Month: October 2011

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    Frocktober #10. I call this ensemble “Date Night with Captain Kirk.”

    @mrs_sockvictim Nice! Ooh, and white?!

    If you’re gonna hire an arborist, you might as well go with the one called “Dr. Treegood.” (I’m serious. That’s their actual name.)

    @Justacogitating Don’t google “Inspector Gadget Penny.” Ask me how I know. 🙁

    @eileenDCoE Yikes! I don’t think they have punny names. That would be… bad.

    @misswired Sadly not his REAL name, just the business name. 🙂

    Nothing like getting a work email at 9pm that makes you YELL OUT LOUD IN FRUSTRATION.

    @bowenvale321 I wish. This was an urgent thing I needed the UK team to do tonight. They pretty much want, “Nah, do not want.”

    A cute cyclist dinged his bell at me. Of course, I’m married to him. And I was in his way.

    RT @neilhimself: I’ve mirrored “13 Observations made by Lemony Snicket while watching Occupy Wall Street from a Discreet Distance” at ht …

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    Hey, my trainer Spudds is quoted in the SMH today! Yep, that’s exactly how he talks.

    Spur-of-the-moment frock shopping in Newtown. Channeling my inner Joan Holloway…

    @gilmae I’m planning a Pumpkin Pie Pavlova, a hybrid that – I must confess – the Snook is strongly against. But I persevere.

    @zephyrama @randomknits @witty_knitter @GeorgieKnits Thanks guys! I *did* buy it. Great designs & service!

    @randomknits LOVE the ruffle!

    @zephyrama Don’t think they’re up yet. All frocks retro-ish. She designs; sewn in China. Fully lined, very nice. Mine $120 on sale for $96

    Points on the board! GO THE AUSSIES! (What? I watch rugby.) #RWC

    @drkknits Translated: “You’re not up yourself.” 🙂

    I feel like our team’s uniforms should be tighter. That’s my only meaningful observation so far, really. #rwc2011

    @knitabulous @drkknits But I’m knitting! And drinking wine! Doesn’t that earn me back some Moral Superiority Points?

    @knitabulous @drkknits Although I probably lose them every time there’s a vicious tackle and I hoot at the screen like a Morlock.

    @drkknits @knitabulous It’s from Literatcha, don’t you know! #cultured

    I had no idea that hairy guy from “The Hangover” played rugby for NZ. #RWc2011

    @knitabulous @drkknits Have you met Amy Farrah Fowler yet? My fave character. LOVE HER. (Also, Runkeeper voice sounds like her!)

    @knitabulous @drkknits Awww. We’re your Besties though!

    @knitabulous @drkknits Oh no! That sucks. We’ll miss you… 🙁

    @drkknits @knitabulous Just started watching Community, which @kunaal84 recommended & lent to us. Liking it a lot!

    I have not been following our team much prior to this. I get the feeling this Quade Cooper guy is divisive. Am I meant to like him? #RW2011

    I don’t really understand what’s happening, but I am PISSED OFF. #rwc2011

    That Kiwi dude just punched our dude in the face! WTF. #RW2011

    Whoa. That Kiwi dude is, like, ENTIRELY TAPED TOGETHER under his shirt. #rcw2011

    Full credit to the hairy man with the silly name. Piri Weepu has kicked our ass, well and truly.

    @gilmae We are in agreement. My delectable monster must live!

    So this is what the office looks like at 8:30am on a Monday…

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    Spur-of-the-moment frock shopping in Newtown. Channeling my inner Joan Holloway…

    Spur-of-the-moment frock shopping in Newtown. Channeling my inner Joan Holloway...

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    Should have gone for a run today, but using my sore pinky toe as an excuse to, uh, not.

    @steven_noble WHAT????

    Halloween Pumpkin Price Watch Update: $4/kg at Coles Broadway. I still held off buying.

    @discoknitter If I can get a decent one for $10, I’m going for it. Let me know!

    @traceyh Yikes!!

    YOU GUYS. My Mom is within minutes of running her first marathon! Please cheer her on! #gosusie!!

    Haha, whoops. It’s her first HALF-marathon. Still a big deal. #gosusie! You can do it!!

    @venks79 She finished in 2:37:29! I told you she’d beat us! That’s only 30s off my PR from a few years ago…

    @traveller0112 Neat! We visited there in July 2010. Tour was a little boring; a gala sounds more fun!

    Congrats to my Mom, Joe, and John for finishing the Indianapolis Half-Marathon! You guys did awesome.

  • Sunrise, Sunset

    The lyricist from Fiddler on the Roof has provided new lyrics for “Sunrise, Sunset” that make it suitable for gay weddings. That’s lovely.

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    Alas, poor Yorick. His skull is meant for my Halloween centrepiece.

    Alas, poor Yorick. His skull is meant for my Halloween centrepiece.

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    I’m not even a real project manager, but I have to say, I’m KILLING IT today. *pats self on back*

    @drkknits @imdominating Now even the Snook is sending me Hot Skarsgard links:

    Frocktober #9. There is a fine line between Manic Pixie Dream Girl and Homeless.

    I’m at Wagamama (49 Lime St., King St. Wharf, Darling Harbour)

    You know how I joked last night about my toe being broken? Yeah, pretty sure it actually is. Still painful and now turning purple!

    @thisismywww I have a lot of running planned in the next 6 weeks. 🙁

    @thisismywww My sensitivity to NSAIDs will make that difficult. Might consult my GP. I have marathon training starting soon!

    @mrs_sockvictim Eveleigh Markets? We’re heading over soon…

    Alas, poor Yorick. His skull is meant for my Halloween centrepiece.

    Facebook has restored the “Most Recent” link. HALLELUJAH. (Death to “Top Stories”!)

  • RunningBlog: Week 41

    Up and down and up again! On Saturday we got up early and headed to Sydney Park. I had heard from a friend on dailymile that some guys are starting up a Parkrun event in Sydney. It’s basically a free, weekly, timed 5K run at a set location. It won’t officially start til next year, but we joined Paul and Aaron on a test run of the course. The guys were must faster than me but they were great about letting me set the pace. I think we’ll definitely be taking part in this one next year!

    After the run we walked home (another 4km). I also walked home from Surry Hills that afternoon from my Knitters Guild meeting. We didn’t have a long run this week, just a one-mile time trial. I did that on Monday at lunchtime, but I didn’t feel very well. I ended up staying home Tuesday with some sort of virus. Wednesday I walked to and from work but skipped the Spudds session as I was still woozy. I wasn’t sure if I was up to running on Thursday, but then my new shoes arrived! I had to break them in. They felt SO GREAT. I was such an idiot for not replacing my old ones sooner. I wore them again to walk to work this morning.

    Oct. 8: 5km
    Oct. 8: 5.69km (walking)
    Oct. 10: 2.72km (with 9:48 Magic Mile)
    Oct. 12: 5.61km (walking)
    Oct. 13: 4.37km
    Oct. 14: 2.50km (walking)
    Total this week: 12.09km (7.5mi)
    Total in 2011: 895.71km (560mi)

    To meet my original goal of running 1100km in 2011, I should be at 867km. So I’m still ahead on that one. But my revised goal of running 1200km? I’d need to be at 946km. Yep, still slipping away from me. HOWEVER – last night I mapped out a training schedule for the 2012 Gold Coast Marathon. Training starts December 1st. There’s always another goal!

    Sidenote: BEST OF LUCK to my Mom and Step-Dad who are running their first half-marathon this weekend! You guys are gonna be AWESOME.