Month: October 2011

  • Lovecraft

    Geek confession: I’ve never read any H.P. Lovecraft. I heard of Cthulhu, of course, but that’s about it. I was never big into horror, really. Well, in a fit of Halloween-related inspiration, Defective Yeti is going to be posting about Lovecraft every day this month. He mentioned today that you can get the whole canon for 99c on Kindle, so here I am. This is going to be scary, right?

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    Frocktober #9. There is a fine line between Manic Pixie Dream Girl and Homeless.

    Frocktober #9. There is a fine line between Manic Pixie Dream Girl and Homeless.

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    New running shoes are here. Penguin shoes!

    @witty_knitter Nah. I tried minimalist 2 years ago and hurt my foot. Podiatrist recommended these. They’re not too cushiony though.

    @gusseting Nah, minimalist gave me an arch injury I’m still recovering from. Podiatrist wants me in orthotics for now, not Vibrams.

    @janiematts Hahaha, welcome to the sisterhood! 🙂

    Frocktober #8. Denim skirt and clogs.

    @witty_knitter It took mine a while. I think it was everybody in the world trying to do it all at once.

    RT @VenessaHunt: Check it out!! We (@mobileembrace) signed network Ten!!!

    @imdominating Hm. I shall require more evidence of Hotness. Because my initial old-lady response was: “GET A HAIRCUT, YOU SLACKER.”

    @blakkat I can’t believe you guys are going! Best of luck at your next job. 🙂

    @janiematts So what did you get? We need photos of the sexy gadgets…

    @drkknits Love the alfoil!

    RT @zoescaman: Up the career ladder, lipstick in hand! Makeup Makes Women Appear More Competent: Study: // Well, SHIT.

    @that_alison That was from a dress-up party. 🙁

    @Kat13v @witty_knitter The new Notifications thing is pretty sweet. Twitter is baked in. Free iMessages between iPhones (no SMS)!

    @lifeasdaddy That is a very, very good point.

    Accidentally kicked the Snook in the kitchen. Him in boots, me in bare feet. I think I broke my pinky toe! It hurrrrrrts.

    @drkknits Well, he is my man slave. I should’ve specified that he should be barefoot as well though, I guess.

    @foa_peter It’s just red and painful right now. Might be a bit swollen? I guess some ice would be a good idea…

    @foa_peter Inasmuch as I could ever wiggle my pinky toe. 🙂 Poor little piggy!

    Okay! I think that was an official run-in with a foot fetishist. And here I thought it was just a Twitter fan concerned about my poor toe…

    @laimelde Guy’s twitter stream was full of concerned messages sent to people about their feet. It was definitely a little weird.

    @drkknits Phwoar, tiger! Looks great!

    @Justacogitating I have been getting mine from Bonus points for actually being tall enough for me too!

    Jamie’s 30Min Meals #33: Stuffed Cypriot Chicken, Asparagus & Tomatoes, Cabbage Salad, St. Clement’s Drink, Affogato.

    Just planned training schedule for Gold Coast Marathon. I start December 1. WHAT?!

    @knitterjp July 1st. So a good 30 weeks or so to build up to it…

    @knitterjp Ha. You mean Tanya? I like having her office nearby! 🙂

    @steven_noble That was… interesting. I knew about phone phreaking, but had never heard of Joybubbles.

    @knitterjp So far it’s only a Google doc. Actually carrying it out is a whole ‘nother story!

  • Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals #33: Stuffed Cypriot Chicken

    This was our 33rd cooking/blogging experiment from Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals. (ARE WE DONE YET? Sheesh.) For this one we chose “Stuffed Cypriot Chicken, Pan-Fried Asparagus & Vine Tomatoes, Cabbage Salad, St. Clement’s Drink, and Vanilla Ice Cream Float.” We chose it because we had the episode recorded, and it didn’t use anything we couldn’t get this time of year. HOWEVER – we realised quickly that the book version is very different from the one on the show! It has an extra dish (the “Ice Cream Float”) and some of the instructions were different. Very sneaky, that Mr. Oliver! The Snook was on chef’s duty and managed it in a respectable 35:43.

