My race medal has a pretty bitchin’ ‘tache.
Month: September 2011
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Race prep power food: Epic Steak Sarnie w/ cheesy mushrooms, fried potatoes, & beetroot salad (from Mr Oliver).
I think I’ll pop ’round the corner and check out my new local fabric store, Fabric Muse! (I love that.)
Fabric Muse is cute! Small but eclectic range aims to inspire. Some genuine designer fabrics too. Proprietor is friendly fash design student
Sample of Fabric Muse’s range, including Burberry and Chanel:
Thanks for the well wishes everybody! Heading to bed now. @knitabulous – will look for you at the back of C group! LET’S BE AWESOME.
4:30. I’m up. Let’s do this.
Before the race! (Just proving I haven’t list my iPhone. Yet.)
My slowest HM ever due to heat and cramping. Fun to run with Snookums tho!!
@knitabulous We are under a tree near baggage pickup…
I saw a giant photo of me and @randomknits at 16km! Nearly fell over laughing. Thanks Donna!! π
We are the champions my friends… Way to go @knitabulous!
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@witty_knitter I just replied. Yes, you can… but not in Gmail.
@KathrynElliott I’m well! Such a small world. @FlavourCrusader is the brainchild of my good friend Sharon. π
@acatinatree I am still disappointed that Snook’s old company declined to name porny mobile site “Mobile Funbags”. #tittalk
@acatinatree Nah, previous G word (Glassonion), I believe. #tittalk
Don’t forget: I’m running the Half-Marathon Sunday; pleaseleave me a message of support! My bib number is C06839 at
@drkknits Poo. Sorry; I hadn’t tried it out yet myself. π
I am starting to feel about Facebook “Happy Birthday” posts the same way Jerry Seinfeld did about kissing his neighbours hello.
@that_alison Sadly, I often find myself knitting with cat hair whether I like it or not. Shit gets *everywhere*. π
RT @imdominating: @web_goddess PURRRRFECTION! Thank you! Just in time for the crazy drop in temp.
@gilmae I believe the correct spelling in that case is “asplodes.”
RunningBlog: Weeks 35-37
I’ve been a bit slack about updating my distance numbers lately, mostly because they’ve been so disappointing. I ended August with a week’s vacation, and while I got a lot done, I didn’t do much running. Then on August 4th, we went for our last long run of HM training: 20km. And 10km into it, I rolled my left ankle AGAIN. This was the third time in two months, and it hurt a lot. I managed to finish the run, but I ended up resting it the whole next week. I’ve only done two runs since then: an 8km with the Snook, and a 5km on my own today. I’ve been making an effort to get in some walking though, which was helped with the stiffness. I really have no idea how Sunday’s Half-Marathon is going to go…
Aug. 31: 6.02km
Sep. 4: 20.52km
Sep. 11: 8.16km
Sep. 16: 5.10km
Total for these three weeks: 39.8km (24.8mi)
Total in 2011: 825.27km (515.8mi)My goal of running 1200km in 2011 looks like it’s slipping away from me. I should be at 854km right now, so I’m officially behind the pace. Going to be a challenging Spring, I can tell!
RunningBlog: Mizuno defect?
Does anybody have experience returning defective shoes to Amazon? I ordered another pair of Mizuno Wave Rider 14s back in July and they got here in August. I haven’t worn them much due to injuries and illness in the past weeks. I noticed recently though that the right shoe makes a loud squeaking noise whenever I land on the heel (more noticeable when walking). It’s like some air pocket is being compressed and popping/squeaking. The left shoe doesn’t do it, and the older pair I bought back in March don’t do it either. I can’t actually say for sure whether they’ve done it from the start or whether it developed in the past few weeks. I haven’t actually worn them that much; I’d estimate less than 30km. So what to do?
Looking at Amazon’s Return Policy, I think I’m out of luck as I’m outside the 30-day return window and I don’t have the original packaging anymore. I’ve just emailed both Amazon and Mizuno Australia to see if they can help. Right now I’m reluctant to train or race in those shoes if there’s a chance there’s something wrong with them. (Also, the squeaking noise is kind of annoying and embarrassing.) Any other ideas? I can’t see anything that’s making the noise, so I don’t think fixing it is possible. I really don’t want to chuck these if I can avoid it…
Update: Holy crap, that was fast! Amazon just replied to tell me to go ahead and send them back and they’ll refund them. That’s fantastic service right there.
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Stopped in at the Grace to see my knitting buddies. So much fun! Needed after a long and busy day…
@mrs_sockvictim Super cute and groovy! Love it.
@witty_knitter I realised today that I actually own TWO Barbies. Right now. As a grown-ass woman. I can’t decide if that is good or bad.
@drkknits Bwahahaha… (The horror.)
@grabyourfork What the–? I JUST left the Grace! We were upstairs in the Bar! Like ships passing in the night, you and me…
@KathrynElliott @flavourcrusader Hey, I know Kathryn, I think! Hello, long lost buddy! π
@drkknits @witty_knitter One is a “graduation” Barbie (cap and gown); the other is a Computer Engineer. Not bad as Barbie careers go. π
Cigarette pants
Knitting buddies: These were the “cigarette” pants I was talking about at the bar. Would you call them cigarette pants? Do you think they’d be flattering on people who don’t look like Audrey Hepburn?
Kitchen Scales
“Tipping the Balance for Kitchen Scales.” Nice little article there in favour of recipes using weights instead of volume measures. We’ve had a digital scale in the kitchen for years (the Snook needs one for homebrewing), but the one we had was small and the button was fiddly. I bought a new one at Costco a month ago and it’s AWESOME. I use it every single morning to pour out 150g of egg whites for our breakfast, and I used it this past weekend to portion out 100g patties of my homemade breakfast sausage. I will never be without a good scale in my kitchen again!
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@miftik Thanks! Heartbreaker Fashion: π
@witty_knitter You know the rule. Where’s the photo?
@witty_knitter Sorry, was at the gym! You look awesome! Like a wood sprite. π The green & orange works surprisingly well…
@dancingman Hahaha, before I even clicked on it, I thought: “I bet it’s another damn clarinet.” π
@zephyrama Sydney CBD? Or Newcastle?
@lemon_lime Hahaha, you cheaterhead! On GoogleReader you said you got 1500. π
@drkknits @witty_knitter I randomly got followed by Wynstan with a Y (from the advert for blinds). Favorite follower EVER.
@drkknits @witty_knitter Also, a Sydney-based swingers club. Rodd’s like, “WHAT WERE YOU TWEETING ABOUT?!” No idea.
@AusVintageGrrl What the heck is a “dry knit”?
@zephyrama You need to get yourself over to Surry Hills to Tessuti’s! That’s my fave. There’s a new one in Chippo too:
@drkknits Hahaha… Today I came into possession – randomly – of Shannon Ponton’s email address. π
@drkknits I’m very big on the Internet.
@drkknits Hot pink tights are probably some sort of coded signal! No wonder they’re after me.
RT @brown_note: The Cult of Done Manifseto #pmot #baot // I’m a huge fan of this too. Perfect is the enemy of good!
@witty_knitter @Tash2point0 Love it. So much cleverer than a wonky piece of badly knitted garter stitch wrapped on a pole.