Purple tights on a rainy day. Sad, sad hipster clown.
Month: December 2011
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Okay, THAT pushed back the biological clock another few years. HORROR, people. I watched through fingers over my eyes.
@justjussi Twilight movie.
Having truffle fries as a Bella birth chaser. (@ Charlie & Co. Burgers) http://t.co/ZNCcrdVU
Hell yeah. Chilli dogs and truffle fries with @drkknits. http://t.co/dKmHPiy7
Secret Santa! @drkknits and I ended up swapping. We both made TREES. http://t.co/st3Xb6Lv http://t.co/zyiZqyV1
I got a novelty knitted tree. The knitter didn’t like it, but I loved it! http://t.co/xaOUGP4z
@drkknits Oh sorry! I waited a bit but nobody came down so I ran to get on a bus. Cough is starting up now do I need to get home…
@drkknits Yes, super fun! Thanks for spending it with me – and for knitting The Most Awesome Tree Ever! 🙂
@the_snook What the– I don’t know who that is. How do YOU know who that is? Are you hipper than me?
Too many carbs… Coma approaching…
I was serious about carb coma. I’ve been asleep on the couch for an hour!
I don’t think even 2 skeins of Wollmeise is enough for Rhiannon. So don’t worry about it, @Yarna_! (cc @randomknits @drkknits)
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I got a novelty knitted tree. The knitter didn’t like it, but I loved it!
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Pinking shears are super fun.
Crafty Christmas coming up! @drkknits @knitdra @Yarna_ @knitterjp @mrs_sockvictim http://t.co/a8OtsTeJ
On our way to @dothedip for dinner. Highly anticipated… hope it lives up to my expectations!
Best hotdog I’ve had in 10 years in Australia. (@ The Dip (Good God)) http://t.co/BQJS1FZ2
@DoTheDip Seriously, best hotdog this expat has had in 10 years of living in Australia. PB&J dessert was great too!
@eileenDCoE I actually said to @the_snook that we’ll take you there next time you’re in Sydney. 🙂
@gilmae My antibiotics were based on the assumption it was strep throat, since my first symptom was sore throat. Bronchitis came later. 🙁
@knitterjp @drkknits @yarna_ @mrs_sockvictim @randomknits Are we wrapping these up? Or just bringing them as is?
@mrs_sockvictim @knitterjp @drkknits @yarna_ @randomknits OK be prepared. However bad Dr K thinks her ornament is, my wrapping is WORSE.
Okay, all frocked up. Bring on sparkly vampires and deep-seated pregnancy-related body horrors.
Sparkly vampire pr0n. (@ eVent Cinemas) http://t.co/QZbqs5SS
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Crafty Christmas coming up! @drkknits @knitdra @Yarna_ @knitterjp @mrs_sockvictim
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Went for my first run in 2 weeks and survived! Took it very easy. Lungs are still weak, but I’m not coughing much. Fresh air was nice!
@stkilda Nah, I just did the math. Would need to average 31.5km for the next 4 weeks. That’s too much too soon. Dammit! Oh well…
@Soma377 I was a little disappointed it wasn’t a dachshund.
@Soma377 😀
Oz: if you would just get on board with Halloween, we could get rid of fancy dress Xmas parties! (Just passed gaggle of AWFUL flappers.)
@drstip Ha! Is yours tonight? I think theirs was Gangster themed though, as I saw some dude in dodgy vests and hats too.
@mpesce Wow. We looked at one right near there four years ago that went for like $750k.
RT @William_J_Young: Customer orders Affogato in Coogee, describes it to puzzled waiter: with ice cream, espresso on top. Here’s what he …
@jannism DUDE, he’s gonna be in the Hunger Games movies! (They’re the next Twilight. Trust me, next year Lenny Kravitz will be unavoidable.)
@jannism Teen trilogy about future dystopia where attractive young people fight to the death on TV. And there’s a love triangle, of course.
@jannism http://t.co/PMigmx3U
@jannism Basically. At least the main character is a chick and she gets to DO STUFF and BE A BADASS though, not like Bella.
RunningBlog: Week 48
This flu has really wrecked my training plans for the end of the year. I’m still coughing a lot at night, but it seems to be easing up during the day a bit. So today I went out for my first run in 2.5 weeks. I took it very easy with five minutes’ walk to warm up and then 2:1 run/walk intervals (at a slow pace). I felt pretty good! I didn’t feel any need to cough during the running portions, but on the walks I could tell how weak my lungs are. It felt good to be out in the fresh air and sunshine though. I am excited to put November behind me and kick off my training plan for the Gold Coast Marathon!
Nov. 28: 2.81km (walking)
Dec. 1: 2.81km (walking)
Dec. 2: 4.06km
Total this week: 4.06km
Total in 2011: 974.02km (608.7mi)To meet my goal of running 1100km in 2011, I’d need to run 126km in the next 4 weeks. That’s 31.5km a week. I don’t think it’s gonna happen, folks.
Larry David’s Rough Night Out With The Aging Literary Lion | The Awl
Larry David’s Rough Night Out With The Aging Literary Lion | The Awl – The real story behind the Seinfeld episode “The Jacket.” I had no idea Elaine’s father was based on a real author!
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@drkknits @kunaal84 He’s been busy this morning, I think. 🙂
RT @knitterjp: Farewell Grotto Capri http://t.co/OqypddCb It will be a challenge to remove that facade // NOOOO! I’m glad I got to go once.
RT @Fake_Dispatch: BREAKING: When some one tells you that you can’t have Christmas without Christ, remind them you can’t have Thursday w …
@drkknits @kunaal84 No, he was legitimately super busy. I imagine he’ll chime in soon. 🙂
@SallyPompom Huh. No, didn’t know that. But I made Korean food last night, so I celebrated inadvertently. 🙂
@gilmae I’m at that stage. Day 12 here. Antibiotics do nothing.
Movember is finished!
Well, it’s the first of December, so that means that Movember is finished! The Snook managed to raise $220 in donations. The most exciting part (to me): he actually did go through with his pledge to start tweeting once he hit his target. Looks like everybody’s kicked a goal… 🙂
He used Everyday to take a photo just about every morning throughout the month. This short animation shows them all in time lapse. I think it’s funniest if you keep your eye on his upper lip. The hair just comes shooting right out! Thanks again to everybody who donated!