Month: December 2011

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    Purple tights on a rainy day. Sad, sad hipster clown.

    Purple tights on a rainy day. Sad, sad hipster clown.

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    Okay, THAT pushed back the biological clock another few years. HORROR, people. I watched through fingers over my eyes.

    @justjussi Twilight movie.

    Having truffle fries as a Bella birth chaser. (@ Charlie & Co. Burgers)

    Hell yeah. Chilli dogs and truffle fries with @drkknits.

    Secret Santa! @drkknits and I ended up swapping. We both made TREES.

    I got a novelty knitted tree. The knitter didn’t like it, but I loved it!

    @drkknits Oh sorry! I waited a bit but nobody came down so I ran to get on a bus. Cough is starting up now do I need to get home…

    @drkknits Yes, super fun! Thanks for spending it with me – and for knitting The Most Awesome Tree Ever! 🙂

    @the_snook What the– I don’t know who that is. How do YOU know who that is? Are you hipper than me?

    Too many carbs… Coma approaching…

    I was serious about carb coma. I’ve been asleep on the couch for an hour!

    I don’t think even 2 skeins of Wollmeise is enough for Rhiannon. So don’t worry about it, @Yarna_! (cc @randomknits @drkknits)

  • Photo Post

    I got a novelty knitted tree. The knitter didn’t like it, but I loved it!

    I got a novelty knitted tree. The knitter didn't like it, but I loved it!

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    Pinking shears are super fun.

    Crafty Christmas coming up! @drkknits @knitdra @Yarna_ @knitterjp @mrs_sockvictim

    On our way to @dothedip for dinner. Highly anticipated… hope it lives up to my expectations!

    Best hotdog I’ve had in 10 years in Australia. (@ The Dip (Good God))

    @DoTheDip Seriously, best hotdog this expat has had in 10 years of living in Australia. PB&J dessert was great too!

    @eileenDCoE I actually said to @the_snook that we’ll take you there next time you’re in Sydney. 🙂

    @gilmae My antibiotics were based on the assumption it was strep throat, since my first symptom was sore throat. Bronchitis came later. 🙁

    @knitterjp @drkknits @yarna_ @mrs_sockvictim @randomknits Are we wrapping these up? Or just bringing them as is?

    @mrs_sockvictim @knitterjp @drkknits @yarna_ @randomknits OK be prepared. However bad Dr K thinks her ornament is, my wrapping is WORSE.

    Okay, all frocked up. Bring on sparkly vampires and deep-seated pregnancy-related body horrors.

    Sparkly vampire pr0n. (@ eVent Cinemas)

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    Crafty Christmas coming up! @drkknits @knitdra @Yarna_ @knitterjp @mrs_sockvictim

    Crafty Christmas coming up! @drkknits @knitdra @Yarna_ @knitterjp @mrs_sockvictim

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    Went for my first run in 2 weeks and survived! Took it very easy. Lungs are still weak, but I’m not coughing much. Fresh air was nice!

    @stkilda Nah, I just did the math. Would need to average 31.5km for the next 4 weeks. That’s too much too soon. Dammit! Oh well…

    @Soma377 I was a little disappointed it wasn’t a dachshund.

    @Soma377 😀

    Oz: if you would just get on board with Halloween, we could get rid of fancy dress Xmas parties! (Just passed gaggle of AWFUL flappers.)

    @drstip Ha! Is yours tonight? I think theirs was Gangster themed though, as I saw some dude in dodgy vests and hats too.

    @mpesce Wow. We looked at one right near there four years ago that went for like $750k.

    RT @William_J_Young: Customer orders Affogato in Coogee, describes it to puzzled waiter: with ice cream, espresso on top. Here’s what he …

    @jannism DUDE, he’s gonna be in the Hunger Games movies! (They’re the next Twilight. Trust me, next year Lenny Kravitz will be unavoidable.)

    @jannism Teen trilogy about future dystopia where attractive young people fight to the death on TV. And there’s a love triangle, of course.


    @jannism Basically. At least the main character is a chick and she gets to DO STUFF and BE A BADASS though, not like Bella.

  • RunningBlog: Week 48

    This flu has really wrecked my training plans for the end of the year. I’m still coughing a lot at night, but it seems to be easing up during the day a bit. So today I went out for my first run in 2.5 weeks. I took it very easy with five minutes’ walk to warm up and then 2:1 run/walk intervals (at a slow pace). I felt pretty good! I didn’t feel any need to cough during the running portions, but on the walks I could tell how weak my lungs are. It felt good to be out in the fresh air and sunshine though. I am excited to put November behind me and kick off my training plan for the Gold Coast Marathon!

    Nov. 28: 2.81km (walking)
    Dec. 1: 2.81km (walking)
    Dec. 2: 4.06km
    Total this week: 4.06km
    Total in 2011: 974.02km (608.7mi)

    To meet my goal of running 1100km in 2011, I’d need to run 126km in the next 4 weeks. That’s 31.5km a week. I don’t think it’s gonna happen, folks.

  • Larry David’s Rough Night Out With The Aging Literary Lion | The Awl

    Larry David’s Rough Night Out With The Aging Literary Lion | The Awl – The real story behind the Seinfeld episode “The Jacket.” I had no idea Elaine’s father was based on a real author!

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    @drkknits @kunaal84 He’s been busy this morning, I think. 🙂

    RT @knitterjp: Farewell Grotto Capri It will be a challenge to remove that facade // NOOOO! I’m glad I got to go once.

    RT @Fake_Dispatch: BREAKING: When some one tells you that you can’t have Christmas without Christ, remind them you can’t have Thursday w …

    @drkknits @kunaal84 No, he was legitimately super busy. I imagine he’ll chime in soon. 🙂

    @SallyPompom Huh. No, didn’t know that. But I made Korean food last night, so I celebrated inadvertently. 🙂

    @gilmae I’m at that stage. Day 12 here. Antibiotics do nothing.

  • Movember is finished!

    Well, it’s the first of December, so that means that Movember is finished! The Snook managed to raise $220 in donations. The most exciting part (to me): he actually did go through with his pledge to start tweeting once he hit his target. Looks like everybody’s kicked a goal… 🙂

    He used Everyday to take a photo just about every morning throughout the month. This short animation shows them all in time lapse. I think it’s funniest if you keep your eye on his upper lip. The hair just comes shooting right out! Thanks again to everybody who donated!