    Stuffed Cypriot Chicken

    Substitutions: We only did a half-recipe of the chicken, and we left out the rosemary sprigs. We also only did 2 flatbreads. We didn’t bother with mint for the drink, and we used espresso rather than instant coffee for the dessert. Other than that, everything was as written in the recipe.

    Quick verdict: Pretty good! Nothing to complain about here. The chicken did take a bit longer to cook than we expected, but it’s visually impressive when you slice it apart. The flavours were all nicely complementary. The cabbage salad was better than I expected, with the onion giving it a welcome bit of bite. The flatbreads fluffed up without catching fire, which was a bonus. (We always seem to have trouble with his “damp greaseproof paper” instructions.) Tomatoes and asparagus are always good, and the drink was fine (if a bit unnecessary). The dessert was basically an affogato, so we both liked that. We both rated it an 8.5 out of 10. It was a nice, tasty meal, but it didn’t really have any stand out elements. It sure looks pretty though!


  • Well, shit.

    “Makeup Makes Women Appear More Competent, Study Finds.” Well, shit. Seriously? Sure, I break out the Wonder Woman lippie every now and then for fun, but you’re telling me that people make snap judgements that someone who wears makeup is better at her job than someone who doesn’t? That sucks! I don’t want to have to spend 20 minutes a day getting made up.

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  • Harry Potter Dog Costume

    Hey sister. You need to make this Harry Potter dog costume for Buster, STAT!

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    Frocktober #8. Denim skirt and clogs.

    Frocktober #8. Denim skirt and clogs.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    I would take people who don’t like the PM more seriously if they didn’t use such loaded, misogynistic terms to describe her.

    @richbuggy Hey, that’s an actual political argument! I can respect that (but not agree with it). It’s the “witch” shit I object to.

    Doing unpopular things is WHY we have representative democracy. You can’t trust big decisions to the mob, who always act from self-interest.

    @Soma377 You joke, but stuff is stupid here today. Govt passed carbon tax (YAY!), and the conservatives are frothing at the fucking mouth.

    @Soma377 “Self-appointed” =/= “representative democracy.” I get that folks are angry, but in US and AU, leaders are still elected.

    @Soma377 I’m ranting against the idea that we should trust the mob to grant human rights & protect the earth against its own interests.

    @Soma377 You seem to be having some other argument, which is fine and all, but not the particular nit I’m picking just now…

    WOOT! Thanks to @carbolicious for Kindle-lending me the next Hunger Games book. #bravenewworld

    SONOFA. Stupid Amazon doesn’t allow my sister to share a book with me because I’m in Australia. Well, that sucks.

    @gilmae Giving that a try. I think they must be doing an IP address lookup though.

    @gusseting How do I do that? Am I changing an Amazon billing or delivery address?

    @gusseting Ahh, I found it. But will I then lose books associated to AUS account?

    @gusseting @gilmae Got it. Thanks. 🙂

    @toastman I think I found a costume for you.

    Frocktober #8. Retro dress from Heartbreaker.

    RT @stringy: Hmm me too. Beyond Blue needs a new leader. RT @RuthEllison: Reconsidering my support for Movember after reading this: http …

    Ugh. It appears I have to upgrade half the apps on my MacBook before I can get iOS5. Installing… Installing…

    @nolim1t I hadn’t run Software Update in a loooong time. And the new iTunes is required before you can get iOS 5. (Finally downloading now!)

    @Justacogitating You are kidding. Suddenly I am feeling a lot less sympathetic to all those lawyers with $100K in loans and no job…

    @nolim1t Snow Leopard

    And I appear to have bricked my frickin’ iPhone. iTunes not recognizing it now.

    @nolim1t No wait. 10.7.2. That’s Lion.

    @squozen Ahhh, that got it to recognize. Thanks. Now to see if it will restore.

    Cautiously optimistic that iPhone is now restoring…

    @Justacogitating Oh phew.

    Phew! iPhone successfully upgraded, now restoring settings from backup. That was a long hour.

    @squozen Must’ve been. First try at the office worked perfectly.