Frocktober #8. Retro dress from Heartbreaker.
Month: October 2011
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Negative: My temperature is up a little bit from this morning. Positive: I’ve read 50% of the first Hunger Games book, and it’s AWESOME.
@drkknits Uh oh. Maybe we caught the same bug on Saturday? I spent the whole day reading the first Hunger Games book. Heading to bed now…
RT @that_alison: Carbon price bills have passed, sky still seems to be in the up position.
@mrs_sockvictim Wow, it opens next month! Can’t wait to check it out. 🙂
Halloween Costume Ideas
“The Best Halloween Costume I Never Wore.” Some GREAT ideas in there for any of you still trying to think of a costume. Go conceptual! We don’t mind.
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@crumpet I graduated with nearly $50K in debt from a US college. And that was with lots of scholarships. I was “lucky.”
RT @ScottRhodie: Got an iPhone/iPad? When typing in a web address if you hold down the .com button it will bring up a list of other opti …
@AusVintageGrrl Ooh, thanks. I’ve mostly given up on cupcakes though. They just haven’t gotten eaten when I’ve tried at previous parties! 🙁
@imdominating I’ve seen a few like that. I like the idea, except for my firm conviction that I’d be zombie fodder within 10 min. #slowpoke
@traveller0112 Haha, thanks. Amazing what a little lippie and some Bollywood jewelry can do! 🙂
At work late, left my wallet, couldn’t get back in office, couldn’t get to our floor, starving- ARGH! Thanks to @venks79 for rescuing me…
Frocktober #6. Another Gap skirt, fuchsia tights.
@knitabulous Super jealous!
Hipster specs with a knitted finish. I am not kidding. Wankiest thing ever.
@zephyrama Darling, we’ve had people with pet goats in Chippo for years. Really. It’s practically passé now!
@MoneyWell Had a weird issue where iPhone app wouldn’t accept Dropbox password when pasted, but did when I typed exact same password. Weird.
Sore throat, fever, headache. Going back to bed…
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- I’m your huckleberry
- Ivanhoe Reservoir Picture – Los Angeles Photo – National Geographic Photo of the Day – 3 million black plastic balls in a reservoir.
#Instaburb – “A month long Australian mobile photography competition for users of the photo sharing app Instagram. We invite you to share your suburb, or a suburb you love.” Neat!
Amish gang warefare!
“Mystery of break-ins in Amish community as robbers cut hair and beards off victims.” Okay, WHAT?! A breakway Amish group know as the “Bergholz Clan” are forcibly cutting hair and beards off their enemies within the community. Their leader is accused of using sleep-deprivation and brainwashing to turn his church into a cult. It’s like a Movie of the Week! (Link courtesy of my Aunt Deb.)
Photo Post
Frocktober #6. Another Gap skirt, fuchsia tights.
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Have spent ENTIRE day in Westeros – I’m cross-eyed now – but it’s finally done and I can reclaim my life. Phew. Now for Hunger Games?
Halloween costumes are 85% done. Just need to sew a couple remaining components. RSVPs are trickling in…
@stufromoz I was talking about the books. I’m spoiled now for the show for YEARS!
Let’s play Words With Friends. My username is ‘web-goddess’. #GamesWithFriends
@Alegrya Check out That’s where I’ve been ordering my funky tights from. 🙂
@Alegrya They do indeed! I got several pairs of these: First tights in my life that are actually long enough!
Saw on Sat. that Harris Farm have Halloween pumpkins out. $5/kg, so smallest was $20. Ouch. I’ll wait a little longer.
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- Arkansas Town VS. Classic Sitcom – Who’s Correct? | MetaFilter – In another universe, I am this woman.
- Chuck & Beans