Month: July 2011

  • Hermione Granger

    While my love for the Harry Potter books is well-documented, I still wish I lived in a universe where Hermione was the hero, Jo got to use her real name, and Neville ends up hot. (Oh right. That last one is already true.)

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    Feeling decidedly weird, clammy, and pukey. Really hope I’m not getting what @lemon_lime has had!

    “There’s no future in hard-coding business rules in procedural code.” Amen. #iiba

    @bellsknits I can’t see the point of locking, unless the person needs total anonymity (like Witness Protection, but they shouldn’t tweet!)

    @toastman Heh. Not going to ask that. Presenter is a Texan, and I think he’d glare at me.

    This seminar has quite a few Hermiones. I am trying not to yell out “10 points from Gryffindor for being a favour-currying swot!”

    @kunaal84 THIS Hermione would never interrupt a speaker who had 35+ slides to get through in 60min, just to show off with a lame anecdote!

    @steven_noble Or did you inadvertently lock it in portrait?

    Bookmarking the Ars Technical review of OS X Lion for later…

    @steven_noble Double-click home, then swipe left in the tray. There’s an “orientation lock.”

    @steven_noble If it’s on, you should see a little arrow-circle thing in the upper right corner of your screen, btw.

    @steven_noble Damn. That was my best guess! Now you’ve made me wary of updating mine…

  • Mushrooms

    Fantastic photos from an Australian mushroom farm in a disused railway tunnel in Goulbourn. I wonder if that’s where the “Fun Guy” at Eveleigh Markets gets them?

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    @carbolicious @imdominating NOW WHO’S READY TO BE DISTURBED?

    In every way that yesterday sucked, today has rocked. Finally got my bearings, and I am kicking some serious ass. #patsselfonback

    RT @kunaal84: Latest in rain fashion by @web_goddess // I had no umbrella! I *did* have an Amazon box. INGENUITY.

    @Justacogitating @imdominating @carbolicious What has been clicked can never be UNCLICKED:

    Sitting in front of heater, feet propped up, crocheting away on afghan on my lap. When did I become my mother, and why do I LIKE it so much?

    RT @andrewsayer: Google Plus iPhone app is now available in the iTunes Store. // Just got it myself!

    Rain. Buses all full. Took 10+ minutes to finally get one! Going to be late…

    @lemon_lime Seems good for 1st release. My stream has lots of folks trying it out. Photos and Huddle are great.

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    @carbolicious @imdominating “Hot Neville” is now officially A Thing.

    Just trying to keep my head above water, and feeling like I’m failing…

    I wouldn’t have thought that a pot roast could cure a bad day, but this one sure did: Best sauce EVER.

    @drkknits You are inadvertently spoiling me! Because now I learn the fucker stays alive a lot longer. 🙁

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    Jamie’s 30Min Meals #23: Smoked Salmon, Potato Salad, Beets & Cottage Cheese, Rye Bread & Homemade Butter. Rated 9/10!

    RT @imdominating: Oh, my heart RT @donttrythis: Incredible sweetness. Marriage proposal via blog post:

    New Docs! They are gloriously ugly and comfortable. Exactly what I wanted.

    @fictillius Huh. I also feel like I say that a LOT.

    @witty_knitter My taste in shoes indicates that I was a Scandinavian lesbian in a former life, I think. 🙂

    Knitters: looking for Shadow Tweed so my Purple People Eater Afghan can get bigger. Got at Camp last year. Anyone?

    Blood donation FAIL! Was going to give plasma for 1st time, but couldn’t get decent vein in either arm. Will try again in a couple weeks. 🙁

  • Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals #23: Smoked Salmon

    This is our 23rd cooking/blogging experiment from Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals. For this one we chose “Smoked Salmon, Potato Salad, Beets & Cottage Cheese, Rye Bread & Homemade Butter.” We picked it because the Snook happened to buy us a beautiful rye from Brasserie Bread at the Rocks Markets on Friday, and because we had this episode recorded. I was on cooking duty for this one, and I lucked out because this one had the least actual cooking of any meal in the book so far! It’s mostly assembly, which meant that I finished in the blisteringly fast time of 26:05. (It’s so quick that Jamie even does an extra dish on the show utilising raw beets, which I didn’t bother with since it’s not in the book.) Fastest meal ever!

    Smoked Salmon, Potato Salad, Beets & Cottage Cheese, Rye Bread & Homemade Butter

    Substitutions: Jamie used a bag of prewashed watercress, but we could only find it in a giant bunch. So we spent a few minutes ahead of time picking off the leaves and washing them. Jamie also used “cooked vac-packed” beetroots, which neither of us have ever seen in Australia. So I pre-cooked the beets by peeling them and then microwaving them for ten minutes. Oh, and we couldn’t find Greek basil, so we used regular. Other than that, everything was as written in the recipe.

    Quick verdict: Yummy! This is such an unusual recipe in the book; the flavour profile is much more “northern European” and out of Jamie’s usual wheelhouse (English/Italian/Asian). It made for a really nice change. There was so little cooking that there’s not much to critique. The potatoes were excellent, though I’m not sure the dish warrants the name “salad.” Making my own butter was fun, and once again it made me appreciate our awesome food processor. The beets were great, and the trick of microwaving them first worked brilliantly. The only “flaw” in this meal is that we both felt it worked much better as a lunch than a dinner. With that in mind, we both rated it a 9/10. The flavours are great and the presentation is impressive, but it’s not the type of thing you crave after a long day at work – unless maybe you’re Nordic?


  • RunningBlog: Week 28

    My distance cushion is disappearing! I guess that’s the point of building it up, so that I’ve got it to burn when I have a week like this. The ankle sprain I suffered on Friday ended up being a little worse than I thought. When I got home that night, it was swollen and bruised and painful. I kept it wrapped in a compression bandage most of the weekend, and I tried to keep it elevated as best I could. Sunday we were scheduled to run 13km, but I reluctantly stayed home to rest the ankle. (Snookums ran it without me and he did a GREAT job! I really, really wanted to go with him.) Monday it was feeling marginally better, so I managed a Spudds class that night. Tuesday I tested it on a run with Raj, and it actually felt pretty good! Wednesday I had another Spudds class at lunch. At that point the swelling was mostly gone, though I still had a nasty bruise below the ankle. (I tend bruise pretty easily though.) I wanted to get in another run on Thursday or Friday, but frankly I just didn’t have time. I’ve got some new responsibilities at work, and they’ve been keeping me busy. I was tempted to try to make the run up yesterday, but I remembered Hal Higdon’s advice: Never try to make up a missed run. It’s gone. The rest will have done me good.

    July 12: 5.48km
    Total this week: 5.48km (my lowest ALL YEAR!)
    Total in 2011: 686.2km (428.9mi)

    In order to meet my goal of running 1200km in 2011, I should be at 646km right now. So I’ve still got 40km in the bank… I just hope I don’t have to rely on them anymore!