Month: December 2011

  • Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals #35: Steak Indian-Style

    This was our 35th cooking/blogging experiment from Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals. We haven’t given up yet! We are still going! We’re just a few weeks behind. This is one we had a couple weeks ago, and frankly it wasn’t that memorable. It was “Steak Indian-Style with Spinach & Paneer Salad, Naan Breads, and Mango Dessert.” We chose it primarily because mangoes came into season! Unfortunately I don’t have the time saved on my phone, but I seem to remember it coming in around the 34 minute mark. The Snook was on chef’s duty for this one.

    Steak Indian-Style

    Substitutions: We couldn’t find Patak’s Jalfrezi paste, so we went with Balti instead. We left the cress out of the salad. We also had an unplanned substitution for the naan breads, but you’ll see about that soon enough. Other than that, everything was as written in the recipe.

    Quick verdict: Okay, Indian style steak?? THAT’S NOT A THING. Most Indians don’t even eat beef, much less marinate it in curry paste. It doesn’t taste bad; it’s just a weird idea. That aside, this meal was mostly okay. However, it’s one of the ones where I don’t really know how to eat it. There are just lots of small components, along with dips and such, and it’s just kind of confusing. Like, am I meant to be making a little open-faced sandwich? Or is it more of a salad? We liked all of the individual components well enough. We both rated it an 8 out of 10. I’m not really sure who you’d make this for, though. I sure won’t be serving it to my Indian friends!


  • RunningBlog: Week 50

    Holding steady. Work has been really busy in these last weeks before Christmas, so I haven’t been able to squeeze in any training sessions at Spudds. I did still manage my three runs though!

    Dec. 11: 7.65km
    Dec. 14: 5.17km
    Dec. 15: 2.76km (walking)
    Dec. 16: 5.86km
    Total this week: 18.68km (11.6mi)
    Total in 2011: 1007.85km (630mi)

    And I’ve crossed the 1000km mark! There isn’t really any chance I’m going to rack up 93km in the next two weeks, so I’m not quite going to reach my goal of 1100km in 2011. But I’m already past last year’s total, so I count that as a win. I’m also very happy to see that my fitness is recovering nicely from being sick. I still have a post-viral cough, but my doctor confirmed my lungs are clear and I’m good to run. My speed has been coming back a little more with every workout. Onwards and upwards…

  • Photo Post

    Sydney “summer.” #airquotes


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    @drkknits On my way! Catching a bus from Broadway.

    @drkknits Where are you guys??

    @drkknits How can I NOT find you??

    @drkknits Oh shit! I’m downstairs! And I just ordered a chilli dog. Will eat fast then join you. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Bookshop of Doom FTW. I swear, that is the BEST place for gifts in Sydney. Found exactly what I needed for Secret Santa!

    Also, how can you not love this spoileriffic signage? HE CUT HIS ARM OFF!!

    RT @maria7scruff: โ€œ@BeattieDoug: I need to prove something to my poor wife – RT if you remember the song. ‘Puff The Magic Dragon’ as a …

    Buses backed up at Central for 10 minutes now. What’s going on, George Street?!

    @goldfishgeorge Ahhh, that would’ve been it! Finally made it into work…

    Looking to get a third quote for kitchen renovation. Anybody have a recommended builder/kitchen guy in the Inner West?

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    How is it that the only cookie cutter I own is the state of Michigan? (Well, technically that’s two cutters, but STILL. Random.)

    @Yarna_ How about Lancashire cheese? Do you know what it’s meant to be like?

    British Picnic, complete w/ mackerel pรขtรฉ, sausage rolls, Eton mess, and Pimm’s Cup. Sun even came out! (cc @the_snook)

    Might be late for knitterly lunch tomorrow, depending how long we’re at Costco… (attn @drkknits @Yarna_ @knitterjp @mrs_sockvictim)

    @drkknits Nah, but we’re out of giant jars of salsa. And slabs of pork belly. All the necessities of the holiday season…

    @drkknits That’s for Tuesday. Snook’s gonna slow smoke it on the BBQ all day. (I am a lucky girl…)

    Spudd’s Christmas party. He called me out as one of only two girls to get triple 100’s o @ The Old Fitzroy Hotel

    Christmas party photo booth. DREAM! @ The Old Fitzroy Hotel

    @misswired Rampant commercial excess will be the order of the day. Best to prepare yourself for it…

  • Photo Post

    Christmas party photo booth. DREAM!

    Christmas party photo booth. DREAM!

  • Photo Post

    Spudd’s Christmas party. He called me out as one of only two girls to get triple 100’s on the rower. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Spudd's Christmas party. He called me out as one of only two girls to get triple 100's on the rower. :)

  • Three Cheers for Little Girl Spock

    Three Cheers for Little Girl Spock – That is the cutest, coolest thing I’ve ever seen. See? I’d have a kid if I could guarantee it would be AWESOME and like AWESOME NERD THINGS.

  • Bokeh Christmas Tree

    Bokeh Christmas Tree – We have no tree this year. I waited too long and every single artificial tree at Broadway was sold out last weekend!