Month: October 2011

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    Woo! Snook’s Halloween costume 90% sorted. This has been a busy day!

    Frocktober #5: Gap skirt, beer, grotty student pub. “Chippo hipster” indeed. @ Abercrombie Hotel

    Sweet antique sewing machine in cabinet at Glebe Salvos!

    @SMinney No, it’s a treadle and I am lazy. 🙂

    @zephyrama Insane good or insane bad? I have no idea myself. I just thought it was neat! Not planning to buy it. 🙂

    @zephyrama Yowza! Good to know, thanks. 🙂

    @Illdrinn Nice. I once met lady at knit shop who was descendant of Babbage & I freaked out. Not many people recognise the name, she said.

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    Frocktober #5: Gap skirt, beer, grotty student pub. “Chippo hipster” indeed.

    Frocktober #5: Gap skirt, beer, grotty student pub.

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    I’m at Grill’d (241 Crown St, at Arnold Pl, Darlinghurst) w/ 3 others

    Whiteboard eulogy for Steve in our office:

    @randomknits That is the greatest video ever. I am now totally crying. I WANT TO BE HER. What great parents!

    @randomknits Apparently there is a whole category of YouTube videos of parents surprising their kids with Disneyland. I am now addicted.

    RT @drkknits: just in case you like your viking vampires in a suit. i prefer them naked myself

    Frocktober day 4: linen skirt and leather boots.

    @alyshajane I got them in London ten years ago. They’re KOOKAI, but that’s the only identifying mark on them! Good boots though.

    W00t! Went to the Costume Shop after work and sorted out mine. Mine is daunting but also AWESOME. And @kunaal84 got an idea too!

    @drkknits I told @kunaal84 he should check with you and be Lannisters or something. But he came up with somebody better. 🙂

    @drkknits @kunaal84 Well… He didn’t. Mine is another story. But I still love it. 🙂

    @drkknits @kunaal84 No comment!

    Heading to Newtown with Snook for Sydney #parkrun 5K! Looking forward to it.

    @drkknits @knitterjp @mrs_sockvictim I’m just home from run now. Need to shower! Will catch you at meeting.

    Just posted a 5 km run – Sydney Park Run and my WWFoR 5K race! #RunKeeper #WWFoR2011

  • RunningBlog: Week 40

    This was a better week. I really needed that long weekend. We got a lot of stuff done around the house, and I felt more relaxed and ready to tackle the week. On Sunday we did our strength workout with weights at home. (Spudds is on vacation all this week so no classes.) On Monday we went for our four mile “long run” around Glebe and Sydney Uni. Tuesday I walked to and from work, and then I convinced the Snook to go for a run with me that night. Thursday I walked home from work. Today Snookums and I did our speed interval workout before work, and then I walked in to the office.

    Oct. 3: 6.72km
    Oct. 4: 5.32km (walking)
    Oct. 4: 4.2km
    Oct. 6: 3.23km (walking)
    Oct. 7: 5.84km
    Oct. 7: 2.65km (walking)
    Total this week: 16.75km (10.5mi)
    Total in 2011: 883.62km (552.2mi)

    To meet my original goal of running 1100km in 2011, I should be at 846km. So I’m still ahead on that one. But my revised goal of running 1200km? I’d need to be at 923km. I think that one’s slipping away from me…

  • Cuddly Chewbacca

    Free Cuddly Chewbacca sewing pattern. I might need to make one (or four) of those!

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    Frocktober day 4: linen skirt and leather boots.

    Frocktober day 4: linen skirt and leather boots.

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    @toastman @illdrinn Kenji on Serious Eats once reverse engineered them. It’s not the tallow anymore; it’s a many step process.

    Note to self: Halloween Pavlova. THINK ABOUT IT.

    @tunaranch Intriguing ideas…. Hmm… Thinking…

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    @randomknits AWESOME. Make an evening gown and be Cate for Halloween!!! 🙂

    @randomknits I generally mention it on my CV anyway, just so it doesn’t come up later and get me in trouble. Best they know right away.

    At the hairdresser, perusing the Manic Panic. Let’s get funky.

    @BendalongMorgan More like blonde with some purple bits…

    Skipped the full-on Ramona Flowers in favour of Jem & the Holograms.

    @witty_knitter I can’t wait to see how it looks against my crazy tights!! (Speaking of which, who’s up for another order? @knitterjp?)

    @drkknits Thanks! Kept it minimal for now, with option to increase whenever. 🙂

    @drkknits Vikings and good porn… They got that part right!

    Frocktober day 3: “Punk rock alien schoolgirl.”

    RT @TheOnion: Study Finds Working At Work Improves Productivity #OnionWorkplace

    @knitterjp Pretty! I think you, me, and @witty_knitter are really driving this trend now. 🙂

    @knitterjp Nah, only found out about it on the wkd. I did donate money though! Great cause. Just figured I’d see how long I could do it. 🙂

    Supposed to be in training session in 5 minutes, and George Street is just jammed with buses as far as the eye can see. #late (cc @kunaal84)

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    Frocktober day 3: “Punk rock alien schoolgirl.”

    Frocktober day 3: