Month: August 2011

  • RunningBlog: Week 31

    So when I last left you, the Snook and I were both laid low with some mystery malady. Symptoms: major tiredness, fever, some nausea, a bit of a sore throat, and swollen glands. We spent Friday and Saturday basically sitting on the couch resting, but we dragged ourselves out for a run on Sunday. Monday and Tuesday we were wiped out again. Tuesday night I went to my doctor to see if he had any advice, especially as we had two races scheduled over the next two weekends. He told me straight: “You’re not training this week, and you’re definitely not racing on Sunday.” WHAAAT? Well, crap. So we haven’t done any other running or exercising all week. I feel mostly recovered, but my lymph nodes are still noticeably swollen. If they don’t go down soon, Dr. Chin wants me to have a blood test to make sure we don’t have mono (i.e. glandular fever). My teammates Kunaal, Raj, and Chiefy are right now running the Bay Run without me. (The race organisers were kind enough to let us defer our entries til next year.) Hopefully we can get in a few runs this week so we’re mentally prepared for next Sunday’s City 2 Surf!

    July 31: 6.57km
    Total this week: 6.57km
    Total in 2011: 732.22km (457.6mi)

    To meet my goal of running 1200km in 2011, I should be at 715km right now. My cushion has definitely been eaten up in the last month! I need to put the ankle sprain and virus behind me so I can get back onto a regular training schedule.

  • Right turn, Clyde.

    Just wasted two hours of my life watching “Every Which Way But Loose” in a fit of misplaced nostalgia and missing my Dad. Dear god, that is a TERRIBLE movie. It’s completely random and makes zero sense. The gag where Clint “shoots” Clyde was the only funny 10 seconds in the whole thing!

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @venks79 Haha, there are days when I don’t tweet! Jeez. Somebody once asked if I was sick because I took 3+hrs to reply to email. 🙂

    Anybody want to go to Tessuti’s today? I feel like buying some fabric. @mrs_sockvictim?

    Guess who finished her Leyburn socks? I’M GONNA TOTALLY CATCH UP, YOU GUYS!

    @drkknits It’s the rock star sunnies that make the look.

    Fabric shopping with @mrs_sockvictim is such a double-edged sword. But man, this Liberty Tana Lawn is so PRETTY! 🙂

    @knitterjp @mrs_sockvictim Do I need to prewash these fabrics? Tana Lawn and a Japanese cotton…

    GAHHHHH. Just realised why the horizontal braid on my Fox Faces is on the INSIDE instead of the outside. DURRRRR.

    Jamie’s Spinach & Filo Feta Pie. Tasty, but NO WAY you can make in under 30min. I call shenanigans.

    @kunaal84 And in the rain! You get extra Hard Core Runner points for that. Kick some ass!

    @kunaal84 Great job! Very good pace. Now you’ve got a PB for that distance. 🙂

    @imdominating Funnily enough, Willow SINGING makes me cry like a baby. #makeitstop

    Best part of meeting @mathowie last week: “Hey, didn’t you dress up as @donttrythis for Halloween?” Yes, yes I did.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @steven_noble Now if you correctly use “begging the question,” I will award you One Million Awesomeness Points.

    I feel like it’s time for a new profile pic…

    @laimelde Darn you. Now I really want/need a massage too.

    I’m off to the MetaFilter meetup to meet @mathowie and the rest of the gang!

    @redambition I learned of it in the newsletter tonight too! Had no idea. Hate to say it, but I feared something like that would happen…

    @redambition I still use it; just do “Pay in Store.” 🙂

  • Ultra Marathon

    Wow. The guy from The Oatmeal ran an ultra marathon last week. I am worried that I don’t seem as scared by his description as I probably should be.

  • Rooibos

    Ooh. The Colette patterns blog is doing a Rooibos sewalong. Very tempted, but I’m not sure that style would look good on me. What do you guys think? Suitable for tall and curvy, or not so good?

  • Crochet Afghan

    Another crochet afghan to make. Uh oh. I might be developing an obsession here.

  • Photo Post

    I feel like it’s time for a new profile pic…

    I feel like it's time for a new profile pic...