Month: November 2011
Reddit: George Lucas knits at my Starbucks every morning – HAHAHAHA. It makes me so happy to know that not only are there knitters over at Reddit, they’re geeky and clever enough to make funny knitting-related slams on George Lucas. (Link courtesy of the Snook.)
Momofuku Seiobo | Terry Durack restaurant review – WOOHOO! We managed to get a reservation for our anniversary next weekend. It was pretty stressful. They use an online reservation system that opens each day at 10am, and the seats are all gone within ten seconds. Today we had me, the Snook, and Kunaal all logged…
Children as Financial Paradox
PSA: Just in case you’re all, “WHAT’S WITH ALL THE POSTS, KRIS?!” I’ll just point you to this post, wherein I explain that due to the way Google have UTTERLY SCREWED READER, I am now sharing my random links individually on the blog. Like I used to. Yeah, kickin’ it old school.
SewjournThis past weekend was a special one. Many months ago, my friend Ailsa came up with the idea of a Knitters’ Retreat at Sewjourn, a crafters’ cottage in country Victoria. There were ten of us who ended up going, and it was fantastic. We all flew down on Friday and then drove out to Lancefield,…
The Crochetdermy of Shauna Richardson
Do the dishes like nobody’s watching – Love it. That kid’s got moves!
Hacked! – Magazine – The Atlantic – I turned on Google’s two-step authentication a few months back. It’s annoying, but articles like this remind me of the importance.
Big Bang Theory fuels physics boom | Education | The Observer
Mark’s Daily Apple: Introducing the New Primal Blueprint Food Pyramid – This is a good visual guide to the way Snookums and I are eating right now.