@purple_velvet Hey, that’s where the lighthouse is that we stayed!
@drkknits @kunaal84 I believe you mean: GoT:CoK. 🙂
@purple_velvet Hey, that’s where the lighthouse is that we stayed!
@drkknits @kunaal84 I believe you mean: GoT:CoK. 🙂
@witty_knitter AWESOME. You will all be kimchee-assimilated into a better, garlic-infused future. 🙂
SEO for Non-dicks: http://t.co/qAnYxa7K. I could not approve of this post more.
Fake it til you make it, right?
@witty_knitter New responsibilities at work. Being optimistic to avoid getting stressed. 🙂
Amy Farrah Fowler is my HOMEGIRL. Love her! (cc @drkknits)
@drkknits In the same subject, neuroscience! She’s awesome. I saw her at DisneyWorld in Jr High and was starstruck. 🙂
@drkknits Yep. She got to jump the queue on Big Thunder Mountain. That was my idea of the Dizzy Heights of Super Stardom.
@jannism Yep. I wanted to be her when I was 13, and now I want to be her again 20 years later. 🙂
@jannism And there’s the fact that I actually married Sheldon…. 🙂
@mrs_sockvictim *sigh* If I have to, I can help out, Miss Fee. But you should know I don’t get out of bed for less than $10,000 a day.
@jannism Only in real life. Huh. That would make a pretty easy Halloween costume. Filing that away mentally for future use…
@jannism I tend to go with no nose for the plain smiley or frown, but somehow I think the tongue face needs one. 😛 vs 😛
I am not normally a bus panicker, but I suspect I’m trapped in the back of a packed Newtown bus. Halp!
Woo! My first decent distance week in ages. On Sunday I ran the Half-Marathon. I was sore Monday, but not too bad considering the cramping. I actually did a Spudds class Monday night and kicked some butt on the rower. Tuesday I walked to work in the morning. Wednesday I started my new Fitness Class (more on that in a minute) and consequently ran 2.88km before work. That afternoon I walked another couple of km’s across Sydney while lugging a heavy suitcase. Today I did my second Fitness Class before work, and then I walked to my office. Hooray for lots of exercise! It really, really helps my mood.
Sep. 18: 21.6km
Sep. 20: 2.72km (walking)
Sep. 21: 2.88km
Sep. 21: 1.99km (walking)
Sep. 23: 3.54km
Sep: 23: 2.63km (walking)
Total this week: 28.02km (17.5mi)
Total in 2011: 853.29km (533.3mi)
So, the Fitness Class. This is a thing that RunKeeper does. Ailsa and I were talking after the Half-Marathon about our plans, and I said that my goal for the summer was to cut back my distance per week but work on building up some speed. A couple days later, she suggested this Jeff Galloway class which trains you to run a 30:00 5K. There are three runs per week: a tempo run, an interval session, and a long run. The long runs actually build up to 7 miles, which is perfect considering our next race is the 10K Run4Fun in November. The Snook joined me for today’s interval workout, which involved 4 x 400m repeats at faster than goal pace. We managed it, but man, it was tough. I’m looking forward to seeing my progress and hopefully I’ll score a PR at my next event!
Kimchee is taking over the world. YAY! You will all be assimilated into our glorious, garlic-infused future. (Link courtesy of M-H.)
@drkknits Terrible movie! Jeremy Irons is great, but the plot changes are SO STUPID.
Very sorry, @misswired, but it looks like I’m going to miss #webblastsyd. Still at work! 🙁
@wheelyweb I’m just leaving work now, and I’m in a rotten mood. Going to go home and hibernate instead…
@wheelyweb I’m afraid box wine will have to serve. Have fun…
@mrs_sockvictim Very cool!!
@nolim1t @kunaal84 It’s #MobileEmbrace now, Barry! 🙂
Another argument for the Oxford comma: http://t.co/BgCoQBIe. HA!
@nolim1t @kunaal84 @venks79 If he didn’t kill himself on his new motorbike tonight! 🙂
How to Start a Cookbook Club. Neat! I wonder if any of my friends in Sydney would like to do that…
Me and Kurt at school! http://t.co/ZQLOlr0m
Gave a talk on Roald Dahl at my nephew’s school. Nothing deflates the ego faster than being corrected by 100 3rd graders in unison.
@drkknits Family resemblance. Kurt’s his nephew. 🙂
@laimelde I am glad my humiliation cheered you up. 😛
On the bus. The children gave me flowers. http://t.co/vihao4ho
@goldfishgeorge How old he was when he died. I KNEW they were going to catch me out on something…
My sacrifice to the marathon gods is now complete: right big toenail is 95% gone. I AM A MONSTER.
@jenwburn Oh crap! He emailed that was going to be on and I forgot to record it. Wonder if I can watch online…
@jenwburn Haha, don’t try to hide it! You’re a closet Renovators fan, AREN’T YOU? 🙂
I made cornbread for @kunaal84. It appears to be smiling at me. http://t.co/9bNe8mgr
@kunaal84 Least I could do considering how I am forever spilling secrets. 😛
@codepo8 What shutdown? Snook pleads ignorance.