

Dessert ingredients

Pots and pans, ready to go! The big pot is for the greens; the frying pan is for the fish. The mortar & pestle is also ready to go.

Pots and pans

And he’s off! The Snook’s first job was the wash, trim, and halve the sweet potatoes.

Halving sweet potatoes

He put these into a bowl along with half a lime. He covered it in cling film and put in the microwave to cook.

Sweet potatoes ready to cook

Next he prepared the dressing for the greens. The first step was to finely chop the red chilli.

Chopping the chilli

Half of the chilli went into the serving bowl for the greens.

Into the serving bowl

He then added garlic, soy sauce, extra virgin olive oil, lime juice, and sesame oil to make the dressing.

Making the dressing

Next he prepared the broccoli by quartering each head.

Quartering broccoli

For the pak choy, he simply cut it into more manageable lengths. All the veg got a wash.

Chopping the pak choy

Time to start the fish! He put the pancetta into the hot frying pan. (For some reason we cannot find strips of pancetta like Jamie uses; all we seem to get here is round.)

Frying pancetta

Now it’s time to prep the lemon ginger drink. He filled the jug with ice cubes and then poured over the fizzy lemonade.

Pouring the lemonade

Next he grated in the raw ginger.

Grating in the ginger

Time to flip the pancetta!

Flipping the pancetta

To finish off the drink, he added some mint and topped it off with sparkling water.

Finished drink

Next it was time to start cooking the fish. The fillets went into the hot pan with the skin side down, and he held them flat for a few seconds with the spatula.

Starting the fish

He then quickly pounded up some fennel seeds in the pestle & mortar…

Grinding fennel seeds

…before sprinkling it over the fillets. He also grated over lemon zest and seasoned with salt and pepper.

Seasoning the fillets

Now for the mash. He started by chopping up most of a head of coriander.

Chopping coriander

He put the coriander on the serving board, then added mango chutney, soy sauce, extra virgin olive oil, lime juice, and the reserved bit of red chilli.

Prepping the mash

Time to cook the greens! They went into the big pot with boiling water from the kettle.

Cooking the greens

The fish seemed to be cooking nicely.

Fish cooking

The sweet potatoes had finished in the microwave, so he removed the lime half and then started to mash it.

Mashing the sweet potatoes

He combined the mashed sweet potatoes with the coriander and chilli mixture on the serving platter.

Finished mash

The fish was nearly cooked, so it was time to flip it. Unfortunately our skin didn’t crisp up quite the way it was meant to (maybe the pan wasn’t hot enough, or there wasn’t enough oil?) and it stuck a bit.

Flipped fish

He drained the greens in a colander…

Draining the greens

…before adding them to the prepared dressing.

Combining the greens

The greens are tossed in the dressing to finish.

Finished greens

The fish fillets and pancetta were then added to the platter of mash.

Finished fish and mash

And here is the completed main meal of John Dory fillet, crispy pancetta, sweet potato mash, Asian greens, and lemon ginger drink!

Finished meal

After the meal, I restarted the clock so the Snook could finish the dessert. He started by spooning some yoghurt into the food processor.


Next he added the frozen berries…

Frozen berries

…before finishing it off with honey and mint sugar.

Adding honey


Whizzing the dessert

And here is the completed dessert of “1-minute berry ice cream.” (We served it over some mini meringues we had in the cupboard.)

Finished dessert

Tasting notes: If you wanted to sum up the whole vibe of the 30 Minute Meals in one recipe, this is the one. It’s got the most common flavour profile and the most common techniques. It’s nothing earth shattering, but it’s a pretty good feed. For me the Asian greens were the highlight, and I can see myself using that dressing frequently in the future. The Snook says he’d be interested to try it with a different fish; maybe we could get the crispy skin if we tried again. The lemon drink was actually a neat trick with the grated ginger, and I think it’s something we might make again in the summer. This is just good “Tuesday night dinner” type food, not really something special enough for a dinner party. Still, we rated it 8-8.5/10 in flavour, and it was definitely one of the faster recipes in the book (despite its many components)!

Stay tuned for another recipe from Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals!

RunningBlog: Week 29

Week 29
What a dreary, crappy week of weather we’ve had! Sunday the Snook and I went for a short run (cutback week) with a Magic Mile in the middle. I’m thrilled to report we did it in 9:24! I have definitely gained some speed in the past few months. I added an extra bit to the run to take it to 7km in total. Monday I was meant to give blood so I didn’t bring any workout gear… only to have the Red Cross stab me twice without getting a decent vein. Damn. I ran on Tuesday at lunch, then had a Spudds workout on Wednesday. I felt kinda crappy and ill during Spudds, but I’m fine now so it must not have been anything serious. Today I went for another run in the pouring rain with my friend Raj. We’re tough!

July 17: 7.09km
July 19: 5.62km
July 22: 5.52km
Total this week: 18.23km (11.4mi)
Total in 2011: 704.45km (440mi)

To meet my goal of running 1200km in 2011, I should be at 669km this week. So I’m still ahead of the pace! My ankle is still not 100%, but it’s better. I’m looking forward to our scheduled 15km long run this Sunday. It’ll be the longest run the Snook’s ever done!

Todd’s Salmon

Celebrity sighting at Spudds gym! Twice now while our Wednesday lunchtime class has been going on, a guy has come in early for his personal training session. I recognised him immediately. It was Brendan Cowell! Yesterday I got up the nerve to say hello as I was heading out the door.

Me: Sorry to bother you – but were you on Life Support on SBS?
Him: Yeah, that was me.
Me: You were brilliant. That smoked salmon dish you made… I thought my husband was going to die.

He had a chuckle and repeated the punchline about capers (“They used to be pretty hard to find, but now they’re available basically everywhere!”) for me and Spudd. Heh.

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