Month: August 2011

  • Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals #27: Spaghetti Alla Puttanesca

    This is our 27th cooking/blogging experiment from Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals. This one was going to be our dinner the night before the City2Surf, so we were thinking “carb-loading.” And what’s better for carb-loading than pasta? With that in mind, we chose “Spaghetti Alla Puttanesca, Crunchy Salad, Garlic Bread, and Silky Chocolate Ganache.” We made sure to watch the episode so we knew what we were in for. I was on cooking duty for this one, and I actually pulled it off in 29:49!

    Spaghetti Alla Puttanesca

    Substitutions: We used fettucine instead of spaghetti (simply because we already had a box of it in the pantry). We used a pinch of dried chilli instead of a fresh red chilli. For the dessert, we had an Australian mandarin rather than a true clementine. Other than that, everything was as written in the recipe.

    Quick verdict: Nice! This is the perfect pre-race meal, if you ask me. My fettucine went a bit gluggy, but that’s more to do with me overcooking it and not separating the strands enough. The sauce was a different sort of puttanesca than I’m used to: the Snook normally doesn’t put tuna nor so much tomato in his version. He wondered at its authenticity but agreed with me that it was a very tasty tuna pasta regardless. The crunchy salad was better than I expected, but be warned – the recipe makes a LOT. We had heaps left over. The ganache was simple but effective, and having it with cookies and orange wedges was a nice combination. Overall we both rated it a 9.5 out of 10. It was quick to make and very tasty, but it just lacked the “wow” factor to make it a perfect 10. It’s a great weeknight meal though… or even a pre-race feast!


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    Mr Snook presents his homebrew porter to the masses.

    Mr Snook presents his homebrew porter to the masses.

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    @redambition Nice job!

    First Spudds class in nearly 2 weeks. I can barely lift my arms to tweet now.

    RT @knitterjp: joining @knitdra wishing @drkknits all the best for today // Me three!

    Dear @imdominating, This is for you.

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    @kunaal84 We’ve been there and gone! Sorry to miss you. Got very cold after we finished!

    City2Surf! Race went exactly as planned. 1:48:21 is unofficial time.

    Getting my post-C2S reward in the form of some exquisite muscular torture! (@ Massage Link Health Centre)

    Well, crap. I had hoped to wow my office with Whoopie Pie Cupcakes tomorrow… but WHOOPIE PIE FAIL. Just choc cupcakes now. 🙁 #cupcakeday

    Cupcake Day for the RSPCA! My Whoopie Pie cupcakes didn’t turn out so bad after all.

    @imdominating I think it was a flawed recipe. They didn’t puff up; they spread out flat and thin. And my fake fluff filling oozed all over..

    @imdominating However, I’m still serving them to my co-workers. They won’t know the difference. 🙂

    @blakkat Half of mine did. Rodd convinced me to bring the rest in anyway. 🙂

    @VenessaHunt Where are they? Hurry up! 🙂 #cupcakeday #rspca

    @witty_knitter We did it in our office 2 years ago, but missed it last year. I saw somebody mention on Twitter. Should’ve promoted it more!

    Rodd: “I imagine this is how you’d look in the same situation.” Me: “I’m taller, but YES.” #viking #vampire #god

  • Photo Post

    City2Surf! Race went exactly as planned. 1:48:21 is unofficial time.

    City2Surf! Race went exactly as planned. 1:48:21 is unofficial time.

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    @sixandahalfst Ahh, I didn’t know you knew @jenwburn! So we’re all running tomorrow, right? Will be fun!

    Guild today was great. Lots of new faces, and @knitterjp did a fantastic job leading the meeting!

    @jenwburn @sixandahalfst Haha, nope. Last 2 weeks have sucked w/ injury & illness, so will be taking it very slow! Aiming for ~110 min…

    @sixandahalfst @jenwburn Meeting up with some of the dailymile runners afterwards at meeting point D…

    Carb-loading for tomorrow’s City2Surf with Jamie’s Spaghetti Puttanesca, Crunchy Salad & Garlic Bread. 29:49 FTW!

    @jenwburn After my horrific marathon, rain will never be a fear factor for me. 🙂 Do you best, and I’ll see you at Bondi!

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    @sixandahalfst Wow. Just wow.

    Nora’s story is now on the Telegraph website: (cc @zephyrama @drkknits @witty_knitter @sixandahalfst)

    @zephyrama Wow. Yeah, she rang M-H’s boss at work. I’ve not had any personal interaction with her, thankfully…

    Very, very interesting week at work.

    @toastman I won’t let you down. *nods briskly*

  • Latch Hooked Childhood Cats

    Latch Hooked Childhood Cats. The Snook and I have joked about turning Dr. Amy Jones into a rug of some sort when she’s gone. This is nearly as good!

  • RunningBlog: Week 32

    Climbing back on the horse! The Snook and I dutifully skipped last week’s 7K Bay Run (as ordered by our doctor) which meant we had more than a week off running. On Tuesday I went out in the early morning for a little jog around Newtown by myself. (The Snook ran at lunch.) I couldn’t do Spudds this week as I was at a training course from Tuesday to Thursday. I went for another run today at lunch with Raj. I feel really slow and heavy right now (the training course was all carbs and coffee) but it’s nice to be back on the right track.

    Aug 9: 5.4km
    Aug 12: 5.63km
    Total this week: 11.03km (6.9mi)
    Total in 2011: 743.25km (464.5mi)

    To meet my goal of running 1200km in 2011, I should be at 738.4km right now. So yeah. The big cushion I built up in marathon training has totally been whittled down by a few weeks of injury and illness! It should start going up again though. This Sunday is the City 2 Surf, and I wouldn’t miss it for the world…