Month: July 2011

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    Attack of the ankles! First me, then @knitterjp, and now @Yarna_. Obviously we should all have Segways.

    @Yarna_ Oh no! At least they look handsome. Hope you’re okay!

    Thinking of buying @miss_reecie’s bicycle. Hmmmmmmm….

    @dooce You really want to bring out the haters? Mention how stupid you think “knitting graffiti” is. Trust me. Been there.

  • Whoopie Pies

    Dani’s utter FAIL with whoopie pies on Masterchef this week has me craving them. I’m thinking… Carrot Cake Whoopie Pies with Orange Cream Cheese Filling. Hell yeah. (But only on Saturday – that’s Diet Cheat Day.)

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Oven has been called in for warranty repair. Waiting to hear back. Sounds like the asplosion may be a Thing That Sometimes Happens.

    @nolim1t I want sharing straight to Google+ as well…

    @imdominating You should be twitpiccing that shit for those of us in Foreign Climes, you know.

    @makarakarn No, it’s an Ariston. The one they use on Masterchef, in fact. 🙁

    Survived Spudds class on my dodgy ankle. Not the smartest move, but man, it felt good. I’ve become one of Those People Who Must Exercise.

  • Cheesemaking

    More fun with cheese! My friend Sharon made paneer. Yum. We’ll have to try that one.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Just sent Snookums off on a 13K run without me. Stupid ankle. I really, really wanted to go with him. 🙁

    @drkknits You’re gonna look overdressed next to me and the Snook! (In fact, you’re lucky we showered. 😛 )

    @mrs_sockvictim Just SMSed @kunaal84…

    @mrs_sockvictim Sounds like @kunaal84 might want to go! (He’d rather see a play than go for a run, evidently.)

    @drkknits @mrs_sockvictim @kunaal84 Sweet. We’re in the Playhouse. Meet you there at 4:45! (And dinner after for those who are hungry!)

    @drkknits OI! I RESEMBLE THAT REMARK. (Shit. We really need to get moving.)

    Jamie’s 30 Min Meals #22: Thai Red Prawn Curry, Jasmine Rice, Cucumber Salad, & Papaya Platter. CORIANDER-LICIOUS!

    @drkknits @arwenamin Actually it’s a quote from something I’ve long forgotten that I say fairly regularly. 🙂

    Off to the Opera House for some High Cultcha with Snookums, @mrs_sockvictim, @drkknits, and @kunaal84. Faustus, here we come!

    @mrs_sockvictim @drkknits @kunaal84 In a cab. There in 5.

    Faustus! (@ Sydney Opera House w/ 2 others)

    Oh, crap. That plugin that allowed you to add FB to Google+? Is malware. You should remove it.

  • Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals #22: Thai Red Prawn Curry

    This is our 22nd cooking/blogging experiment from Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals. For this one we chose “Thai Red Prawn Curry, Jasmine Rice, Cucumber Salad, Papaya Platter.” We picked it because we felt like doing a seafood recipe; we had the episode recorded; and we thought we had a good chance of the required produce being in season. The Snook was on duty for this one, and he managed it in 35:17. It was pretty darn good!

    Thai Red Prawn Curry

    Substitutions: Our small prawns were frozen, but Jamie said on the show they were okay to use. We used coconut cream instead of coconut milk (since we already had some in the pantry). We didn’t bother with the prawn crackers. Other than that, everything was as written in the recipe!

    Quick verdict: Well, the first thing you notice is… It wasn’t red! We think the Snook may have gone a bit overboard with the coriander when making the curry paste. It’s not really a problem though, because I’m addicted to coriander. This was one of those meals that ticks all my favorite flavour boxes: garlic, chilli, coriander, sesame oil, lime. It was very fresh and very yummy! The Snook thought the curry wasn’t very “curry,” but he still liked it. The cucumber salad was a revelation, and we ate the whole bowl between us. Unfortunately we weren’t able to use our oven for the crispy prawns (on account of it EXPLODING earlier in the day) but cooking them on the cooktop worked well enough. The fruit platter was simple but tasty. The Snook rated it 8.5, while I gave it a 9 out of 10. The preparation was slightly unusual, in that each dish was pretty much completed before moving on to the next (instead of interweaving the steps, as he does on the other recipes). Still, I think you could shave a few more minutes off this one with practice.
