Month: October 2011

  • Photo Post

    Frocktober #17. Bright orange legs and Liza on a crappy grey day.

    Frocktober #17. Bright orange legs and Liza on a crappy grey day.

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    RT @witty_knitter: @smh journo Terry Lane thinks failed photographers take up knitting. Check @sixandahalfst @assemblagekj and http://t. …

    @Illdrinn Even though I’m only tangentially a dev these days?

    @Illdrinn Ooh, looking at the agenda: Yes, please. Will clear it with my boss.

    @gilmae Yay! I’m sure it’ll be awesome.

    Frocktober #16. Attack of the Angry Bird. (I made that skirt.)

    I have lost all will in life to do anything but sit on my couch and watch Community. I blame @kunaal84.

    I should’ve gone with Ada Lovelace. You don’t have to worry about your ass hanging out in an Ada Lovelace costume. #halloween

    Momofuku Seiobo open for reservations! System only seems to allow bookings for next 9 days. I’m gonna wait a few weeks…

    @steven_noble I’ve only ever been there once before. I’m excited! Trying to get in for our anniversary next month. 🙂

  • The Great Penguin Sweater Fiasco

    The Great Penguin Sweater Fiasco. Yep, history seems to have repeated itself. The little NZ penguins don’t actually need sweaters and they aren’t being used. So don’t knit them! Do something else productive instead!

  • Photo Post

    Frocktober #16. Attack of the Angry Bird. (I made that skirt.)

    Frocktober #16. Attack of the Angry Bird. (I made that skirt.)

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @voicework Evidently not in tiny backwater elementary schools in Indiana in the 80’s. I ended up with a trumpet, which at least was LOUD. 🙂

    Halloween Pumpkin Price Watch: $19.99 at Costco. I get why they’re $$, but I just can’t.

    Jamie’s 30 Min Meals #34: Meatball Sandwich, Pickled Cabbage, Chopped Salad, & Banana Ice Cream. Good but not awesome.

    @CleaSR From the book? I don’t know of a chicken Maryland meal in here. Was it the Cypriot chicken? We liked that one.

    @randomknits Drugs? I had my GP prescribe me some drugs for when I have too many of those nights in a row.

    @randomknits I get temazepam, but I had to promise to only take rarely and never with alcohol. (It’s highly habit-forming.) Works for me.

    @witty_knitter @randomknits Nah, I went nuclear. My biggest problem is waking up a lot during the night. Does valerian work for that?

    I wish I was a bus driver… so I could see if smoothly accelerating and decelerating is as difficult as this jackass makes it out to be.

    @redambition Both Rodd and I have had it crash once each. #anecdata

    @liedra Well, I think you’ll find the word is French. And they pronounce it like the Yanks. 🙂

    @betsybookworm Eh, that’s the kind of wrongheaded thinking that leads to people typing “WAH-LAH” in Internet forums.

    @betsybookworm “Voila” is a French word that people also spell/pronounce incorrectly. “Fill-it” sounds just as wrong to my ears as “wah-lah”

    @betsybookworm @liedra Eh, I’m mostly prescriptivist so I’ll go with that. I still think “fill-it” sounds weird tho, even after 10 years. 🙂

  • Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals #34: Meatball Sandwich

    This was our 34th cooking/blogging experiment from Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals. We’ll be going on hiatus for a few weeks due to our annual Halloween party as well as a small trip I’m taking to Victoria. Also, this time of year is just insanely busy… which is why I’m only just now getting around to posting this meal, which we actually made last weekend. Whoops. Anyway, for this one we chose “Meatball Sandwich, Pickled Cabbage, Chopped Salad, and Banana Ice Cream.” We chose it because we took a punt the week before and bought bananas, reckoning they’d ripen up in time to use. They did! I was on chef’s duty for this one and – though I thought I was speeding along – I clocked in at a disappointing 40:46. It was tasty though.

    Meatball Sandwich meal

    Substitutions: I actually made a double-batch of the meatballs (simply because I accidentally thawed too much hamburger). Other than that, we followed the recipe pretty much exactly!

    Quick verdict: Nothing too challenging or objectionable here! Just a nice simple meal, and probably one that would appeal to kids as well. The sandwich was hearty, but I thought the meatballs were a little bland. The red cabbage really perked up the sandwich though, especially with the chilli and mint. (The recipe makes more than double the slaw actually need. We were eating it all week.) The chopped salad was very good, with the avocado and feta giving it an almost creamy texture. The “ice cream” was a bit of a gimmick, and I’m not sure the coconut added much. We both rated it an 8 out of 10. A pretty good meal, but nothing that really stood out as amazing. You could feed this one to just about anybody though!


  • Frocktober

    Happy Frocktober!
    I only heard about Frocktober right at the start of October. It’s basically a campaign to raise awareness and funds for the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation. I figured, what the hell! I’ll see how many days I can wear skirts or dresses this month. So I sent in a donation to the campaign and started gettin’ mah legs out. Folks, I have worn a skirt FIFTEEN days so far this month! And I’ve only been wearing each item once, so that’s how many skirts and dresses I have in my closet. (There are only a couple left.) WHO KNEW? Those of you on Facebook and Twitter have been seeing the photos each day, but I’ll be doing a roundup at the end of the week of all the outfits. This is definitely something I think I’ll be officially doing next year, along with some proper fundraising. In the meantime, go donate!

  • MeFi Quilting Bee

    Do I really need another project? I appear to have signed up for the MetaFilter Quilting Bee.

  • RunningBlog: Week 42

    Work’s been stressful the past couple of weeks. I’ve got some new responsibilities, and I’ve been trying to get a big project off the ground. This has meant some late nights and working lunches. It’s made fitting in my workouts more difficult – but boy, have I needed them. On Sunday, the Snook and I did our longest speed workout yet: TEN 400m intervals at race pace with 250m walking recovery. I was dreading it, but we pretty much kicked its ass! Monday I walked to work. Tuesday I went for a 4:1 run/walk at lunchtime and then walked home in the evening. Wednesday I had my first Spudds class in weeks, and it was pretty tough! And Friday I went for a run at lunch with Kunaal and Raj, and I SWEAR TO GOD WE RAN RIGHT PAST RUSSELL CROWE. (But nobody else believes me.) Good week! Sunny weather runs make life worth living.

    Oct. 16: 6.81km
    Oct. 17: 2.65km (walking)
    Oct. 18: 5.17km
    Oct. 18: 2.59km (walking)
    Oct. 21: 4.66km
    Total this week: 16.64km (10.4mi)
    Total in 2011: 912.35km (570.2mi)

    To meet my original goal of running 1100km in 2011, I should be at 888.5km. Still on track there! But I think the 1200km goal is well and truly gone at this point.