Hacked! – Magazine – The Atlantic – I turned on Google’s two-step authentication a few months back. It’s annoying, but articles like this remind me of the importance.
Month: November 2011
Mark’s Daily Apple: Introducing the New Primal Blueprint Food Pyramid
Mark’s Daily Apple: Introducing the New Primal Blueprint Food Pyramid – This is a good visual guide to the way Snookums and I are eating right now.
Make a Fall Tree Button Shirt
Make a Fall Tree Button Shirt – Very cute! Would also look good on a skirt.
Checkout Girl: Fantastic Mr Fox Costumes
Checkout Girl: Fantastic Mr Fox Costumes – These made me laugh and laugh. So brilliant. Cross-posting to RDF…
The Scientific Seamstress: Printable Bias Tape Maker
The Scientific Seamstress: Printable Bias Tape Maker – That is the most awesome thing EVER. I can’t believe I spent a week trying to buy one when I could have just made it!
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Stupid woman at Virgin counter wouldn’t let us take metal knitting needles on the plane! Claimed they were prohibited! CRAP.
Not knitting due to fascist Virgin checkin agent. (@ The Fly Cafe Bar) http://t.co/r8UqqOPn
We made mistake of answering her that we had them. Should’ve lied. Security would’ve let them through, I’m sure.
@drkknits @knitdra Did you guys land? Can’t find Lyn…
Home. Snook had dinner waiting, and cats seemed happy to see me. My bed is calling me. Great weekend, but happy to be back!
@jenwburn Thank you so much for the track recommendation. @mrs_sockvictim, @knitabulous and I ran on it Sunday and it was AWESOME!
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We are near Hanging Rock! If I hear a pan flute, I’m bolting.
Bring on the fancy lunch! (@ Annie Smithers’ Bistrot & Produce) http://t.co/UZeUix2n
This is civilised. Gnocchi with asparagus, broadbeans, & parmesan. @ Annie Smithers’ Bistrot & Produce http://t.co/0iyK3EPh
You know, you really shouldn’t leave your mobile laying around unprotected, @drkknits. http://t.co/gQvAH5BF
Me and an old church in Kyneton. @ Historic Piper St http://t.co/kdtZiUTo
Aahhhhhhhhh! Aaaahhhhhhhh! Creepy. (@ Hanging Rock) [pic]: http://t.co/CUm0bHJh
Lovely birthday ladies: RoseRed, @knitabulous, @drkknits, @yogaknitdra. http://t.co/jgmrtC8h
@randomknits @gilmae FFS. I said to modify htaccess file and make a goddamn exception to Reader! THEY’RE MOCKING ME. I HOPE YOU’RE HAPPY.
Good luck to Snookums and @kunaal84 and everybody else toeing the line at the #run4fun! Drink water and be safe!
@sixandahalfst Good luck! Kick some butt!
Halfway through an impromptu #run4fun substitute 10K with @mrs_sockvictim. No getting lost today!
Ran substitute #run4fun with @mrs_sockvictim in about 82 minutes on a dirt track out of Lancefield. Great run in beautiful countryside!
Pic from halfway along our run today, courtesy of @mrs_sockvictim! http://t.co/CiuxrzWA
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Hello Melbourne! I am renting a car. 🙂
@Yarna_ @knitdra @knitterjp @knitabulous @drkknits If this was the Amazing Race, I am kicking all your butts. I’m at Redspot. 🙂
@Yarna_ @knitdra @knitterjp @knitabulous @drkknits I’m good. I had a cookie. I’m just chilling out. 🙂
@drkknits I’m getting a coffee.
@Yarna_ @knitterjp @knitdra @knitabulous @drkknits 4?! I only see 3. Are you in different bldg?
@Yarna_ @knitterjp @knitdra @knitabulous @drkknits T3 at the end. You are at FALSE Redspot! Ailsa & Donna are here
People of Victoria! There are two cars of mad knitters on your roads. Be alert. http://t.co/LEZAyhYC
We have arrived at Sewjourn. Lovely! http://t.co/1PXiDRRn
Somebody’s having a go. There is GRAFITTI KNITTING on a CACTUS in the driveway. http://t.co/TN3mrQe6
@bowenvale321 Lancefield. A crafter’s retreat called Sewjourn. So pretty!
Sewjourn has a gorgeous creative space for crafters… AND A TIRE SWING! http://t.co/WU3T10r3 http://t.co/UJVxB9ob
Beautiful afternoon. Time for a beer. http://t.co/LxZEWX0S
RT @knitdra: Gin o’clock and all is well http://t.co/cuvvZDcs // I was on beer, for the record.
RT @knitterjp: Afternoon @drkknits @web_goddess @knitdra comparing quality of car conversations. And allegedly first text of the day! ht …
What the– After complaining about sock pattern, girls pointed out I KNITTED IT WRONG. ME. HERMIONE. MISREAD THE PATTERN. #dyingofshame
@AusVintageGrrl @zephyrama @redambition Oooh! Oooh! Is the secret out yet? 🙂
@zephyrama @ausvintagegrrl Don’t have to. Twitter conveniently shows you the whole conversation. 🙂
Lost on a dirt road with @mrs_sockvictim and @knitabulous. Waiting for the cavalry to rescue us! http://t.co/xUahwG3E
We are rescued! Phew. http://t.co/MccHatNt
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@knitabulous Now that I am planning what to pack, I am very glad I nominated to check a bag after all!
@toastman @henrytapia We had Stinkor! We had Stinkor! He RULED.
@mpesce Strange. Ours didn’t flicker?
I’m always running late. Eating breakfast and sucking down coffee. Nearly ready to head off on a fun weekend away with friends!!
@knitterjp @knitabulous @drkknits @Yarna_ DID I MENTION I BAKED COOKIES LAST NIGHT? Hell yeah.
@sixandahalfst Unfortunately I double-booked with a trip to Victoria, so no. 🙁 I gave my number to a friend. Rodd’s still running though.
@witty_knitter @knitterjp @knitabulous @knitdra Claytons? I’m missing a reference there. 🙂 Mini knitting retreat, sort of!
In the taxi to the airport. This is usually when disaster strikes. Now, what did I forget?
@rajsingh2505 Have a great housewarming Raj! Sorry to miss it. 🙂
@AnnaJMcDougall Everything but the passport, but I’m only flying domestic. Phew. 🙂
@stufromoz @annajmcdougall Darling, I’m very big on the Internet. 😛 (I don’t think I’ve met Anna in person, actually.)
Made it through security, after some scrutiny of knitting needles. Where is everybody?
@KnitNTel Heh. Who needs tickets anymore? I’d already checked in on the Internet yesterday. 🙂
30 minutes early! Go me. (@ Gate 35 (T2 Multi-User Domestic)) http://t.co/tw9QwPYz
@knitterjp @knitabulous @drkknits @yarna_ My flight’s been pushed back 10 minutes (so far)! You guys all livin it up in the Qantas lounge?
@Yarna_ @knitterjp @knitabulous @drkknits @knitdra Virgin delay up to 15minutes. Arrival in Melbs now 9:50. My lead is disappearing!
@web_goddess @yarna_ @knitterjp @knitabulous @drkknits @knitdra Make that 10:50. Durrrrr.
Boarding has started at last! See you all on the flip side.