Month: November 2011
Star Wars Cookies with Common Cutters – That is some brilliant geek baker hackery right there.
Nougat: Expanding the Custom Carbonite Line – I think Snookums and I definitely need to be encased in carbonite for all eternity.
Fauxvember UpdateWe are eleven days into the month, and as you can see the Snook’s ‘tache is progressing nicely. His fundraising tally is now up to $65, and he’s closing in on his target of $100! (Special thanks to Sally and Anonymous for contributing.) I’ve been trying to convince him that he needs to “incentivise”…
Holy crap, Paterno got fired?! I’m totally reeling. I read about the Penn State molestation scandal earlier in the week but figured Paterno would probably escape unscathed. Upon hearing the news, the students predictably rioted. Man, this is just crazy.
Girl Scout Cookie flavored lip balms. Yum! | Fashion – Yahoo! Shine – Dear Family: If any of you see these, please pick me up a pack.
Behold The Pork Roast Molded In The Shape Of A Tiny Pig – I kind of like it. It’s postmodern.
Rocky’s Star Wars Nursery | Apartment Therapy Ohdeedoh – Is it socially acceptable to have my own bedroom be Star Wars themed, or do I have to have a kid?
Grantland: The Rise of the Female Distance Runner
Ranked Choice Voting: Does a mathematical algorithm make for better elections? – Yes. This is how we vote in Australia, and I like it a lot.
Embroidery With Sprinkles (And Other Cuteness) – Clockwork Lemon – Sister: This is awesome.