“The Best Halloween Costume I Never Wore.” Some GREAT ideas in there for any of you still trying to think of a costume. Go conceptual! We don’t mind.
Month: October 2011
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- I'm your huckleberry
- Ivanhoe Reservoir Picture – Los Angeles Photo – National Geographic Photo of the Day – 3 million black plastic balls in a reservoir.
- The Visual Charge Of A Beard
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#Instaburb – “A month long Australian mobile photography competition for users of the photo sharing app Instagram. We invite you to share your suburb, or a suburb you love.” Neat!
Amish gang warefare!
“Mystery of break-ins in Amish community as robbers cut hair and beards off victims.” Okay, WHAT?! A breakway Amish group know as the “Bergholz Clan” are forcibly cutting hair and beards off their enemies within the community. Their leader is accused of using sleep-deprivation and brainwashing to turn his church into a cult. It’s like a Movie of the Week! (Link courtesy of my Aunt Deb.)
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- Arkansas Town VS. Classic Sitcom – Who's Correct? | MetaFilter – In another universe, I am this woman.
- Amy Winehouse cake
- Chuck & Beans
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RunningBlog: Week 40
Week 40
This was a better week. I really needed that long weekend. We got a lot of stuff done around the house, and I felt more relaxed and ready to tackle the week. On Sunday we did our strength workout with weights at home. (Spudds is on vacation all this week so no classes.) On Monday we went for our four mile “long run” around Glebe and Sydney Uni. Tuesday I walked to and from work, and then I convinced the Snook to go for a run with me that night. Thursday I walked home from work. Today Snookums and I did our speed interval workout before work, and then I walked in to the office.
Oct. 3: 6.72km
Oct. 4: 5.32km (walking)
Oct. 4: 4.2km
Oct. 6: 3.23km (walking)
Oct. 7: 5.84km
Oct. 7: 2.65km (walking)
Total this week: 16.75km (10.5mi)
Total in 2011: 883.62km (552.2mi)
To meet my original goal of running 1100km in 2011, I should be at 846km. So I’m still ahead on that one. But my revised goal of running 1200km? I’d need to be at 923km. I think that one’s slipping away from me…
Cuddly Chewbacca
Free Cuddly Chewbacca sewing pattern. I might need to make one (or four) of those!
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- Cat food packaging
- New rules of work posters
- Good Bye, Son – Holy crap. sob
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