Month: October 2011

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    @goldfishgeorge Pretty good! I won’t need to buy cat food or toilet paper for the next 6 months, that’s for sure. 🙂

    @DebTeakle Ooh, I didn’t see the choc chips! Will have to look next time…

    Hoping that @mrs_sockvictim is having a good time at camp!

    @danivv DM me your email address and I’ll send it tomorrow. 🙂

    New Arrested Development series AND movie? Best news ever.

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    RT @redditflipboard: Don’t judge me, lamp! [r/pics] #reddit #flipboard

    I found Jiffy mix at Broadway Reject Shop and FREAKED OUT. Never seen it in Oz before!

    @danivv Nah, we didn’t see any cornbread. Cornbread is pretty easy though! I can email you a recipe if you like. 🙂

    @bezthomas Probably the same section where Snook claims to have seen Marshmallow Fluff before. Not there anymore! 🙁

    @bezthomas Haha. Bostonians like @eileenDCoE would be horrified: It’s Fluffer Nutters! NutterFluffers somehow sound *ruder*. 🙂

    Buy our stuff! Wii drum set: BBQ + gas bottle:

    Retail therapy on a rainy day! (@ Costco)

  • RunningBlog: Week 39

    I felt weird this week. I had bad sleep, but I’m not sure if that’s a cause or a symptom. Maybe it was the crappy weather and the changing daylight. Maybe it was some added stress at work. Maybe it was just the inevitable comedown after a goal race. At any rate, it was hard to get motivated. On Sunday the Snook and I did our three mile “long run” through Newtown at night. Monday night I went to Spudds where I became the FIRST GIRL EVER to score three back-to-back 100m+/20s on the rower! I did a short walk afterwards to cool down. Tuesday I walked to and from work. Wednesday I did my scheduled 25 minute run and then walked to work afterwards. And on Friday I did speed intervals at lunchtime with my friend Raj.

    Sep. 25: 4.85km
    Sep. 26: 1.07km (walking)
    Sep. 27: 5.01km (walking)
    Sep. 28: 3.82km
    Sep. 28: 2.51km (walking)
    Sep. 30: 4.89km
    Total this week: 13.57km (8.5mi)
    Total in 2011: 866.86km (541.8mi)

    My Galloway class is going well and we’ve now completed the first two weeks. I was a little worried about my ability to do the speed workout this week: SIX 400m repeats at race pace with 250m walk breaks in between. (We only had to do four last week.) It was difficult, but I made it! I keep trying to focus on running more smoothly and efficiently in these intervals rather than making it an all-out sprint. I think it’s working. I can’t wait to do a time trial and test my progress…

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    I found Jiffy mix at Broadway Reject Shop and FREAKED OUT. Never seen it in Oz before!

    I found Jiffy mix at Broadway Reject Shop and FREAKED OUT. Never seen it in Oz before!