New Docs! They are gloriously ugly and comfortable. Exactly what I wanted.
Month: July 2011
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Karen the Garden Consultant is here, and she is KICKING ASS. Plan is forming! We are going to have a lovely garden! Thanks @sixandahalfst!!
@mrs_sockvictim @witty_knitter @knitterjp It’s not on! Only last Saturday now, remember?
Jamie’s Smoked Salmon w/ Beets, Potato Salad, & Homemade Butter in 20:05!! GO ME!
Durrr. That Jamie meal was in 26:05. Still fast, but not THAT fast. 🙂
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@drkknits What are you on about? The Android app is just as proprietary. iOS users are just annoyed we have to wait for our app!
@drkknits But the complainers are stupid, because the mobile web version works fine. Just doesn’t do photos. 🙂
@drkknits Well, that’s just a stupid person. They are not endemic to a particular type of hardware.
@drkknits @gilmae Are you suggesting that Google is paying Apple back for… integrating Maps and Email and everything so nicely in iOS?
@gilmae @drkknits We should stop ganging up on the Android user. She’s just cranky at not having a magical, tomorrow iDevice of her own. 🙂
@drkknits @gilmae @arwenamin It’s okay. The world needs utilitarian, unstylish, un-hip worker bees too. #pokingwithstick 😛
Double Rainbow all the way!
Didn’t get to run today. Work. Rain. Cold. Grumble…
@KaisaKaisaKaisa Only if they have a tendency to get underfoot and stepped on! Our don’t wear them & they’re ok.
Just watched Crownies, and REALLY liked it! The Warcraft murder was esp. amusing. We cheered when we saw @mrs_sockvictim’s name in credits.
@Amabelyc73 Quit spamming.
Note to self: never tweet the name of that online game again. Already 3 spam tweets in less than 10 minutes.
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@carbolicious @imdominating More from our collective new boyfriend:
@carbolicious @imdominating Also, I might need to knit Rodd this cardigan.
@imdominating @carbolicious Holy. CRAP.
Running has made me too healthy. Just realised I have 10+ unused personal days. Curse my functioning immune system and mental health!
@witty_knitter BRING IT ON! I could use a vacation. 🙂
@lasoedcmx6 Piss off, spammer.
@drkknits And doesn’t the art direction look nice? 🙂
Feeling really overwhelmed. I wish it wasn’t too late and too cold for a run right now.
@knitabulous Aw, thanks. Just stress from new work responsibilities.
It turns out that having @kunaal84 laugh hysterically at your “overwhelming issues” is a good way to de-stress. Thanks, mate!
Sun was so socially awkward I could barely look at her. #masterchef
We got ourselves a stew goin’ on. #carlweathers
Photo Post
We got ourselves a stew goin’ on. #carlweathers
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- $10? Feeling the pain? Carbon class war? You must be joking – The Drum Opinion – The sense of greed and entitlement in this carbon tax debate is almost beyond belief. (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) – I cannot favorite/like/+1 this hard enough. Spot on.
- I am ashamed to share membership of the same party with you
- Wednesday Geek Woman: Sally Ride, astronaut and first American woman in space
- How-To: Granny Square Cookies – This is some crochet I can definitely get behind.
- A Real “Up” Movie House Built in Utah
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Dear @toastman: Your girlfriend looks really cute.
RT @venks79: Why your company should do an internal hackathon < Note to self: arrange one at @mobileembrace
@carbolicious @imdominating I am very much looking forward to this aspect of the film:
So Foursquare have jumped on the daily deal bandwagon? This makes me feel even more justified in moving it off my home screen the other day.
RT @redambition: Should have had a croissant for breakfast… Joyeaux jour de la Bastille mes petits canards!
RT @golden86: Apple had adjusted the pricing of apps in App Store to align with current exchange rates. Was A$1.19 now A$0.99
@rajsingh2505 @kunaal84 @venks79 Was shocked to see the news this morning. Hope all your friends/fam are okay. 🙁
Bus is just sitting on George Street. *sigh* I need a bike.
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- The hidden gem of the gym – Snook: What do you reckon about getting a rowing machine?
- Dogs and Smurfs; Why women writers and stories about women are taken less seriously, by Max Barry
- TELL ME TELL ME: AUSTRALIAN AND KOREAN ART 1976-2011 – Anybody want to go?
- DIY Cross-Stitched iPhone Covers
- Jake Gyllenhaal… I Regret Every Mean Thing I’ve Ever Said About You…
- Google, gossip, and gamification: comparing and contrasting technical learning styles
- Space Walks – I didn’t know they’d discontinued the MMUs. There goes my Space Camp dream.
Fan Death
I have to have white noise when I sleep, so I usually have a fan on. The Snook tells me all the time that I’m going to kill us both on account of Korean fan death.