Fix the New Google Reader, by Adding Some Color and a More Compact Layout – Softpedia – I just installed both scripts they recommend. Much better.
Month: November 2011
The Once and Future Way to Run –
The Once and Future Way to Run – – A long article from Christopher McDougall on barefoot running. I’m very interested in the “100-Up” exercise he mentions towards the end. If I’m going to train for another marathon, I need to do everything I can to remain injury free.
Walk the Line Sydney
Walk the Line Sydney – AH HA! If you’re wondering why there are pink dots all up and down George Street in Sydney, I think this is why.
PhotoBlog – Die-hard fan builds shrine to Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan
PhotoBlog – Die-hard fan builds shrine to Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan – Wow. I really need to see Ra.One.
Shared today on Twitter
@AusVintageGrrl I don’t think pancakes are English. I never had them ever when I lived in England. You mean American style?
@AusVintageGrrl Oh. No idea then. I like mine the size of a dinner plate, thick and fluffy, with bacon and maple syrup on top!
@Kat13v Oh no! That sucks!
Biker boots making me feel like Vyvyan. Everything is BORING, and I have impulse to start kicking people.
Why are there giant pink dot stickers on the sidewalk along the west side of George St for, like, 10 blocks??
Curiouser and curiouser. The pink dots appear to end in some giant mass at the QVB. Bus turned before I could get a good look…
@thisismywww Hm. I noticed them from Chinatown heading into the CBD. They go all the way to Wynyard??
AHA! I think the pink dots in Sydney are related to this: It’s a public art/game thing.
@thisismywww @sharre I tracked it down to this:
Korean recipes: Mapa tofu –
Korean recipes: Mapa tofu – – I had no idea there was a Korean version of this. It looks… weird.
Photo Post
My new boot are here and they are awesome and I love them and I feel like a rock star!!
Shared today on Twitter
The Sharebros are building a Google Reader replacement – AWESOME NEWS. Follow @HiveMined or join the email list:
Sing Ho! for a Mo! The Snook is growing a ‘tache as part of Fauxvember. Please consider donating:
@knitterjp I hates it FOREVER.
@gilmae Dude, at least let me live in hope for like 10 minutes.
@gilmae Also, I mentioned you on my blog. I set up proper link posting on it. I’m still annoyed though.
Frocktober Finale: vintage dress & fascinator. It’s OVER!
@gilmae All good! Phew. Dead heat was pretty much our nightmare. 🙂
@sophiebcarter But they already did. 🙁
RT @dancingman: Fact: Electricity demand in Sydney dropped by 39MW (15%) during #MelbourneCup. Source: Me (I was watching the meter).
@dancingman Hahaha, damn. Seemed too good a stat – guess it was! 🙂
@imdominating Real books cost too damn much here! I’m all about ebooks now, just because they’re cheaper.
Frocktober Wrap-Up now on the blog!
@Diepdin I have resorted to sharing links on my actual blog. It feels weird. 🙂
@Opheli8 I had to zoom in. In thumbnail, looked like your legs were all dirty! 😀
RT @knitterjp: We Live Colors touchdown // HOLY CRAP, that’s a lot of tights! 🙂
@Yarna_ @knitterjp @drkknits @mrs_sockvictim @randomknits @kat13v But Frocktober is OVER! I want to wear some PANTS, dammit!
@knitterjp Sure, happy to run over!
@knitterjp What time do you get to work? I think I’m later than you generally. Could walk in and swing by on my way…
@knitterjp How about I meet you by Harry’s Crab place like 8:35ish then?
@gilmae @knitterjp Excellent. I will see you both there then!
Halloween Party 2011 Photos are up! If you’ve got photos of anybody I missed, please send them through!
@Ezzles Ahhh, I just posted a similar one that @gilmae emailed me. Thanks to you both!
Hot pink Wollmeise from @randomknits and new tights from @knitterjp. Best morning ever! Thanks ladies (and @gilmae)!
@randomknits It’s gorgeous! I love it. Thank you so much. I have it sitting below my monitor so I can stare at it all day. 🙂
My new boot are here and they are awesome and I love them and I feel like a rock star!!
Halloween Party Photos
Halloween Party Photos 2011
After taking 2010 off, we were back with a vengeance for Halloween 2011! This year was our eighth party, and it was bigger and better than ever. More than forty guests packed into our house to show off their costumes, sample our spooky food, and have some fun. Oh, and we made a Meat Head. It was CREEPY AS.As always, I’ve got photographs that attempt to document the insanity. (There are recipe links for the curious as well.) Our friends outdid themselves this year, and there were some seriously amazing costumes. Most of the photographs were taken by Jonathan Feldman and myself, with a few from Jamie Griego, David Edgar, and Jane Matlock as well. Thank you to the photographers, and to everybody who came along!
And if you have any photographs of guests that I don’t have, please let me know!
Update: Thanks David for the picture of Issy as Bellatrix!