Month: September 2011

  • Blackmore’s Half-Marathon 2011 Race Report

    Me and the SnookRemember how last year I said that the half-marathon distance was CURSED for me? The streak continues. This past Sunday was the 2011 Sydney Running Festival, where the two of us were toeing the line for my fifth Half-Marathon and the Snook’s first. Our training plan had went pretty well, with the exception of me spraining my ankle twice and missing a couple long runs. I felt pretty good on the day though, and we soon found ourselves at Milson’s Point getting ready for the start. (I took a quick photo just to prove that this year I didn’t lose my iPhone.) We started at the back of C group and we planned to do 2:30/45s intervals from the start. I didn’t want to aim too high given the state of my ankle, but I had hopes that a PR (around 2:30) was possible. From the start, we were flying. We were going under my PR pace, but I didn’t feel like we were going too fast. It was great.

    Here’s the cursed part: It was an unseasonably HOT spring day. We were wearing sunscreen and hats, but there’s only so much you can do. I wore my water belt, but I could tell we were hitting it hard. When I had my first Hammer Gel at 45 minutes I felt briefly light-headed, almost like I might faint. (Thankfully the feeling passed.) We hit 8K at the one hour mark, and that’s when it all started to fall apart. My lower legs started to cramp. We extended a few walk breaks, thinking I could shake it out. I had already been taking Endurolytes, so I also started hitting the Powerade at each aid station. It didn’t help. I ended up battling cramps for the entire second half of the race. Every 5-10 minutes they were back, first one leg and then the other depending on the camber of the road. Sometimes my shins, sometimes my calves. It SUCKED. Snookums tried to keep my spirits high, but I was in a lot of pain. My dreams of a PR slipped away. It was just about surviving to the end. My face was gritty with salt and my shirt had white patches on it. It was so hard. Eventually I limped my way across the finish line, a full 20 minutes slower than I’d hoped to run. I was so glad to be done. I wasn’t the only one having problems; we’d seen the medics treating a LOT of people out on the course. And the poor marathoners! I was glad I hadn’t picked this one for my first 42K. Anyway, we collected our bag and met up with the fabulous Knitabulous, who ran her first half-marathon as well. And hey, that’s the important thing! Rodd and Ailsa ran their first HM, and that’s AWESOME. I’m just glad I got to come along for it!

    We actually got some pretty good race photos this year. Have a look…

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    Me and Kurt at school!

    Me and Kurt at school!

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    @drkknits @kunaal84 Don’t give him ideas! (He doesn’t have a window, so he uses mine.)

    @crumpet Went to Rose St Markets in Melbs & looked at iPad cover. Dude says w/ sincerity: “And there’s a custom pocket for your Moleskine!”

    @ozgamer The Snook and I totally love that show. And then we argue over which one of us is more Sheldon.

    @janiematts Welcome back!

    @drkknits I was cooking, so Rodd procured. Him: “I think I mixed bundy & bacardi white, on account of not having any golden rum on hand.”

    @drkknits @kunaal84 If I have told you once, I have told you a thousand times. I’m very Important on the Internets. 😛

    Today’s tights: Electric Blue. I feel very Jem & the Holograms.

    @witty_knitter Awesome!

    @toastman I can’t believe I went to your office and you weren’t even there!

    @toastman Meet-n-greet with “Claire”?! Just the usual yada yada, we are awesome, hire us please spiel. 🙂

    Jamie’s 30 Min Meals #30: Steak Sarnie, Crispy New Potatoes, Cheesy Mushrooms, Beetroot Salad. Finished in 29:44!

    Prepping to go talk to 3rd graders about Roald Dahl tomorrow. I get more nervous about talking to them than I do with important clients!

    RT @nolim1t: Instagram 2.0 is here! Better image processing, filters, etc! Grab it from the App Store! #sydney #sydneycommunit http://t. …

  • Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals #30: Steak Sarnie

    This was our 30th cooking/blogging experiment from Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals. For this week, we chose “Steak Sarnie, Crispy New Potatoes, Cheesy Mushrooms, and Beetroot Salad.” We made this meal on Saturday, the day before the Sydney Running Festival Half-Marathon. We chose it because we had the episode recorded, and it seemed like a good choice for a pre-race meal: a good amount of carbs, but not overly heavy like pasta. We also prepared this for lunch instead of dinner so we could just eat a light meal of leftovers in the evening. I was on chef’s duty for this one and I was flyin’! I finished it in 29:44.

    Steak Sarnie

    Substitutions: We already had normal potatoes on hand so I used those instead of buying “New” potatoes. You can’t get pre-cooked beetroot here, so I simply boiled mine up ahead of time. We’re not 100% certain if our mushrooms were Portobellos; basically we just got the biggest ones we could find. I was going to use the jarred red peppers as indicated, but when I opened mine they were moldy so I left them out. Other than that, everything was as written in the recipe.

    Quick verdict: I had guessed this one would be a crowd-pleaser, but it ended up being somewhat divisive! It was mostly the mushrooms. Neither of us are big mushroom eaters, but I’ve been making an effort to learn to like them. I actually really liked these. I thought the strong flavours and the rich cheese really complimented the thick slab
    of mushroom. The Snook didn’t like the texture of the mushroom itself though. The sandwich and the potatoes were good, and the beetroot salad was tasty and different. Overall I rated the meal an 8.5 out of 10, while the Snook rated it an 8. It’s a simple, quick, and (mostly) unobjectionable meal that lots of folks should like.


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    Today’s tights: Electric Blue. I feel very Jem & the Holograms.

    Today's tights: Electric Blue. I feel very Jem & the Holograms.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Ugh. If I’ve unfollowed someone, why does Twitter continue to show me tweets from other people @ that person?

    @richbuggy Nah, not you. I unfollowed A, and I don’t see A’s tweets anymore. However, I do see tweets from B that are @A, which is annoying.

    2.5 hour meetings really make the afternoon fly by.

    Tonight’s Spudds workout went a long way towards erasing yesterday’s feelings of weakness & loserdom. I am fit & strong. Was just a bad day.

    RT @rohetherington: Do you own a Dog or Cat in Australia? If so, please complete the Pet Census: Takes 3 mins, will …

  • Women, Swearing, and the Workplace

    “Women, Swearing, and the Workplace.” Interesting. This is something I’ve been thinking about, now that my role has me meeting directly with clients more often. In my experience though, there’s no double standard. Anyone who swears like a sailor in a meeting looks unprofessional. I’ve been in meetings with women who do it, and it makes me cringe a little. (Granted, I cringe when my deskmate swears and I’m the only one that can hear it.) It’s not a question of being “lady-like”; it’s a question of showing respect for the people around you.

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    Here’s me and the Snook, sweaty but proud post-Race.

    For those not in Sydney, it’s currently 28C (82F) at 10:20am. Hot and hazy. I do not envy the marathoners their task today…

    My race medal has a pretty bitchin’ ‘tache.

    @kdelarue Thanks for the info! No, I haven’t made @hellomista’s acquaintance yet. Nice job on the run! 🙂

    Quick Half-Marathon Race Report over at dailymile…

    On the bus back to the city to meet @knitabulous for lunch! (Ailsa – feel free to grab a table if you beat us there.)

    Refuelling after the race! (@ Heritage Belgian Beer Cafe)

    Snook & I were walking wounded at lunch, but @knitabulous looked like a rockstar. Hair done, slinky dress, platform espadrilles, the works!

    Me: “Ugh. I think today is that stupid Talk Like a Pirate Day.” Snook: “THAT IT BE.” Double ugh.