Month: September 2011

  • Compost bins

    I was going to take the compost out to the community bins tonight. Guess not. Sometimes PEOPLE SUCK.

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    Just performed successful iPhone tech support for CEO. *fistpump*

    Fluorescent light in the office is flickering. Right at 2 o’clock in my field of vision. GOING INSA.E

    The little Brody in my head: “You’re gonna need a bigger whiteboard.”

    First girl to get 3 consecutive 100+ meters in 20 seconds on the rower at Spudds. I’m very happy, but man, my lungs hurt.

    Just got an email asking about advertising on my blog… from a plastic surgery website. SPOILER: I SAID NO. (Also, I’m kind of insulted.)

    Jamie’s 30Min Meal #31: Sticky Pan-Fried Scallops, Sweet Chilli Rice, Dressed Greens, and Quick Brownies. BRILLIANT.

  • Britishisms

    “Britishisms: Cataloguing how they’re infecting American English.” Ha! I personally am going to claim part of the credit for this. I’ve been a polyglot for over ten years now, and my mix of American, British, and Australian English has definitely gotten me some raised eyebrows. The Snook’s accent and phrasing has definitely been corrupted too. There’s also a fun blog of Britishisms by the same author here. I’m sure I say most of the things on that list on a fairly regular basis! (Both links via MetaFilter.)

  • Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals #31: Sticky Pan-Fried Scallops

    This was our 31st cooking/blogging experiment from Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals. As the Snook put it: “Are we done yet??” Hey, we’re in the home stretch. For this meal, we picked: “Sticky Pan-Fried Scallops, Sweet Chilli Rice, Dressed Greens, and Quick Brownies.” We picked it because we were in the mood for seafood, we had some greens to use up, and we had the episode to watch. The Snook was on chef’s duty for this one, and he managed it in a respectable 34:19!

    Sticky Pan-Fried Scallops

    Substitutions: We used regular broccoli instead of “purple sprouting broccoli.” We only did half-recipes of both the rice and the brownie. For the latter, we subbed in walnuts and dried cranberries instead of pecans and dried cherries. We also had it with whipped cream instead of creme fraiche. Other than that, everything else was as written in the recipe!

    Quick verdict: This one was great! We both really enjoyed this one. Sure, it’s a little light on protein just because how expensive scallops are as an ingredient. (From our fish monger, they worked out to about $1 per scallop!) But the flavours were all fantastic and really complementary. I was dubious about the rice, but it was probably my favorite component of the whole meal. The greens weren’t sexy or fussy, but they added some nice contrast in both colour and texture. And the brownie! Well, it’s not really a brownie. More like a dense chocolate cake. I loved it. (The timing, however, was way optimistic and we ended up cooking it for a lot longer.) Overall, we both rated it a stunning 9.5 out of 10! This meal is easy and quick to prepare but it would definitely impress your guests.


  • Death Comes to Pemberley

    Ooh, PD James is writing a Pride and Prejudice murder mystery called “Death Comes to Pemberley”. I’d read that! That sounds good. I’ll guess right now that Lydia herself killed Wickham…

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    @witty_knitter Work stuff. On a Sunday. Shoot me now.

    @witty_knitter I think it’s okay now. Just spent 2 hours tearing my hair and taking out my frustrations on the Snook. Poor guy. 🙁

    @blakkat If you watched six, you watched too many. Star Wars stopped in 1983. Trust me.

    @goldfishgeorge As a fan, I would have been happier NOT seeing them. Ewan McGregor is the only redeeming factor.

    RT @crisdeal: Brilliant piece by @KKeneally on homosexuality and faith. It’ll make you want to go hug a Catholic.

  • Roald Dahl

    So, this exists. Too bad I can’t link that URL on my site though.