Month: December 2011

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    New frock for New Year’s Eve. Red shoes, red lips.

    New frock for New Year's Eve. Red shoes, red lips.

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    @drkknits @mrs_sockvictim @knitterjp @knitdra Oh, I’ve already paid for it. 😛

    @imdominating Holy crap. Well done!

    Coffee and bicycles? Awesome. (@ Atelier de Vélo)

    I just unlocked the Level 2 “Fresh Brew” badge on @foursquare! In it to win it!

    Bike shopping in the city… #pose @Gap

    Discovered Clarence St Cyclery has good sale on… so, I got a bike! It was more than last car I bought. (Granted, Renault Encores = cheap.)

    @supercres I pick it up at 5pm. Pics are definitely forthcoming. 🙂

    This is the bike I got:

    @makarakarn @bowenvale321 It’s this one: Picking it up at 5pm!

    @randomknits The ones with basket and streamers were like $400 more and weighed a TON. I decided to be practical.

    @gilmae I think I can put one on later if I want… 🙂

    @venks79 Thanks! Going to pick it up now and have a practice ride. 🙂

    My new bike! I need to give her a name…

    @jezfletcher I didn’t! I hadn’t even planned on buying a bike today, much less a blue one. 🙂

    @jezfletcher There may have been a psychological component. But this model only came in blue…

    Yes, I think “Tiffany” is a very good name for a blue bicycle. (Brilliant idea from @gadgetgirl70!)

    Many thanks to Penny & Claire at @thecyclery and Mike at @atelierdevelo for helping today. LOVING my new Trek 2012 7.4 Fx bike!

    @witty_knitter @SandraHW Yikes! Hope she (and you) are okay!

    WTF. Loud bangs in Chippo again. Gunshots? Repeatedly tonight. Always in groups of 2.

    @richbuggy That is the simplest explanation, I agree. Just a little loud and scary!

    Pacey Witter Hotness Restrospectfug: You’re welcome. (cc @imdominating)

    Excerpt from The Winds of Winter: (cc @drkknits)

    Outcome of yesterday’s 8K bike ride: my butt is SORE. Guess I’m going to have to get used to it…

    @bowenvale321 Thanks. Any tips for must-have bike commute essentials? So far I’ve just got helmet & lock. Snook has tire pump already…

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    My new bike! I need to give her a name…

    My new bike! I need to give her a name...

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    Beer, burger, cricket, sunshine… (@ Camperdown Hotel (HQ))

    @blakkat We did that this year and haven’t regretted it a bit!

    @nehadk @DDsD My Mom (in the US) is on an iPhone, so I can send her free SMS from mine. Also a ton of apps (for other platforms) that do it.

    @Mecca_Espresso Heya, are any of the Syd CBD coffee bars open tomorrow? I need a caffeine fix!! (cc @randomknits @gilmae)

    @Mecca_Espresso @atelierdevelo Sounds great! Thanks for the quick reply. 🙂

    Um, anybody know what that giant loud bang we just heard in Chippendale was??

    Homemade “Boathouse Snapper Pie” courtesy of @the_snook. Took a lot longer to make than eat!

    @codepo8 I wouldn’t have guessed you were one of those “Bro-ny” guys!

    @misswired Whoa! That was a couple hours later tho, so probably unrelated.

    I really should know better than to look at the Destash thread. But if I don’t, then @mrs_sockvictim will own ALL the Felted Tweed!

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    Homemade “Boathouse Snapper Pie” courtesy of @the_snook. Took a lot longer to make than eat!


  • I choose you, Bulbasaur! – CROCHET

    I choose you, Bulbasaur! – CROCHET – I remain amused but uncontaminated by the spreading hexapuff madness. That said, I could totally see myself crocheting 1000-odd granny squares to make some silly 8-bit game character.

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    On hold with @auspost waiting to see if anybody found my drivers license at Strawberry Hills. Crossing my fingers…

    Nope. Nothing. Really annoyed at @auspost worker who managed to lose it in 30 seconds. Going to cost me to replace. 🙁

    @Soma377 Eh. I’m kinda mostly over Dahl now. The site makes a tidy little income, but I don’t have the energy to devote to it/him anymore.

    Pub knitting time! I need a burger and a beer, like NOW.

    @indefensible That’s double my record. What the hell did you actually buy??

    Had a lovely nana nap on the couch to sleep off the midday beers. *yawn* That was nice.

    @GeorgieKnits Zucchini bread! Best ever. My recipe is here:

    On our way to Marrickville to see @neilhimself’s show. A little culture to balance out all the beer and cricket of the last 3 days…

    It’s all geeks in Threadless t-shirts, as far as the eye can see. Just heard some girl squeal: “I got his AUTOGRAPH in my MOLESKINE!”

    RT @laimelde: Coaxed myself to Neil’s show… But have already run into one person I know, so, things might improve. // That was ME!

    It’s events like this that make me realise I’m kind of a self-hating geek.

    Ahhhh, so this is where all the Android users are. More than I’ve seen in the wild before. Must be a goth thing.

    @randomknits Wish you were here too! Some of these people are freakin’ me out.

    Waves at @laimelde from row M….

    RT @neilhimself: Fourplay doing their version of the Doctor Who theme always makes me happy and goose-flesh prickly at the same time.

    Seriously, that was like the string quarter equivalent of “Sabotage.” Fourplay rock HARD.

    @madradish I don’t know their stuff well enough to confirm! But it was pretty damn epic.

    @madradish Wait! According to @laimelde , that’s exactly what it was. 🙂

    Says @the_snook: “These events always make me want to go home and shave and cut my hair.”

    Neil Gaiman doing a reading with Fourplay backing him up. Pretty thrilling.

    Snook: “Asphincter says MEOWWWW?” Petey: “Meow!” @the_snook falls over laughing. “Exactly.”

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    Neil Gaiman doing a reading with Fourplay backing him up. Pretty thrilling.

    Neil Gaiman doing a reading with Fourplay backing him up. Pretty thrilling.

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    Just found out my Mom had to put down the dog today. Lucy was very old and in a lot of pain. Such a good little dog. Going to hug my cat…

    Still shaking my head that someone on Channel 9 cricket production team chose Porno for Pyros to play during an ad transition.

    @quietdiscourse If I see that Bupa ad one more time, I’m going to choke my healthier self to death.

    My Norman Lindsay knitting series continues. Sam Sawnoff lives!

    @supercres First one is good, but I liked each sequel less and less.

    @jezfletcher @sarahhazelton Hahaha… Keep her away from loose seals.

    Ventured into CBD to shop but was denied at every turn. How can Lincrap be all out of polyfill?

    Met up with Albie tho to get all the wool industry goss. Surprised to hear M&S are now official Oz distributors of Zauberball!

    Other big news: ACS closing down woollen mill. No more commercial wool production happening in Australia. Pretty sad.

    @randomknits @knitterjp It was the first I’d heard. Apparently like 40 ppl being laid off. It’ll devastate Wangaratta, he said. 🙁


    RT @randomknits: @web_goddess @knitterjp 49 jobs, apparently 🙁

    Yowza! Tendulkar is out. What a champion. I’m barracking for Australia, but I would have liked to see him get the 100th century.

    So I went temporarily insane today & bought my first ever maxi dresses. Basically giant tank tops.

    @AusVintageGrrl What I hear is that they don’t spin anything here. It’s all imported in cones these days.

    @randomknits @gilmae Friday’s fine for me! I’ll be around. I can easily run into the city…

    @kcarruthers Yet judging by the article, they don’t appear to help with the problem of grocers’ apostrophes…