“Nazis, needlework and my dad.” This is a fascinating article about a British officer to cross-stitched while held in a POW camp in WW2 and managed to include subversive, coded messages into the design. His son is also a stitcher and has a few pieces on exhibit at the V&A in London. You can see his dad’s famous sampler here.
Month: September 2011
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Fun! Just discovered that James Mathison goes to Spudds Gym too. Passed him as I was leaving…
@knitterjp Ooh Ooh! Thanks for the tip. Opening when?
Drinks with Kev and Zagbot. (@ East Sydney Hotel) http://t.co/gZ0ZWnf
@Anthony_Mills Commiseration. Snooky told me flatout 4 years ago that he wasn’t moving again unless it was to a place we owned.
@codepo8 Yes, my inside source tells me the internal IRC channel was having much merriment with the news today… 🙂
@toastman Relax! Rodos wasn’t with me. I didn’t cross any streams.
@drkknits @kunaal84 He got to do some punching at lunchtime. I think that helped. But I probably should’ve bought him a cookie too…
@stufromoz @bendurbubble @redambition Yes! Buy some of @gusseting’s RIGHT NOW: wool.pozible.com. (Otherwise, check out Spinners Guild site.)
RT @knitabulous: Very excited about sewjourn in november..
It’s called POP, not SODA. So brilliant, I will overlook that a Michigander designed it. http://t.co/Htzhmyg
@kunaal84 Have a great trip!
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- “Clients respond best to professionals who look more professional than they do.” – Something to think about.
- Adventures in Indiana State Fair Food 2011 | The Incidental Economist – I confess, this made me a little bit homesick.
- Instagram filters applied to famous photos
- How-To: Ruffle Butt Underwear
- Competing with the MacBook Air | MetaFilter
Seriously, have you donated to TON OF WOOL yet? Because you really, really should. There are only 2 days left, and we’re more than 2/3 of the way there…
Snickerdoodle Pumpkin ice Cream Sandwiches
Snickerdoodle Pumpkin Ice Cream Sandwiches. There is nothing about that that doesn’t sound AWESOME.
Doggie Dinosaurs
Note for my sister: Buster really, really needs to be a dinosaur for Halloween this year. Think about it.
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SMH article on same-sex marriage is the dumbest thing I’ve read in ages: http://t.co/3wr6FBI. Marriage does not imply children.
@laimelde Yeah. Go to the Apple Store and play with an iPad. Every non iPad tablet I’ve seen sucks ass. 🙂
@laimelde I know. Silly position to take though, to ignore market leader out of hand! Lots of non-sheeple have iPads for a reason…
@laimelde Mostly you should play just to see if you really want one. TBH, I don’t use mine as much as I thought I would.
@jannism My nephew starts today too! Best of luck to Hermione and Penn. 🙂 (cc @carbolicious)
@codepo8 Remember the good ol’ days when that nutter at Netdecisions tried to make us alphabetise our HTML attributes? Good times.
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- Same-Sex Marriage | Marriage Laws – WTF. This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever read. The Snook and I didn’t have to make any pledge we were going to have kids when we got legally married. The things are ENTIRELY SEPARATE, whether this stupid writer thinks they should be or not.
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@sixandahalfst The Run4Fun? We’re doing that one! It’s a great run. 🙂
@wooliewombat Despite @mrs_sockvictim’s best attempts to derail it with her anti-acrylic rant! 🙂
Amused by how stupid other people think we are. You were never never that nice or that liked. #revisionisthistory
Twitter is depressing me. So much meanness and personal attacks. Why be mean to people for no reason? Think I need to disengage a bit.
@laimelde I’ll just have to unfollow half the knitters in Sydney then… 🙂
@sharre It was the saying snotty things right to people’s faces that put me off. (I’ve since found out that SP saw NONE of them, thankfully)
@sharre Nah, I didn’t mean you. I definitely got the “chill out” vibe from you. 🙂
@venks79 Heh. I’m not talking about the troll you’re thinking of, but yeah, disengaging there too. No need to feed the martyr more drama.
Hello Sydney in the spring! Why yes, those are my bare knees…