Month: September 2011

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    Finally seeing HP:7! ($18 a ticket is RIDICULOUS.) (@ Hoyts)

    @misswired I like him too. He’s our Dickens.

    @damjanov Looks like a Viewmaster slide, you know? Heightened reality.

    @misswired Yeah, but also our ephemera. The pop music and cars and nightmares and brands and mundanity that describes our time.

    @misswired @thelastressort I don’t think it’s the plots. I think it’s the characters, the small towns, the way we talk, the things we fear.

    RT @imdominating: SO MUCH AWESOME RT @NathanFillion: Twitter meltdown. @feliciaday, @edgarwright, Tony Head, and @simonpegg in Joss’ hou …

    @lemon_lime No, we just waited 6 weeks til all the annoying children had seen it and the theater was mostly empty.

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    Knitters Guild meeting. We appear to be locked out… (@ Surry Hills Library)

    Jamie’s Catherine Wheel Sausage, Horseradish Mash, Apple Salad, Gravy, & Stuffed Apples. YUM.

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    @laimelde It’s from Costco! Was very happy with that purchase. 🙂

    @knitabulous As well you should! Both the new ones I bought were minis. 🙂

    Just finished A Feast for Crows. Only one more to go, right? These books are kiling me…

    Lack of exercise leading to bad sleep, bad mood, irritability, depression. I was Crabby Crabberson today. Sorry, co-workers. 🙁

    @drkknits @knitterjp On my way! Walking, so might be late. Feel free to go to cafe and then tell me where to find you.

    @knitterjp @drkknits Just around the corner

    @drkknits @knitterjp Which one is that?

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  • Insurance

    And once again, I see how much health insurance costs in the U.S. and I am very, very glad I live in Australia. Our cost: $207.75 per month for the pair of us. Includes a high level of Extras cover (dental, optical, orthotics, etc).

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    @carbolicious Get me one too!!

    @Opheli8 Ahem. Only if you say it in a poncy accent. 🙂

    HOLY CRAP. Less than $2K to go for TON OF WOOL. @gusseting is going to pull it off! SHE’S GONNA DO IT! WE ALL DID IT!

    @FoodConnectSyd It’s not food, but you guys would love what @gusseting is doing with Yay for sustainable & local produce!

    @gusseting I sent an email about TON OF WOOL to my friend Michael of Hopefully he’ll share it with others!


    Seriously, the fact that TON OF WOOL just hit its target makes my heart grow three sizes. WAY TO GO, YOU GUYS!

    RT @msgusset: wow. away for an hour, and come back to TON OF WOOL fanfreakingtastically FUNDED! thanks so much! already called the scour …

    Just turned down a possibly lucrative advertising offer for RoaldDahlFans. Disruptive lightbox ads on a site for kids? No, thank you.

    In front of my laptop. The purring is like a chainsaw.

    @stufromoz Hahaha, I always hesitate thinking: “Am I posting too many photos of my cats? Nah, Stu will love it!”

    @venks79 Oh, I would’ve sold out for banner or text ads. But lightboxes are the new popups, and they suck!

    Crappy weather. New umbrella. @ Westfield Towers

  • Photo Post

    Crappy weather. New umbrella.

    Crappy weather. New umbrella.

  • Photo Post

    In front of my laptop. The purring is like a chainsaw.

    In front of my laptop. The purring is like a chainsaw.

  • Pop

    “It’s called POP, not SODA.” Dear entire Midwest, I would love that shirt for Christmas. Big hugs, Kristy.