- Kimberley Ultramarathon | Runners faced becoming ‘human fireballs’ – Wow. So it sounds like the reason the guys suffered less injury was that they actually turned and ran BACK THROUGH the wall of flames. That’s amazing. I don’t think I would’ve thought to do that.
- Beards from below . org – An adventure in facial hair perspective! – I hope Snookums sends one in.
- Unlocking Project Achievements
Month: September 2011
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Appalachian Stack Cake
How have I never heard of Appalachian Stack Cake before? That’s, like, my heritage! Going to have to try that sometime.
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@mrs_sockvictim Oh thank goodness! We were wondering. What was he up to, I wonder? 🙂
Gearing up to take the Snook on his first ever 20km run. Me, I can do these things in my sleep. 😛
@traceyh Crossing my fingers for you guys. I hope it goes well…
@imdominating Ha! I guessed it would be the Atari, which I am totes jealous of. 🙂
Everybody whinging about Monday, but I feel great. Looking forward to getting back to work w/ @VenessaHunt and rest of @mobileembrace team!
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I just became the mayor of Toby’s Estate Broadway on @foursquare! http://t.co/ceEuj1K
Lunch at the new Toby’s location! (@ Toby’s Estate Broadway) [pic]: http://t.co/1WABZj5
I sewed my own shirt, and today I wore it in public! http://t.co/UUR128w
@witty_knitter It’s a little big; I’ll make the next one a size smaller. But I learned a LOT on this one. 🙂
Shirt #2. Smaller size, much better fit! Also: STRIPES. http://t.co/txfjqJc
Such a great Jamie meal tonight with @mrs_sockvictim and SV… We forgot to take enough photos! May have to repeat this one…
Photo Post
I sewed my own shirt, and today I wore it in public!
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@toastman We decided to pass on the TP for this visit. Need to think about the storage issue some more… 🙂
@FlavourCrusader FoodConnect offers locally produced Sydney urban honey! I’ve tried it; it’s delicious. 🙂
Costco was a LOT less busy on a Friday morning than a Sunday morning, for what it’s worth.
@FlavourCrusader Yep, that’s the one! http://t.co/SmiKoaJ
@toastman It *was* Cottonelle! Now I’m regretting not getting it.
Shopping was tiring, I guess. Just had a nice little nap on the couch with kitty curled up beside me. Nice.
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- Typewriters in India – I wish I could use “Sometimes the monkeys steal the functional specifications” excuse in my job…
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Cooking beans in my pressure cooker for the first time. My Aunt Berb will be so friggin’ proud when she hears.
Pattern weights? I don’t need no steenking pattern weights. I’ve got BOOKS! http://t.co/tUxDPOV
@witty_knitter Haha, I didn’t even THINK to use the iPad! I totally should’ve. It’s even heavier. 🙂
@Soma377 Just random stuff. Northern Lights, The Prestige, Perdido Street Station, The Road, The Dispossessed, The Left Hand of Darkness.
@Soma377 I haven’t read the last two, which are Ursula LeGuin. I started the Dispossessed but got bored with it.
Just bought stamps at Post Office. When I realised they were William & Kate, I *squealed*. Bye bye hipster cred…
Moment of truth for my first sewn top. Hey, that’s not too bad!! http://t.co/HnEKBnK
The top is the Colette Sorbetto (free!): http://t.co/BfsqvWe. I was between 2 sizes so I went up to be safe. Just have to finish edges now!
@knitterjp Hahaha, yeah. I also downloaded the sleeves pattern but I don’t actually know how to put sleeves in yet, so tank for now. 🙂
What’s that book where a guy builds a house in 4 dimensions? Because I think I just sewed something similar. (Continuous binding is weird.)
@wheelyweb Nah, I’m talking 4-dimensions in the sense of a tesseract. And sewing, not knitting. 🙂
@blakkat Been there, sister.
George St is a damn parking lot. WTF.
Geek thing. Web stuff. Lightning talks. Lots of hipsters. (@ CBD Hotel w/ 11 others) http://t.co/8Zu4T5u
@blakkat Snook is raiding *as we speak*. What server are you guys on?
@blakkat @stamf Ah. I think Snook’s on Saurfang? I got to lvl 20ish but drifted out. To me it was just pointless grind quests and shopping.
@redambition DAMMIT. I tried to convince Snook and @eileenDCoE last weekend. They said LotF is for drunk bogan teenagers. 🙁
@blakkat @stamf *stunned* Star Wars. The answer to that question is STAR WARS. Even if it involves the prequels!
@KaisaKaisaKaisa Only one way to know! 🙂
#wdyk was surprisingly good! Different crowd than usual Syd web events I attend. Especially liked inclusiveness of awesome chick presenters.
Good grief. Making the damn bias binding is going to take 2x as long as putting together the actual shirt! Even with the Clover doohickey!
Heading to Granville to meet @discoknitter for some Costco bargain action! Now I just have to workout how I’m going to store 72 rolls of TP.
@ifarmer @KatjaPresnal I hope they specify Fahrenheit! 🙂
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- Let Them Eat Art – It’s Prince Pondicherry’s lounge!