Month: August 2011

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    Training course is OVER! Overall very good and I think I got a lot out of it. Not looking forward to my work inbox tomorrow though…

    @AusVintageGrrl I LOVE TOTES. Me and @thezedmiester used to say it ironically at work, but then it… became a habit. Totes addictive. 🙂


    Happy birthday @squozen! I hope someone knitted you something nice. 🙂

    @sixandahalfst Best of luck… Be strong.

    @kir_s_ten Definitely! Will be treating it as a nice slow training run, but I’ll be there. 🙂

  • Training Course

    Wow, quiet around here, huh? I’ve spent the past three days away from work on this training course. It was a nice little change to not be staring at a computer all day long…

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    Training day 2. Going well! Getting good ideas for requirements gathering techniques. Having fun. (My fun is of the nerdy kind.)

    Recipe recommendation: Alton Brown’s Molasses Coffee Marinated Pork Chops. AMAZING.

    @jannism Dude. When did you have such a cute kid? She’s lovely. Clever too, I bet! 🙂

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    Training course going great so far. Teacher is really good! Other attendees all with banks though. Makes my projects seem very trivial.

    Training day 1 is over! Totally rocked my mock client interview. #happy #hermione

    Unexpected lesson: Man, I do NOT want to ever work for the Reserve Bank of Australia.

    @thisismywww Unfortunately it’s all catered, so we’re pretty much on-site the whole time. No chance to meet up!

    Downside of training course: copious amounts of catered carbs and coffee. I’m WIRED. (And alliterative.)

    Filled out our census. Snook tried to get me to quote that bit from Office Space as my job description: “I’M A PEOPLE PERSON!”

    @hexsteph Everyone in or near the city of Boston. 🙂

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    @henrytapia LOVE the wired remote control!

    @GuardedKey Please don’t spam users!

    GAHHHH. Thought I’d get to go to the gym tonight, but it doesn’t look like it…

    You know, if you threaten to quit enough times, eventually we all start mentally cheering for you to GET ON WITH IT ALREADY.

    @Opheli8 I can neither confirm nor deny that rumor. 🙂

    Jamie’s 30Min Meal #26: Spinach & Feta Filo Pie, Cucumber Salad, Tomato Salad, and Coated Ice Cream. SO DAMN GOOD.

    @bellsknits Can I claim the blue Shibui??

    RT @VenessaHunt: Its alive!! #antm Australia’s next top model mobile site! Woohoo! hard work paid off!! // Yes – great job team!!

    Heading into the CBD for a 3-day training course. Change is as good as a holiday, right?

    Training! Requirements Gathering and Specification. How excitement. (@ Christie Corporate)

  • Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals #26: Spinach & Feta Filo Pie

    With this meal, we venture into the second half of Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals! It was the Snook’s turn to cook this week, and we chose “Spinach & Feta Filo Pie, Cucumber Salad, Tomato Salad, and Coated Ice Cream.” We picked the recipe because we had silverbeet and tomatoes to use up from the veggie box, and we happened to have all of the ice cream coating ingredients too. Unfortunately the time was a complete BLOWOUT, and he finished it in 43:57. (And even that wasn’t quite long enough, as you’ll see!) But those flavours… YUM.

    Spinach & Feta Filo Pie

    Substitutions: We used silverbeet (just the leaves) to substitute for 75% of the spinach. We used some Tasty cheese instead of Cheddar. We forgot the fresh red chilli for the cucumber salad and had to use dried chilli flakes. Everything else was as written in the recipe.

    Quick verdict: This was a total winner in terms of flavour. The pie was excellent! The Snook had been worried about the cayenne sprinkled between the layers of filo, but it provided just the right amount of heat to counter the rich cheesy interior. The tomato salad was beautiful, and I can totally see myself spooning that onto some bread for bruschetta this summer. The cucumber salad was just okay, but I found the leftovers improved the next day. But the dessert? It was a revelation! The first of Jamie’s “simple” desserts that was actually greater than the sum of its parts. I rated the meal as 9.5 out of 10, while the Snook gave it a 9. The only real drawback was the TIME. There is just no way to prepare this meal in under 30 minutes. The pie is meant to cook for 18-20 minutes, which means you need to get it in the oven in 10 minutes flat. There’s just no way. It took the Snook more than 20 minutes to get his in! And when he went to serve it, he decided the egg filling wasn’t set yet and put it back in for another 10 minutes (that I didn’t even count in his official time). So this one gets major points for flavour, but you’re not gonna make it in 30 minutes.


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    @drkknits Catching a bus over now…

    Finished Storm of Swords. Whoa.

  • Leyburn Socks

    LeyburnsThese are the third socks in the 2011 “Super Special Six Pattern Sock Club.” I’m catching up! My sock knitting mojo has returned, it seems. These were knitted out of the Regia Landscape 4Ply sock wool designed by famous textile artist Kaffe Fassett. (It’s discontinued now, but I bought up a fair bit of it while I could.) I knitted them both at the same time on two 2.75mm circular needles. I modified the pattern quite a bit though. For the toe, I used Judy’s Magic Cast On. I actually knitted the heel three times. The first time I did a short row heel, but it was too short when the Snook tried them on. Then I tried this toe-up heel flap but found the gusset wasn’t quite deep enough. So I frogged it back and did the heel flap one more time, increasing several more times to make the heel deeper. That did the trick! I was so pleased with the heel that I forgot I was meant to do some increases afterwards, so I ended up having to do several increases all at once when I started the pattern on the bag of the leg. (I don’t think you can tell though.) I didn’t do any decreases for the cuff; I just switched to a 2×2 rib and knitted til I used up all the wool. (More photos and details over on Ravelry.)