Month: December 2011

  • This little light of mine…

    I’m gonna let it SHINE!
    I present to you the cutest thing I’ve seen in a long time:

    That kid in the middle, the one raising his arms every time they sing “shine”? That’s my nephew Penn. My sister asked him afterwards if he was supposed to do that. “Nope!” He just felt like it. I love that there was no self-consciousness; he’s at that age where he feels joy and he can just express it without worrying about what’s cool. Isn’t that wonderful? We should all have such moments in our lives. 🙂

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    Ploughman’s lunch in the sunshine, complete with @the_snook’s homebrew.

    Ploughman's lunch in the sunshine, complete with @the_snook's homebrew.

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    Feeling festive at work on Thursday.

    Feeling festive at work on Thursday.

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    OH FFS. Gmail finally forced me to upgrade to the new theme. I hate it hate it HATE IT. Ick.

    Half price? In my size?! Thank you, Santa Claus! #newdress @ Apple pie fashions

    RT @henrytapia: @web_goddess Why? // Mystery meat buttons. Stupid importance labels. Avatars on emails. Too much white space.

    RT @marcooda: @web_goddess go to settings, you can revert back. // Woot! Thanks. Reverted. They can pry it from my cold dead hands. 🙂

    @drkknits I’ll gift it back to you next year… 🙂

    @henrytapia Some of that, I grant. What’s the harm in leaving the old version as an option for existing users?

    Waiting in massive queue at Strawberry Hills post office for parcel pickup. FML.

    On the plus side, I think it’s our package from Colette!! @randomknits @Gin_ev_ra

    Got my package. And then the clerk at @auspost Surry Hills managed to lose my drivers license in 30 seconds. Yes, really.

    @knitterjp @auspost Nope. There was a crush of 6 customers, 3 clerks, and a dog at the window. Hoping they find it later. REALLY annoying.

    Correction @auspost. It was Strawberry Hills. Too annoyed to type correctly. No, I didn’t get it back.

    @knitterjp Ooh, holiday is not cancelled? Yay!

    @bellsknits You just have to make new traditions! There’s plenty to like/enjoy about Xmas outside of kids opening gifts (tho that’s fun).

    This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it SHINE. My nephew is the coolest kid ever. So much joy!

    The good news is, replacement license only costs $23. Still, going back to @auspost tomorrow to see if it turned up. I KNOW it’s there.

    @jezfletcher Guy at work got one. Agree, it’s huge. Must not be marketing to women. I’d need two hands to do anything with it.

    @mrs_sockvictim Run. If you go, I’ll go!

    @Gin_ev_ra @randomknits Okay, how can I get you your patterns? You around the city at all in next 2 weeks?

    Well. @auspost website says Strawberry Hills PO opens at 9am. Yet here I am at 9:30 with the place locked up tight. WTF.

    @mrs_sockvictim @sixandahalfst I’m in the middle of one right now!

    @mrs_sockvictim @sixandahalfst Wet? Sun has been shining in Chippo! Not a bit of rain. Is it raining elsewhere??

  • The most insufferable Christmas song ever – Christmas –

    The most insufferable Christmas song ever – Christmas – – Every time I hear this song, I think about Nora‘s hatred of it. It’s my own Christmas tradition. 🙂

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    Half price? In my size?! Thank you, Santa Claus! #newdress

    Half price? In my size?! Thank you, Santa Claus! #newdress

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    @bellsknits You are nuts. Trashy mags are the BEST PART of the hairdresser! That’s my judging-trashy-celebrities time! 🙂

    F**k yeah, Sandy Cohen.

    @witty_knitter Awww, thanks M-H. I’m gonna be just fine. Nearly on hols… just a few hours more! 🙂

    Santa brought me a nice box of chocolates! @ MobileActive

    For this Yank, the wearing of silly hats at Christmas parties is still a novelty. @ Puntino Trattoria

    Morris & Sons knitters: we still on? Grace Bar seems closed. Does it open at 5? @knitterjp @Yarna_

    @knitterjp @Yarna_ @knitdra It’s open now and I’m here!

    @imdominating Yay! Toasty woollen socks are the best on a cold night.

    I am truly grateful for the co-workers that said they’d miss me but also wished me well. Even though I’ve still got 2weeks left. 🙂

    @stufromoz Gave notice yesterday. Starting at on Jan 23. Same role (BA). 🙂

    Hey @mrs_sockvictim! Some festive knitters want to know if you’re turning up…

    @mrs_sockvictim Ah, we figured something had gone wrong. You were missed!

  • Apple – iPhone – Videos – Santa

    Apple – iPhone – Videos – Santa – Awww, this is really cute! Santa uses Siri to plan his night.

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    For this Yank, the wearing of silly hats at Christmas parties is still a novelty.

    For this Yank, the wearing of silly hats at Christmas parties is still a novelty.

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    Santa brought me a nice box of chocolates!

    Santa brought me a nice box of chocolates!